Played asport at thecollegiatelevelHas workedfor MHN orMercy morethan 20yearsHas been inTimesSquare onNew Year’sEveIs wearingChristmasundergarments(socks orother)Has at leastthree letters intheir name incommon with“Mary”Sings intheirchurchchoirHas a parentor siblingalso workingin healthcareHas metsomeonefamous and hasa picture orautograph toprove itJust likeJesus isan onlychildCut downtheir ownChristmastree this yearHas at leastthree letters intheir name incommon with“Jesus”Has morethan oneChristmas treedecorated intheir houseHascompletedtheirChristmasshoppingWas born inone of theMHNMedicalCentersWas born atone of theMHN RuralHospitalsHas atleast fourchildrenHas workedfor MHN forless thanone yearWearingChristmasAccessories(Jewelry orTie)Like ClarkGriswold hasvacationed inEuropeHas at leastone blow upChristmasornament intheir yardHas tickets toattend eitherthe Iowa orIowa State bowlgame thisseasonSpeaks asecondlanguagefluentlyPlays amusicalinstrumentHasvacationed inat least tenUS StatesHas at leastthree letters intheir name incommon with“Joseph”Attended thesame highschool as atleast oneparentHas a post highschool degreeor certificationin a field non-related to theircurrent positionIs travelingmore than 5hours awayfor ChristmasHas shotaGolf Holein OnePlayed asport at thecollegiatelevelHas workedfor MHN orMercy morethan 20yearsHas been inTimesSquare onNew Year’sEveIs wearingChristmasundergarments(socks orother)Has at leastthree letters intheir name incommon with“Mary”Sings intheirchurchchoirHas a parentor siblingalso workingin healthcareHas metsomeonefamous and hasa picture orautograph toprove itJust likeJesus isan onlychildCut downtheir ownChristmastree this yearHas at leastthree letters intheir name incommon with“Jesus”Has morethan oneChristmas treedecorated intheir houseHascompletedtheirChristmasshoppingWas born inone of theMHNMedicalCentersWas born atone of theMHN RuralHospitalsHas atleast fourchildrenHas workedfor MHN forless thanone yearWearingChristmasAccessories(Jewelry orTie)Like ClarkGriswold hasvacationed inEuropeHas at leastone blow upChristmasornament intheir yardHas tickets toattend eitherthe Iowa orIowa State bowlgame thisseasonSpeaks asecondlanguagefluentlyPlays amusicalinstrumentHasvacationed inat least tenUS StatesHas at leastthree letters intheir name incommon with“Joseph”Attended thesame highschool as atleast oneparentHas a post highschool degreeor certificationin a field non-related to theircurrent positionIs travelingmore than 5hours awayfor ChristmasHas shotaGolf Holein One

MHN Mingle Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Played a sport at the collegiate level
  2. Has worked for MHN or Mercy more than 20 years
  3. Has been in Times Square on New Year’s Eve
  4. Is wearing Christmas undergarments (socks or other)
  5. Has at least three letters in their name in common with “Mary”
  6. Sings in their church choir
  7. Has a parent or sibling also working in healthcare
  8. Has met someone famous and has a picture or autograph to prove it
  9. Just like Jesus is an only child
  10. Cut down their own Christmas tree this year
  11. Has at least three letters in their name in common with “Jesus”
  12. Has more than one Christmas tree decorated in their house
  13. Has completed their Christmas shopping
  14. Was born in one of the MHN Medical Centers
  15. Was born at one of the MHN Rural Hospitals
  16. Has at least four children
  17. Has worked for MHN for less than one year
  18. Wearing Christmas Accessories (Jewelry or Tie)
  19. Like Clark Griswold has vacationed in Europe
  20. Has at least one blow up Christmas ornament in their yard
  21. Has tickets to attend either the Iowa or Iowa State bowl game this season
  22. Speaks a second language fluently
  23. Plays a musical instrument
  24. Has vacationed in at least ten US States
  25. Has at least three letters in their name in common with “Joseph”
  26. Attended the same high school as at least one parent
  27. Has a post high school degree or certification in a field non-related to their current position
  28. Is traveling more than 5 hours away for Christmas
  29. Has shot a Golf Hole in One