“Yeah?”Talking about howmuch we hateMarket Baskettogether +1 if Ianis mentionedangrilyKirstyn makingbad jokes +1 if it’sa small boy joke+2 if it uses theword “gig” +3 if it’sa vegetariansnack jokeArguing over who’scuter +1 if somebodysays “fight me” +2 ifAlex says “bet” butdoesn’t actually doanythingGettingtold we arethe samepersonAlex saying “I’mproud of you”when Kirstyndoes the BAREMINIMUMGuitarCenter“It’s okayyyyy”+1 if it’s saidin a highpitched voiceMaking selfdeprecation jokesabout ourselvesbut telling theother person howgreat they areKirstyn aggressivelycaring about Alex’shealth +1 if it’s tellinghim to go the doctor +2if it’s blood sugarrelated +3 if it’s tellinghim to go to sleep whileon FaceTime“BIG.CUTE.”Not being able tomake decisions +1if Alex says “don’tput this on me” +2if Kirstyn tells Alexthat he canchooseKirstynmaking a“boys who____ hearteyes” jokeSayingsomethingSLAPSConstant facekisses +1 if theyare followed byKirstyn saying“got em”Weird commentson photos of ustogether +1 if weget called coupleof the year +2 ifRen leaves a thirstcommentInterrupting eachother’s yawns +1 ifthe yawn ismocked +2 if akiss is attemptedduring said yawn“You’rejust thebest”Kirstyn beingaggressiveand Alex justsaying “oH”Struggling to get up+1 if Kirstyn says “I’mtrying my best” +2 ifwe both just end uplaying there foranother 30 minutesinstead of actuallygetting upTheSuicidePactMaking too manylocal band puns+1 if it’s a lastconversation pun+2 if it’s a tornshreds punLIGHTTHEMATCHSaying ordoingsomethingin sync“Yeah?”Talking about howmuch we hateMarket Baskettogether +1 if Ianis mentionedangrilyKirstyn makingbad jokes +1 if it’sa small boy joke+2 if it uses theword “gig” +3 if it’sa vegetariansnack jokeArguing over who’scuter +1 if somebodysays “fight me” +2 ifAlex says “bet” butdoesn’t actually doanythingGettingtold we arethe samepersonAlex saying “I’mproud of you”when Kirstyndoes the BAREMINIMUMGuitarCenter“It’s okayyyyy”+1 if it’s saidin a highpitched voiceMaking selfdeprecation jokesabout ourselvesbut telling theother person howgreat they areKirstyn aggressivelycaring about Alex’shealth +1 if it’s tellinghim to go the doctor +2if it’s blood sugarrelated +3 if it’s tellinghim to go to sleep whileon FaceTime“BIG.CUTE.”Not being able tomake decisions +1if Alex says “don’tput this on me” +2if Kirstyn tells Alexthat he canchooseKirstynmaking a“boys who____ hearteyes” jokeSayingsomethingSLAPSConstant facekisses +1 if theyare followed byKirstyn saying“got em”Weird commentson photos of ustogether +1 if weget called coupleof the year +2 ifRen leaves a thirstcommentInterrupting eachother’s yawns +1 ifthe yawn ismocked +2 if akiss is attemptedduring said yawn“You’rejust thebest”Kirstyn beingaggressiveand Alex justsaying “oH”Struggling to get up+1 if Kirstyn says “I’mtrying my best” +2 ifwe both just end uplaying there foranother 30 minutesinstead of actuallygetting upTheSuicidePactMaking too manylocal band puns+1 if it’s a lastconversation pun+2 if it’s a tornshreds punLIGHTTHEMATCHSaying ordoingsomethingin sync

Kirstyn and Alex Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. “Yeah?”
  2. Talking about how much we hate Market Basket together +1 if Ian is mentioned angrily
  3. Kirstyn making bad jokes +1 if it’s a small boy joke +2 if it uses the word “gig” +3 if it’s a vegetarian snack joke
  4. Arguing over who’s cuter +1 if somebody says “fight me” +2 if Alex says “bet” but doesn’t actually do anything
  5. Getting told we are the same person
  6. Alex saying “I’m proud of you” when Kirstyn does the BARE MINIMUM
  7. Guitar Center
  8. “It’s okayyyyy” +1 if it’s said in a high pitched voice
  9. Making self deprecation jokes about ourselves but telling the other person how great they are
  10. Kirstyn aggressively caring about Alex’s health +1 if it’s telling him to go the doctor +2 if it’s blood sugar related +3 if it’s telling him to go to sleep while on FaceTime
  11. “BIG. CUTE.”
  12. Not being able to make decisions +1 if Alex says “don’t put this on me” +2 if Kirstyn tells Alex that he can choose
  13. Kirstyn making a “boys who ____ heart eyes” joke
  14. Saying something SLAPS
  15. Constant face kisses +1 if they are followed by Kirstyn saying “got em”
  16. Weird comments on photos of us together +1 if we get called couple of the year +2 if Ren leaves a thirst comment
  17. Interrupting each other’s yawns +1 if the yawn is mocked +2 if a kiss is attempted during said yawn
  18. “You’re just the best”
  19. Kirstyn being aggressive and Alex just saying “oH”
  20. Struggling to get up +1 if Kirstyn says “I’m trying my best” +2 if we both just end up laying there for another 30 minutes instead of actually getting up
  21. The Suicide Pact
  22. Making too many local band puns +1 if it’s a last conversation pun +2 if it’s a torn shreds pun
  24. Saying or doing something in sync