Watchsomeonesperformanceand give goodfeedbackPerform foryour parentand get feedback (Checkoff with parent)Perform full piecein front of adifferent coach orcaptain from week5, 4, and 3Confide insomeoneyour greatestspeech fearPerform atMassShowing ONTIME(4/1)Have your publishedscript/book, cleancutting, highlightedcopy, and emailKaleo works cited,title & authorTake one dayoff to relaxand enjoyyour break!Find the weeklyspeechie items(Watch a full speech,give feedback, andcome to me for whatyou need to find:DUO)Watchsomeonesperformanceand give goodfeedbackPerform foryour parentand get feedback (Checkoff with parent)Perform full piecein front of adifferent coach orcaptain from week5, 4, and 3Confide insomeoneyour greatestspeech fearPerform atMassShowing ONTIME(4/1)Have your publishedscript/book, cleancutting, highlightedcopy, and emailKaleo works cited,title & authorTake one dayoff to relaxand enjoyyour break!Find the weeklyspeechie items(Watch a full speech,give feedback, andcome to me for whatyou need to find:DUO)

Week 2 Bingo: Spring Break - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Watch someones performance and give good feedback
  2. Perform for your parent and get feed back (Check off with parent)
  3. Perform full piece in front of a different coach or captain from week 5, 4, and 3
  4. Confide in someone your greatest speech fear
  5. Perform at Mass Showing ON TIME (4/1)
  6. Have your published script/book, clean cutting, highlighted copy, and email Kaleo works cited, title & author
  7. Take one day off to relax and enjoy your break!
  8. Find the weekly speechie items (Watch a full speech, give feedback, and come to me for what you need to find: DUO)