to point outor point to;directattention to(indicate)intended to attain oraccomplish;purpose; goal; notinfluenced bypersonal feelings,interpretations, orprejudice (objective)to follow the lineor development ofsomething,especially byfiguring it out fromthe evidence(trace)assert theopposite ofa statement(contradict)the order inwhich thingshappen orshould happen(sequence)to bring tomind orrecall(evoke)tending tocause harm(detrimental)explaining themeaning ofanother's work(interpretation)a category (as inliterature, music)of items that havesimilar form, style,or subject matter(genre)to understandor interpretsomething in aparticular way(perceive)out of date;no longerused(obsolete)to begin; tojoin a secretgroup,typically with aritual (initiate)to show tobe just orright(justify)having morethan onepossiblemeaning orinterpretation(ambiguous)usingsomeone'swords or ideasas if they wereyours(plagiarism)to come to aconclusion or forman opinion aboutsomething on thebasis of evidenceor reasoning(infer)expressingadverse ordisapprovingcomments orjudgments(critical)second orsecondmentioned oftwo people orthings (latter)not stated, butunderstood inwhat isexpressed(implicit)to quote asan example,authority, orproof (cite)written or spokenstatement thatprecede or follow aspecific word orpassage, usuallyinfluencing itsmeaning (context)give something ormake up forsomething inrecognition ofloss, injury, orwork performed(compensate)make partial orminor changes to(something),typically so as toimprove it or tomake it lessextreme (modify)later in time ororder thansomethingelse(subsequent)the action of oneobject coming forciblyinto contact withanother; have astrong effect onsomeone orsomething (impact)to be inagreement or tocommunicateby letter(correspond)logical;consistent andorderly; tostick together(coherent)pertaining to orcharacterized byenergy or effectiveaction; vigorouslyactive or forceful;energetic (dynamic)detailedevaluation;review(critique)accept oradmit theexistence ortruth of(acknowledge)to examinesomething in greatdetail in order tounderstand it betteror discover moreabout it (analyze)convey (a meaningor intention)indirectly throughwhat one says,rather than stating itexplicitly; imply(implicate)a strongreason to actor dosomething(motivation)identify adifference;something thatis different(contrast)to behave as ifone is from asuperiorposition, rank, ordignity(condescending)to hold up orprovide afoundation forsomething(support)to drawsomethingup carefullyand in detail(formulate)an expressiondesigned to callsomething to mindwithout mentioning itexplicitly; an indirector passing reference(allusion)somethingchosen, suchas a piece oftext to read(selection)give specialimportance orprominence to(something) inspeaking orwriting(emphasize)a firm decision todo or not dosomething; theaction of solving aproblem(resolution)excluding or notadmitting otherthings/ includingthings normallyexpected(exclusive/inclusive)to say what is goingto happen in thefuture, often on thebasis of presentindications or pastexperience (predict)the responsegiven bysomeone whodisagrees withthe claim(counterclaim)of greatimportance(significant)tending to useexaggeratedlanguage;effective use oflanguage(rhetoric(al))the action orinfluence ofpeople, groups,or objects onone another(interaction)provide explanatoryor decorativepictures toaccompany aprinted, spoken, orelectronic text(illustrate)situated near orclose tosomething or eachother, especiallywithout touching(adjacent)the action ofmaking somethinghappen; whatcauses somethingto occur(causation)to leaveout(omit)a greatdifference; lackof similarity orequality;inequality(disparity)to be related ina way that onepart dependson the other(correlate)a meaning that isdifferent from the basicmeaning; somethingthat is not to beinterpreted literally, butthat instead uses asymbol or a likeness(figurative)to give an accountof something bygiving details of itscharacteristics(describe)a standardby whichsomething isjudged(criteria)causesomething toarise or comeabout; toproduce(generate)consistentlygood in qualityor performance;able to betrusted(reliable)moving orextending indifferentdirections froma common point(diverge)to consider orexamine something inorder to judge itsvalue, quality,importance, extent, orcondition (evaluate)having a soundbasis in logic orfact;reasonable/not tobe trusted due topoor logic(valid/invalid)having orproviding asmuch as isneeded(sufficient)to causesomeone tobelieve thatsomething istrue (convince)to move a cause,interest, or claimforward, to helpmake it successful(advance (anidea))the actualmeaning ofa word(denotation)a form ofsomething (suchas a form of art,writing, etc.)