Letsomeone goahead ofyou in line.Donatefood to afood bank.Send apostcard to afamilymember wholives far away.Write chalkmessages onthe sidewalkfor yourneighbors.Hold the dooropen forsomeone andwish them ablessed day!Leave inspiringnotes/quotes onpainted rocksand hide themaround town.Write anupliftingletter to afriend.Pay for thedrive-thruorderbehind you.Smile andsay hello toeveryoneyou see.Write a letter toyour pastor, priestor clergy and tellthem what youadmire aboutthem.Leave bubblesat the parkwith a note forwhoever findsthem.Leave aquarter ina candymachine.Send a recentpicture to adistant familymember.Leavehandmadebookmarks inyour favoritebooks at thelibraryCompliment thecashier at thesupermarketnext time yougo shopping.Make ahomemadegift for a friendor familymember.Pick up at least3 pieces oftrasheverywhere yougo for a day.Host aplaydate withsnacks foryour friends.Make a thankyou sign for thetrash collectorsin yourneighborhood.Make a cardor gift foryour favoriteteacher.Fill abirdfeederwithbirdseed.Pass outcool stickersto every kidyou see.Donateoldclothesand toys.Taketreats to aneighbor.Write athank younote to themail carrier.Letsomeone goahead ofyou in line.Donatefood to afood bank.Send apostcard to afamilymember wholives far away.Write chalkmessages onthe sidewalkfor yourneighbors.Hold the dooropen forsomeone andwish them ablessed day!Leave inspiringnotes/quotes onpainted rocksand hide themaround town.Write anupliftingletter to afriend.Pay for thedrive-thruorderbehind you.Smile andsay hello toeveryoneyou see.Write a letter toyour pastor, priestor clergy and tellthem what youadmire aboutthem.Leave bubblesat the parkwith a note forwhoever findsthem.Leave aquarter ina candymachine.Send a recentpicture to adistant familymember.Leavehandmadebookmarks inyour favoritebooks at thelibraryCompliment thecashier at thesupermarketnext time yougo shopping.Make ahomemadegift for a friendor familymember.Pick up at least3 pieces oftrasheverywhere yougo for a day.Host aplaydate withsnacks foryour friends.Make a thankyou sign for thetrash collectorsin yourneighborhood.Make a cardor gift foryour favoriteteacher.Fill abirdfeederwithbirdseed.Pass outcool stickersto every kidyou see.Donateoldclothesand toys.Taketreats to aneighbor.Write athank younote to themail carrier.

Random Acts of Kindness BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
  2. Donate food to a food bank.
  3. Send a postcard to a family member who lives far away.
  4. Write chalk messages on the sidewalk for your neighbors.
  5. Hold the door open for someone and wish them a blessed day!
  6. Leave inspiring notes/quotes on painted rocks and hide them around town.
  7. Write an uplifting letter to a friend.
  8. Pay for the drive-thru order behind you.
  9. Smile and say hello to everyone you see.
  10. Write a letter to your pastor, priest or clergy and tell them what you admire about them.
  11. Leave bubbles at the park with a note for whoever finds them.
  12. Leave a quarter in a candy machine.
  13. Send a recent picture to a distant family member.
  14. Leave handmade bookmarks in your favorite books at the library
  15. Compliment the cashier at the supermarket next time you go shopping.
  16. Make a homemade gift for a friend or family member.
  17. Pick up at least 3 pieces of trash everywhere you go for a day.
  18. Host a playdate with snacks for your friends.
  19. Make a thank you sign for the trash collectors in your neighborhood.
  20. Make a card or gift for your favorite teacher.
  21. Fill a birdfeeder with birdseed.
  22. Pass out cool stickers to every kid you see.
  23. Donate old clothes and toys.
  24. Take treats to a neighbor.
  25. Write a thank you note to the mail carrier.