Konecny getsa breakawayand shoots itinto thegoalie's pads.Crowddemands apenalty andthe refs give itto them.Flyers get athree on onebut don'teven get ashot away.JJ says"allude" whenhe means"elude", orvice versa.Cootsgrins.G makes ablind droppass thatgets stolen.Power playwith no shotsfor, or short-handed goal.JVRcheckssomeone.Opposingplayer endsa long goal-scoringdrought.Flyers get atwo on onebut don'teven get ashot away.Startinggoaliegetspulled.In-game promotedhighlights awardedto opposing player orteam [great check,fearless play, turningpoint]A goal is takenaway from theFlyers aftervideo review.Weal wins thepuck in a 50/50battle in thetrapezoid and thenhas no one topass it to.FormerFlyerscores.D makes badpinch,creatingbreakawayagainst.AMac gets a loosepuck with no onewithin ten feet ofhim, decides to eatthe puck into thewall, loses 50/50battle.Referee hitor falls down.Crowdcheers.Ghost tries to holdthe puck in theoffensive zone butit bounces overhis stick and getsout.Voracek makesa neutral zonepass that isbehind the feetof its target.Anyone butJJ uses theword"carom."Thecommentarycrew mistakesSanheim forHagg.Opposingteamscoresfirst.Reputationpenalty.Konecny getsa breakawayand shoots itinto thegoalie's pads.Crowddemands apenalty andthe refs give itto them.Flyers get athree on onebut don'teven get ashot away.JJ says"allude" whenhe means"elude", orvice versa.Cootsgrins.G makes ablind droppass thatgets stolen.Power playwith no shotsfor, or short-handed goal.JVRcheckssomeone.Opposingplayer endsa long goal-scoringdrought.Flyers get atwo on onebut don'teven get ashot away.Startinggoaliegetspulled.In-game promotedhighlights awardedto opposing player orteam [great check,fearless play, turningpoint]A goal is takenaway from theFlyers aftervideo review.Weal wins thepuck in a 50/50battle in thetrapezoid and thenhas no one topass it to.FormerFlyerscores.D makes badpinch,creatingbreakawayagainst.AMac gets a loosepuck with no onewithin ten feet ofhim, decides to eatthe puck into thewall, loses 50/50battle.Referee hitor falls down.Crowdcheers.Ghost tries to holdthe puck in theoffensive zone butit bounces overhis stick and getsout.Voracek makesa neutral zonepass that isbehind the feetof its target.Anyone butJJ uses theword"carom."Thecommentarycrew mistakesSanheim forHagg.Opposingteamscoresfirst.Reputationpenalty.

Flyers Fan Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Konecny gets a breakaway and shoots it into the goalie's pads.
  2. Crowd demands a penalty and the refs give it to them.
  3. Flyers get a three on one but don't even get a shot away.
  4. JJ says "allude" when he means "elude", or vice versa.
  5. Coots grins.
  6. G makes a blind drop pass that gets stolen.
  7. Power play with no shots for, or short-handed goal.
  8. JVR checks someone.
  9. Opposing player ends a long goal-scoring drought.
  10. Flyers get a two on one but don't even get a shot away.
  11. Starting goalie gets pulled.
  12. In-game promoted highlights awarded to opposing player or team [great check, fearless play, turning point]
  13. A goal is taken away from the Flyers after video review.
  14. Weal wins the puck in a 50/50 battle in the trapezoid and then has no one to pass it to.
  15. Former Flyer scores.
  16. D makes bad pinch, creating breakaway against.
  17. AMac gets a loose puck with no one within ten feet of him, decides to eat the puck into the wall, loses 50/50 battle.
  18. Referee hit or falls down. Crowd cheers.
  19. Ghost tries to hold the puck in the offensive zone but it bounces over his stick and gets out.
  20. Voracek makes a neutral zone pass that is behind the feet of its target.
  21. Anyone but JJ uses the word "carom."
  22. The commentary crew mistakes Sanheim for Hagg.
  23. Opposing team scores first.
  24. Reputation penalty.