(medium/media)say or doagain orrepeatedly;excessively(reiterate)an unfairpreference foror dislike ofsomething(bias)to change,correct, orreconsidersomething tomake better(revise)a traditionalmethod or style;a standardcustom(convention)mostimportant orstrongest(predominant)a quality,property, orcharacteristic ofsomebody orsomething(attribute)to give a shortenedversion of somethingthat has been said orwritten, stating itsmain points andimportant details(summarize)generally orwidelyaccepted,practiced, orfavored(prevalent)an idea orfeeling that aword makespeople thinkabout(connotation)to give an account ofsomething withenough clarity anddetail to beunderstood bysomebody else(explain)the detailssurrounding asituation, or acondition thatcauses something tooccur (circumstance)to estimateor judgethe value(assess)expressing all detailsin a clear andobvious way, leavingno doubt as to theintended meaning(explicitz)not consistentor having afixed pattern;able to changeor adapt(variable)the state or quality ofbeing in disagreement,by displaying anunexpected orunacceptabledifference;inconsistency(discrepancy)to reach orobtain byreasoning(derive)first or firstmentioned oftwo people orthings (former)depart from anestablished course; toturn or wander, often byslight degrees, fromwhat is considered themost direct or desirableapproach (deviate)plain or clearto the sight orunderstanding(evident)difference in sizeor circumstance;relation betweentwo expressionsthat are not equal(inequality)unnecessaryrepetition inexpressingideas(redundant)having some sensibleor logical connectionwith something elsesuch as a matter beingdiscussed orinvestigated/not related(relevant/irrelevant)wellintegrated;unified(cohesive)skilled oradavanced(proficient)formalanddignified(solemn)to lay outin order;outline(delineate)a person whoargues for orsupports acause or policy(advocate)a result oreffect of anaction orcondition(consequence)an earlier event oraction that can beused as an exampleto be considered insimilarcircumstances(precedent)to examine two ormore people orideas in order todiscover similaritiesand differencesbetween them(compare)establish orexplain themeaning orsignificance ofsomething(interpret)create difficultiesfor (someone orsomething),resulting in delayor obstruction(hinder)a statement,reason, or factfor or againsta point of view(argument)to completeor bring toperfection(complement)A previous statementfrom which another isinferred or follows as aconclusion; an idea ortheory on which astatement or action isbased (premise)somethingidentical or similarin essentialrespects; match;counterpart(parallel)taking words intheir usual or mostbasic sense;representing theexact words(literally)hesitant,unwillingor doubtful(reluctant)a system in whichpeople or thingsare placed in aseries of levelswith differentimportance orstatus (hierarchy)something thatcomes first inorder to preparefor or introducethe main part ofsomething else(preliminary)total honesty andsincerity; thecondition of beingfree from damageor defect(integrity)an idea youbelieve to betrue and cansupport withevidence(claim)to point outor point to;directattention to(indicate)intended to attain oraccomplish;purpose; goal; notinfluenced bypersonal feelings,interpretations, orprejudice (objective)to follow the lineor development ofsomething,especially byfiguring it out fromthe evidence(trace)assert theopposite ofa statement(contradict)the order inwhich thingshappen orshould happen(sequence)to bring tomind orrecall(evoke)tending tocause harm(detrimental)explaining themeaning ofanother's work(interpretation)a category (as inliterature, music)of items that havesimilar form, style,or subject matter(genre)to understandor interpretsomething in aparticular way(perceive)out of date;no longerused(obsolete)to begin; tojoin a secretgroup,typically with aritual (initiate)to show tobe just orright(justify)having morethan onepossiblemeaning orinterpretation(ambiguous)usingsomeone'swords or ideasas if they wereyours(plagiarism)to come to aconclusion or forman opinion aboutsomething on thebasis of evidenceor reasoning(infer)expressingadverse ordisapprovingcomments orjudgments(critical)second orsecondmentioned oftwo people orthings (latter)not stated, butunderstood inwhat isexpressed(implicit)to quote asan example,authority, orproof (cite)written or spokenstatement thatprecede or follow aspecific word orpassage, usuallyinfluencing itsmeaning (context)give something ormake up forsomething inrecognition ofloss, injury, orwork performed(compensate)make partial orminor changes to(something),typically so as toimprove it or tomake it lessextreme (modify)later in time ororder thansomethingelse(subsequent)the action of oneobject coming forciblyinto contact withanother; have astrong effect onsomeone orsomething (impact)to be inagreement or tocommunicateby letter(correspond)logical;consistent andorderly; tostick together(coherent)pertaining to orcharacterized byenergy or effectiveaction; vigorouslyactive or forceful;energetic (dynamic)detailedevaluation;review(critique)accept oradmit theexistence ortruth