I like to readreligiousbooks , cookand gardenI loveanimals. Ihave 4 catsand a dog.I am theformer secondbest speller inBurlingtonCountyI makehomemadewineI havemade ahole in onegolfingI was a silvermedalist inCycling at theMasters PanAmerican Gamesheld in Cuba.I was one ofthe Directorsof aCemeteryAssociationChristmasis myfavoriteholidayI attended a cross-country vintage car racein Italy several yearsago and by mistaketook a wrong turn in myrental car and woundup in the race!I like thecolorblueI likephotographyWhen I’mnotworking,I’m QuillingI like theshow"TheOffice"I became anuncle when Iwas inkindergarten.As a child I lived inGermany for two yearswhile my father workedin Stuttgart for IBM andI just took my familyand lived in Switzerlandfor 2 years whileworking for JnJMy first jobout of collegewas as agold assayerHave 2 catsand one ofthem has 3legsI used torace dirtbikes when Iwas youngerI love playingcricket andtennis. Also,like to learnabout differentculturesBy the time I was3 years old, I hadalready lived in 3different countries(Vietname, HongKong and UnitedStates).I’m partChineseI start myholidayshopping waybeforeThanksgiving.I was born inthe UnitedStates but notin a stateTook privatelessons fordance andpianoI like to readreligiousbooks , cookand gardenI loveanimals. Ihave 4 catsand a dog.I am theformer secondbest speller inBurlingtonCountyI makehomemadewineI havemade ahole in onegolfingI was a silvermedalist inCycling at theMasters PanAmerican Gamesheld in Cuba.I was one ofthe Directorsof aCemeteryAssociationChristmasis myfavoriteholidayI attended a cross-country vintage car racein Italy several yearsago and by mistaketook a wrong turn in myrental car and woundup in the race!I like thecolorblueI likephotographyWhen I’mnotworking,I’m QuillingI like theshow"TheOffice"I became anuncle when Iwas inkindergarten.As a child I lived inGermany for two yearswhile my father workedin Stuttgart for IBM andI just took my familyand lived in Switzerlandfor 2 years whileworking for JnJMy first jobout of collegewas as agold assayerHave 2 catsand one ofthem has 3legsI used torace dirtbikes when Iwas youngerI love playingcricket andtennis. Also,like to learnabout differentculturesBy the time I was3 years old, I hadalready lived in 3different countries(Vietname, HongKong and UnitedStates).I’m partChineseI start myholidayshopping waybeforeThanksgiving.I was born inthe UnitedStates but notin a stateTook privatelessons fordance andpiano

Fun Facts Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I like to read religious books , cook and garden
  2. I love animals. I have 4 cats and a dog.
  3. I am the former second best speller in Burlington County
  4. I make homemade wine
  5. I have made a hole in one golfing
  6. I was a silver medalist in Cycling at the Masters Pan American Games held in Cuba.
  7. I was one of the Directors of a Cemetery Association
  8. Christmas is my favorite holiday
  9. I attended a cross-country vintage car race in Italy several years ago and by mistake took a wrong turn in my rental car and wound up in the race!
  10. I like the color blue
  11. I like photography
  12. When I’m not working, I’m Quilling
  13. I like the show "The Office"
  14. I became an uncle when I was in kindergarten.
  15. As a child I lived in Germany for two years while my father worked in Stuttgart for IBM and I just took my family and lived in Switzerland for 2 years while working for JnJ
  16. My first job out of college was as a gold assayer
  17. Have 2 cats and one of them has 3 legs
  18. I used to race dirt bikes when I was younger
  19. I love playing cricket and tennis. Also, like to learn about different cultures
  20. By the time I was 3 years old, I had already lived in 3 different countries (Vietname, Hong Kong and United States).
  21. I’m part Chinese
  22. I start my holiday shopping way before Thanksgiving.
  23. I was born in the United States but not in a state
  24. Took private lessons for dance and piano