Have youadopted orrescued ananimal?Have yourecycled?Have youdonesomething tohelp aneighbor?Have you everreached out toa friend thatwas upset?Have youstood upto a bully?Have youbeen to arally or aprotest?Have youeverbabysat?Free!Are you ina sport orclub?Have youtaken on aleadershiprole in yourcommunity?Have youever hada job?Have youhelped raisemoney for acharity orworthy cause?Have youvolunteered?Have youcleanedup trashor litter?Have youever helpedout withoutbeing asked?Have yourespectfullytalked aboutissues withsomeone youdisagree with?Have youadopted orrescued ananimal?Have yourecycled?Have youdonesomething tohelp aneighbor?Have you everreached out toa friend thatwas upset?Have youstood upto a bully?Have youbeen to arally or aprotest?Have youeverbabysat?Free!Are you ina sport orclub?Have youtaken on aleadershiprole in yourcommunity?Have youever hada job?Have youhelped raisemoney for acharity orworthy cause?Have youvolunteered?Have youcleanedup trashor litter?Have youever helpedout withoutbeing asked?Have yourespectfullytalked aboutissues withsomeone youdisagree with?

Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Have you adopted or rescued an animal?
  2. Have you recycled?
  3. Have you done something to help a neighbor?
  4. Have you ever reached out to a friend that was upset?
  5. Have you stood up to a bully?
  6. Have you been to a rally or a protest?
  7. Have you ever babysat?
  8. Free!
  9. Are you in a sport or club?
  10. Have you taken on a leadership role in your community?
  11. Have you ever had a job?
  12. Have you helped raise money for a charity or worthy cause?
  13. Have you volunteered?
  14. Have you cleaned up trash or litter?
  15. Have you ever helped out without being asked?
  16. Have you respectfully talked about issues with someone you disagree with?