of(acknowledge)to examinesomething in greatdetail in order tounderstand it betteror discover moreabout it (analyze)convey (a meaningor intention)indirectly throughwhat one says,rather than stating itexplicitly; imply(implicate)a strongreason to actor dosomething(motivation)identify adifference;something thatis different(contrast)to behave as ifone is from asuperiorposition, rank, ordignity(condescending)to hold up orprovide afoundation forsomething(support)to drawsomethingup carefullyand in detail(formulate)an expressiondesigned to callsomething to mindwithout mentioning itexplicitly; an indirector passing reference(allusion)somethingchosen, suchas a piece oftext to read(selection)give specialimportance orprominence to(something) inspeaking orwriting(emphasize)a firm decision todo or not dosomething; theaction of solving aproblem(resolution)excluding or notadmitting otherthings/ includingthings normallyexpected(exclusive/inclusive)to say what is goingto happen in thefuture, often on thebasis of presentindications or pastexperience (predict)the responsegiven bysomeone whodisagrees withthe claim(counterclaim)of greatimportance(significant)tending to useexaggeratedlanguage;effective use oflanguage(rhetoric(al))the action orinfluence ofpeople, groups,or objects onone another(interaction)provide explanatoryor decorativepictures toaccompany aprinted, spoken, orelectronic text(illustrate)situated near orclose tosomething or eachother, especiallywithout touching(adjacent)the action ofmaking somethinghappen; whatcauses somethingto occur(causation)to leaveout(omit)a greatdifference; lackof similarity orequality;inequality(disparity)to be related ina way that onepart dependson the other(correlate)a meaning that isdifferent from the basicmeaning; somethingthat is not to beinterpreted literally, butthat instead uses asymbol or a likeness(figurative)to give an accountof something bygiving details of itscharacteristics(describe)a standardby whichsomething isjudged(criteria)causesomething toarise or comeabout; toproduce(generate)consistentlygood in qualityor performance;able to betrusted(reliable)moving orextending indifferentdirections froma common point(diverge)to consider orexamine something inorder to judge itsvalue, quality,importance, extent, orcondition (evaluate)having a soundbasis in logic orfact;reasonable/not tobe trusted due topoor logic(valid/invalid)having orproviding asmuch as isneeded(sufficient)to causesomeone tobelieve thatsomething istrue (convince)to move a cause,interest, or claimforward, to helpmake it successful(advance (anidea))the actualmeaning ofa word(denotation)a form ofsomething (suchas a form of art,writing, etc.)(medium/media)say or doagain orrepeatedly;excessively(reiterate)an unfairpreference foror dislike ofsomething(bias)to change,correct, orreconsidersomething tomake better(revise)a traditionalmethod or style;a standardcustom(convention)mostimportant orstrongest(predominant)a quality,property, orcharacteristic ofsomebody orsomething(attribute)to give a shortenedversion of somethingthat has been said orwritten, stating itsmain points andimportant details(summarize)generally orwidelyaccepted,practiced, orfavored(prevalent)an idea orfeeling that aword makespeople thinkabout(connotation)to give an account ofsomething withenough clarity anddetail to beunderstood bysomebody else(explain)the detailssurrounding asituation, or acondition thatcauses something tooccur (circumstance)to estimateor judgethe value(assess)expressing all detailsin a clear andobvious way, leavingno doubt as to theintended meaning(explicitz)not consistentor having afixed pattern;able to changeor adapt(variable)the state or quality ofbeing in disagreement,by displaying anunexpected orunacceptabledifference;inconsistency(discrepancy)to reach orobtain byreasoning(derive)first or firstmentioned oftwo people orthings (former)depart from anestablished course; toturn or wander, often byslight degrees, fromwhat is considered themost direct or desirableapproach (deviate)plain or clearto the sight orunderstanding(evident)difference in sizeor circumstance;relation betweentwo expressionsthat are not equal(inequality)unnecessaryrepetition inexpressingideas(redundant)having some sensibleor logical connectionwith something elsesuch as a matter beingdiscussed orinvestigated/not related(relevant/irrelevant)wellintegrated;unified(cohesive)skilled oradavanced(proficient)formalanddignified(solemn)to lay outin order;outline(delineate)a person whoargues for orsupports acause or policy(advocate)a result oreffect of anaction orcondition(consequence)an earlier event oraction that can beused as an exampleto be considered insimilarcircumstances(precedent)to examine two ormore people orideas in order todiscover similaritiesand differencesbetween them(compare)establish orexplain themeaning orsignificance ofsomething(interpret)create