What is32% of2250Radio prices at$19.60. 15%discount is given.How much is theradio afterdiscount.The price of abook is $18.Sara is given adiscount 15%.Work out thediscountAnna scored20 marks outof 50. Work outher percentagescore.Convert1/5 intopercentageWhich oneis thesmallest.0.43 or 4/9Convert 0.68into fractionin its lowesttermA school has 240student. There are131 girls. Whatpercentage of thestudents are girl?What is32% of$2250Write 360 asa fraction of2250 in itslowest termWrite 5/9asdecimal(2dp)Radio prices at$19.60. 15%discount is given.How much is theradio afterdiscount.Ali invest $12 500and has increaseto $15500.Calculate thepercentageincrease.Find75% of$1000A school has 350students. 96% ofthe students werepresent. Howmany wereabsent?Convert28% asdecimalConvert75% asfraction in itslowest termWhich oneis thesmallest.0.43 or 4/9Convert28% asdecimalFind 2/5of $30000Convert 0.68into fractionin its lowesttermWhat ishalf of$300.Find 2/5of $30000Write 360 asa fraction of2250 in itslowest termFind 5/8of$208.56Write 5/9asdecimal(2dp)The price of abook is $18.Sara is given adiscount 15%.Work out thediscountWhat is32% of2250Radio prices at$19.60. 15%discount is given.How much is theradio afterdiscount.The price of abook is $18.Sara is given adiscount 15%.Work out thediscountAnna scored20 marks outof 50. Work outher percentagescore.Convert1/5 intopercentageWhich oneis thesmallest.0.43 or 4/9Convert 0.68into fractionin its lowesttermA school has 240student. There are131 girls. Whatpercentage of thestudents are girl?What is32% of$2250Write 360 asa fraction of2250 in itslowest termWrite 5/9asdecimal(2dp)Radio prices at$19.60. 15%discount is given.How much is theradio afterdiscount.Ali invest $12 500and has increaseto $15500.Calculate thepercentageincrease.Find75% of$1000A school has 350students. 96% ofthe students werepresent. Howmany wereabsent?Convert28% asdecimalConvert75% asfraction in itslowest termWhich oneis thesmallest.0.43 or 4/9Convert28% asdecimalFind 2/5of $30000Convert 0.68into fractionin its lowesttermWhat ishalf of$300.Find 2/5of $30000Write 360 asa fraction of2250 in itslowest termFind 5/8of$208.56Write 5/9asdecimal(2dp)The price of abook is $18.Sara is given adiscount 15%.Work out thediscount

FDP Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is 32% of 2250
  2. Radio prices at $19.60. 15% discount is given. How much is the radio after discount.
  3. The price of a book is $18. Sara is given a discount 15%. Work out the discount
  4. Anna scored 20 marks out of 50. Work out her percentage score.
  5. Convert 1/5 into percentage
  6. Which one is the smallest. 0.43 or 4/9
  7. Convert 0.68 into fraction in its lowest term
  8. A school has 240 student. There are 131 girls. What percentage of the students are girl?
  9. What is 32% of $2250
  10. Write 360 as a fraction of 2250 in its lowest term
  11. Write 5/9 as decimal (2dp)
  12. Radio prices at $19.60. 15% discount is given. How much is the radio after discount.
  13. Ali invest $12 500 and has increase to $15500. Calculate the percentage increase.
  14. Find 75% of $1000
  15. A school has 350 students. 96% of the students were present. How many were absent?
  16. Convert 28% as decimal
  17. Convert 75% as fraction in its lowest term
  18. Which one is the smallest. 0.43 or 4/9
  19. Convert 28% as decimal
  20. Find 2/5 of $30 000
  21. Convert 0.68 into fraction in its lowest term
  22. What is half of $300.
  23. Find 2/5 of $30 000
  24. Write 360 as a fraction of 2250 in its lowest term
  25. Find 5/8 of $208.56
  26. Write 5/9 as decimal (2dp)
  27. The price of a book is $18. Sara is given a discount 15%. Work out the discount