Charlotteand I sharean affinity forboardgames.Char taught mehow to blowsmoke rings fromher hookah whilewatching HarryPotter.I'm the onlyone whodidn't senda fun fact.I lived acrossthe street fromCharlottesophomoreyear of college.Charlottereally didn'tlike me whenwe first met.Charlotte andI were in thesame sororitybut at differentschools.We take potteryclasses together -and we are terriblestudents becausewe focus a little toomuch on fun and notat all on technique.Charlottemade mewatch TheLastAirbender.In grad school wewere bothprofessionallytrained to stresspeople out, forresearchpurposes.Charlotte is theonly person Iknow who lovesHarry Potter asmuch as I do.Charlotte and Iwere the lastsurvivors of theMonsoonfootball game of2013.Charlotteand I have atattoo in thesame spot.My family hadChristmas Evedinner withCharlotte'sfamily.Charlotteand I havethe samemiddle initial.When Charlotte andConor first started dating,she asking me advice onhow to get Conor to startwearing deodorant moreoften and I told her to getit for him as a Christmaspresent like it was just anew brand she found.Charlottenamed my catfor me (MinervaMcGonagallaka Minnie).Charlotte and Iwent toTellurideBluegrassFestivaltogether.watched Charlottesimultaneouslychug a margaritaand a coke at avery hung overlunch.Charlotte was myfirst real friendfrom our collegesorority (webonded over HarryPotter obviously).harlotte and Isometimesrun into eachother whenworking out.Charlottehelped memove acrossstates twice.I once rescuedCharlotte whenshe got trappedat the bar, whilegetting usbeers.Charlotteand I grewup in thesame state.Charlotte and Ionce shared acurry underduvet at 1:30in the morning.Charlotteand I sharean affinity forboardgames.Char taught mehow to blowsmoke rings fromher hookah whilewatching HarryPotter.I'm the onlyone whodidn't senda fun fact.I lived acrossthe street fromCharlottesophomoreyear of college.Charlottereally didn'tlike me whenwe first met.Charlotte andI were in thesame sororitybut at differentschools.We take potteryclasses together -and we are terriblestudents becausewe focus a little toomuch on fun and notat all on technique.Charlottemade mewatch TheLastAirbender.In grad school wewere bothprofessionallytrained to stresspeople out, forresearchpurposes.Charlotte is theonly person Iknow who lovesHarry Potter asmuch as I do.Charlotte and Iwere the lastsurvivors of theMonsoonfootball game of2013.Charlotteand I have atattoo in thesame spot.My family hadChristmas Evedinner withCharlotte'sfamily.Charlotteand I havethe samemiddle initial.When Charlotte andConor first started dating,she asking me advice onhow to get Conor to startwearing deodorant moreoften and I told her to getit for him as a Christmaspresent like it was just anew brand she found.Charlottenamed my catfor me (MinervaMcGonagallaka Minnie).Charlotte and Iwent toTellurideBluegrassFestivaltogether.watched Charlottesimultaneouslychug a margaritaand a coke at avery hung overlunch.Charlotte was myfirst real friendfrom our collegesorority (webonded over HarryPotter obviously).harlotte and Isometimesrun into eachother whenworking out.Charlottehelped memove acrossstates twice.I once rescuedCharlotte whenshe got trappedat the bar, whilegetting usbeers.Charlotteand I grewup in thesame state.Charlotte and Ionce shared acurry underduvet at 1:30in the morning.

Charlotte's Bachelorette Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Charlotte and I share an affinity for board games.
  2. Char taught me how to blow smoke rings from her hookah while watching Harry Potter.
  3. I'm the only one who didn't send a fun fact.
  4. I lived across the street from Charlotte sophomore year of college.
  5. Charlotte really didn't like me when we first met.
  6. Charlotte and I were in the same sorority but at different schools.
  7. We take pottery classes together - and we are terrible students because we focus a little too much on fun and not at all on technique.
  8. Charlotte made me watch The Last Airbender.
  9. In grad school we were both professionally trained to stress people out, for research purposes.
  10. Charlotte is the only person I know who loves Harry Potter as much as I do.
  11. Charlotte and I were the last survivors of the Monsoon football game of 2013.
  12. Charlotte and I have a tattoo in the same spot.
  13. My family had Christmas Eve dinner with Charlotte's family.
  14. Charlotte and I have the same middle initial.
  15. When Charlotte and Conor first started dating, she asking me advice on how to get Conor to start wearing deodorant more often and I told her to get it for him as a Christmas present like it was just a new brand she found.
  16. Charlotte named my cat for me (Minerva McGonagall aka Minnie).
  17. Charlotte and I went to Telluride Bluegrass Festival together.
  18. watched Charlotte simultaneously chug a margarita and a coke at a very hung over lunch.
  19. Charlotte was my first real friend from our college sorority (we bonded over Harry Potter obviously).
  20. harlotte and I sometimes run into each other when working out.
  21. Charlotte helped me move across states twice.
  22. I once rescued Charlotte when she got trapped at the bar, while getting us beers.
  23. Charlotte and I grew up in the same state.
  24. Charlotte and I once shared a curry under duvet at 1:30 in the morning.