What isthoughtstopping?Give an exampleof a time youtransformed anegative thoughtto a positive one.How dothoughtsaffectemotions andbehaviors.Provide anexample of aCBT copingskills do youutilize.How has CBTtechniquesbeen helpfulto yourrecovery?Provide anexample of anupward spiralof positivechanges.What is acore belief?Share one ofyour corebeliefs.Provide anexample of adownwardspiral ofnegativechanges.Provideevidence that isused as a basisfor one of yourcore beliefs.Share anemotion youare feelingright now.What is areason youutilizethoughtdistortions?How canlabelingaffect selfesteem.How do youbehave whenyou feelhappy? Afraid?Angry?Whatthoughts doyou havewhen feelingdepressed?Describeyour way ofthinking andits effects.How has thepast affectedyour currentattitude,personality andbehavior?How was youranxiety on theway here thismorning: mild,moderate orsevere?Share adepletingactivityThoughts are notfacts. Give oneexample of athought and oneexample of a factabout yourself.List twothoughtdistortions.Share a timeyousuccessfullychallenged athoughtdistortion.Imagine a stressfulsituation. How canyou change whatyou think about thesituation that willhelp you feel better?How can webegin tochangenegativecore beliefsShare anourishingactivityWhat isthoughtstopping?Give an exampleof a time youtransformed anegative thoughtto a positive one.How dothoughtsaffectemotions andbehaviors.Provide anexample of aCBT copingskills do youutilize.How has CBTtechniquesbeen helpfulto yourrecovery?Provide anexample of anupward spiralof positivechanges.What is acore belief?Share one ofyour corebeliefs.Provide anexample of adownwardspiral ofnegativechanges.Provideevidence that isused as a basisfor one of yourcore beliefs.Share anemotion youare feelingright now.What is areason youutilizethoughtdistortions?How canlabelingaffect selfesteem.How do youbehave whenyou feelhappy? Afraid?Angry?Whatthoughts doyou havewhen feelingdepressed?Describeyour way ofthinking andits effects.How has thepast affectedyour currentattitude,personality andbehavior?How was youranxiety on theway here thismorning: mild,moderate orsevere?Share adepletingactivityThoughts are notfacts. Give oneexample of athought and oneexample of a factabout yourself.List twothoughtdistortions.Share a timeyousuccessfullychallenged athoughtdistortion.Imagine a stressfulsituation. How canyou change whatyou think about thesituation that willhelp you feel better?How can webegin tochangenegativecore beliefsShare anourishingactivity

CBT Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is thought stopping?
  2. Give an example of a time you transformed a negative thought to a positive one.
  3. How do thoughts affect emotions and behaviors.
  4. Provide an example of a CBT coping skills do you utilize.
  5. How has CBT techniques been helpful to your recovery?
  6. Provide an example of an upward spiral of positive changes.
  7. What is a core belief? Share one of your core beliefs.
  8. Provide an example of a downward spiral of negative changes.
  9. Provide evidence that is used as a basis for one of your core beliefs.
  10. Share an emotion you are feeling right now.
  11. What is a reason you utilize thought distortions?
  12. How can labeling affect self esteem.
  13. How do you behave when you feel happy? Afraid? Angry?
  14. What thoughts do you have when feeling depressed?
  15. Describe your way of thinking and its effects.
  16. How has the past affected your current attitude, personality and behavior?
  17. How was your anxiety on the way here this morning: mild, moderate or severe?
  18. Share a depleting activity
  19. Thoughts are not facts. Give one example of a thought and one example of a fact about yourself.
  20. List two thought distortions.
  21. Share a time you successfully challenged a thought distortion.
  22. Imagine a stressful situation. How can you change what you think about the situation that will help you feel better?
  23. How can we begin to change negative core beliefs
  24. Share a nourishing activity