difficultiesfor (someone orsomething),resulting in delayor obstruction(hinder)a statement,reason, or factfor or againsta point of view(argument)to completeor bring toperfection(complement)A previous statementfrom which another isinferred or follows as aconclusion; an idea ortheory on which astatement or action isbased (premise)somethingidentical or similarin essentialrespects; match;counterpart(parallel)taking words intheir usual or mostbasic sense;representing theexact words(literally)hesitant,unwillingor doubtful(reluctant)a system in whichpeople or thingsare placed in aseries of levelswith differentimportance orstatus (hierarchy)something thatcomes first inorder to preparefor or introducethe main part ofsomething else(preliminary)total honesty andsincerity; thecondition of beingfree from damageor defect(integrity)an idea youbelieve to betrue and cansupport withevidence(claim)

Wildcat Word Cornhole 1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. to point out or point to; direct attention to (indicate)
  2. intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice (objective)
  3. to follow the line or development of something, especially by figuring it out from the evidence (trace)
  4. assert the opposite of a statement (contradict)
  5. the order in which things happen or should happen (sequence)
  6. to bring to mind or recall (evoke)
  7. tending to cause harm (detrimental)
  8. explaining the meaning of another's work (interpretation)
  9. a category (as in literature, music) of items that have similar form, style, or subject matter (genre)
  10. to understand or interpret something in a particular way (perceive)
  11. out of date; no longer used (obsolete)
  12. to begin; to join a secret group, typically with a ritual (initiate)
  13. to show to be just or right (justify)
  14. having more than one possible meaning or interpretation (ambiguous)
  15. using someone's words or ideas as if they were yours (plagiarism)
  16. to come to a conclusion or form an opinion about something on the basis of evidence or reasoning (infer)
  17. expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments (critical)
  18. second or second mentioned of two people or things (latter)
  19. not stated, but understood in what is expressed (implicit)
  20. to quote as an example, authority, or proof (cite)
  21. written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning (context)
  22. give something or make up for something in recognition of loss, injury, or work performed (compensate)
  23. make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme (modify)
  24. later in time or order than something else (subsequent)
  25. the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another; have a strong effect on someone or something (impact)
  26. to be in agreement or to communicate by letter (correspond)
  27. logical; consistent and orderly; to stick together (coherent)
  28. pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic (dynamic)
  29. detailed evaluation; review (critique)
  30. accept or admit the existence or truth of (acknowledge)
  31. to examine something in great detail in order to understand it better or discover more about it (analyze)
  32. convey (a meaning or intention) indirectly through what one says, rather than stating it explicitly; imply (implicate)
  33. a strong reason to act or do something (motivation)
  34. identify a difference; something that is different (contrast)
  35. to behave as if one is from a superior position, rank, or dignity (condescending)
  36. to hold up or provide a foundation for something (support)
  37. to draw something up carefully and in detail (formulate)
  38. an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference (allusion)
  39. something chosen, such as a piece of text to read (selection)
  40. give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing (emphasize)
  41. a firm decision to do or not do something; the action of solving a problem (resolution)
  42. excluding or not admitting other things/ including things normally expected (exclusive/inclusive)
  43. to say what is going to happen in the future, often on the basis of present indications or past experience (predict)
  44. the response given by someone who disagrees with the claim (counterclaim)
  45. of great importance (significant)
  46. tending to use exaggerated language; effective use of language (rhetoric(al))
  47. the action or influence of people, groups, or objects on one another (interaction)
  48. provide explanatory or decorative pictures to accompany a printed, spoken, or electronic text (illustrate)
  49. situated near or close to something or each other, especially without touching (adjacent)
  50. the action of making something happen; what causes something to occur (causation)
  51. to leave out (omit)
  52. a great difference; lack of similarity or equality; inequality (disparity)
  53. to be related in a way that one part depends on the other (correlate)
  54. a meaning that is different from the basic meaning; something that is not to be interpreted literally, but that instead uses a symbol or a likeness (figurative)
  55. to give an account of something by giving details of its characteristics (describe)
  56. a standard by which something is judged (criteria)
  57. cause something to arise or come about; to produce (generate)
  58. consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted (reliable)
  59. moving or extending in different directions from a common point (diverge)
  60. to consider or examine something in order to judge its value, quality, importance, extent, or condition (evaluate)
  61. having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable/not to be trusted due to poor logic (valid/invalid)
  62. having or providing as much as is needed (sufficient)
  63. to cause someone to believe that something is true (convince)
  64. to move a cause, interest, or claim forward, to help make it successful (advance (an idea))
  65. the actual meaning of a word (denotation)
  66. a form of something (such as a form of art, writing, etc.) (medium/media)
  67. say or do again or repeatedly; excessively (reiterate)
  68. an unfair preference for or dislike of something (bias)
  69. to change, correct, or reconsider something to make better (revise)
  70. a traditional method or style; a standard custom (convention)
  71. most important or strongest (predominant)
  72. a quality, property, or characteristic of somebody or something (attribute)
  73. to give a shortened version of something that has been said or written, stating its main points and important details (summarize)
  74. generally or widely accepted, practiced, or favored (prevalent)
  75. an idea or feeling that a word makes people think about (connotation)
  76. to give an account of something with enough clarity and detail to be understood by somebody else (explain)
  77. the details surrounding a situation, or a condition that causes something to occur (circumstance)
  78. to estimate or judge the value (assess)
  79. expressing all details in a clear and obvious way, leaving no doubt as to the intended meaning (explicitz)
  80. not consistent or having a fixed pattern; able to change or adapt (variable)
  81. the state or quality of being in disagreement, by displaying an unexpected or unacceptable difference; inconsistency (discrepancy)
  82. to reach or obtain by reasoning (derive)
  83. first or first mentioned of two people or things (former)
  84. depart from an established course; to turn or wander, often by slight degrees, from what is considered the most direct or desirable approach (deviate)
  85. plain or clear to the sight or understanding (evident)
  86. difference in size or circumstance; relation between two expressions that are not equal (inequality)
  87. unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas (redundant)
  88. having some sensible or logical connection with something else such as a matter being discussed or investigated/not related (relevant/irrelevant)
  89. well integrated; unified (cohesive)
  90. skilled or adavanced (proficient)
  91. formal and dignified (solemn)
  92. to lay out in order; outline (delineate)
  93. a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy (advocate)
  94. a result or effect of an action or condition (consequence)
  95. an earlier event or action that can be used as an example to be considered in similar circumstances (precedent)
  96. to examine two or more people or ideas in order to discover similarities and differences between them (compare)
  97. establish or explain the meaning or significance of something (interpret)
  98. create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction (hinder)
  99. a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point of view (argument)
  100. to complete or bring to perfection (complement)
  101. A previous statement from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion; an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based (premise)
  102. something identical or similar in essential respects; match; counterpart (parallel)
  103. taking words in their usual or most basic sense; representing the exact words (literally)
  104. hesitant, unwilling or doubtful (reluctant)
  105. a system in which people or things are placed in a series of levels with different importance or status (hierarchy)
  106. something that comes first in order to prepare for or introduce the main part of something else (preliminary)
  107. total honesty and sincerity; the condition of being free from damage or defect (integrity)
  108. an idea you believe to be true and can support with evidence (claim)