math(informal)mathematicslist a set of names,numbers etc, usuallywritten one belowthe other, forexample so that youcan remember orcheck themoffice a buildingthat belongs to acompany or anorganization, withrooms wherepeople can workat desksmovie a filmmade to beshown at thecinema or ontelevisionopportunity achance to dosomething or anoccasion when itis easy for you todo somethingmatter thematerial thateverything in theuniverse is madeof, includingsolids, liquids, andgasesorganizationplanning andarrangingsomething so thatit is successful oreffectivepassion a verystrong beliefor feelingaboutsomethingmanufacturer acompany thatmakes largequantities ofgoodsmedicine asubstance usedfor treatingillness,especially aliquid you drinklength themeasurementof how longsomething isfrom one end tothe otherleadership theposition of beingthe leader of agroup,organization,country etcmarket a time whenpeople buy and sellgoods, food etc, or theplace, usually outsideor in a large building,where this happensmother afemaleparent of achild oranimalmind yourthoughts oryour ability tothink, feel, andimagine thingsperception theway you thinkaboutsomething andyour idea ofwhat it is likeorder the way thatthings or events arearranged in relationto each other, so thatone thing is first,another thing issecond etcmaintenance therepairs, paintingetc that arenecessary to keepsomething in goodconditionloss the fact of nolonger havingsomething, or ofhaving less of it thanyou used to have, orthe process by whichthis happenslibrary a roomor buildingcontainingbooks that canbe looked at orborrowedleader the personwho directs orcontrols a group,organization,country etcopinion yourideas orbeliefs about aparticularsubjectpercentage anamountexpressed as ifit is part of atotal which is100map a drawing of aparticular area, forexample a city orcountry, whichshows its mainfeatures, such as itsroads, rivers,mountains etclife theperiod oftime whensomeone isaliveperformance how wellor badly a person,company etc does aparticular job or activity;when someoneperforms a play or apiece of musicnumber a wordor sign thatrepresents anexact amountor quantitynegotiation officialdiscussions betweenthe representatives ofopposing groups whoare trying to reach anagreement, especiallyin business or politicsmarriage therelationshipbetween twopeople who aremarried, or thestate of beingmarriedmemorysomeone'sability torememberthings, places,experiences etcnature everything inthe physical world thatis not controlled byhumans, such as wildplants and animals,earth and rocks, andthe weatherpeople used asthe plural of'person' to referto men, women,and childrennamewhatsomeoneis calledother used to refer tothe second of twopeople or things,which is not the oneyou already have orthe one you havealready mentionedlocation aparticular place,especially inrelation to otherareas, buildingsetcminute a unitfor measuringtime. There are60 minutes inone hourline a long thinmark on a pieceof paper, theground, oranother surfacemixture acombination oftwo or moredifferent things,feelings, ortypes of peoplelight the energyfrom the Sun, aflame, a lampetc that allowsyou to seethingspermission if youhave permissionto do something,you are officiallyallowed to do itmethod a plannedway of doingsomething,especially one thata lot of peopleknow about andusemarketing theactivity of decidinghow to advertise aproduct, what priceto charge for it etc,or the type of job inwhich you do thispage one side of apiece of paper in abook, newspaper,document etc, orthe sheet of paperitselfmoney what you earnby working and canuse to buy things.Money can be in theform of notes andcoins or cheques, andcan be kept in a bankmall a largearea wherethere are alot of shopsphone(short for)atelephonenewsinformationaboutsomething thathas happenedrecentlymeal an occasionwhen you eatfood, for examplebreakfast ordinner, or the foodthat you eat onthat occasionownersomeonewhopossessessomethingmeat theflesh ofanimals andbirds eatenas foodnight the dark partof each 24-hourperiod when thesun cannot beseen and whenmost people sleepperspective a way ofthinking aboutsomething, especiallyone which isinfluenced by the typeof person you are orby your experiencesmusic a series ofsounds made byinstruments orvoices in a waythat is pleasant orexcitingphoto(short for) aphotographmessage aspoken or writtenpiece ofinformation thatyou send toanother person orleave for themmood theway you feelat aparticulartimepart a piece orfeature ofsomething suchas an object,area, event, orperiod of timemember aperson orcountry thatbelongs to agroup ororganizationlevel the amountor degree ofsomething,compared toanother amount ordegreeoperation theprocess of cuttinginto someone'sbody to repair orremove a part thatis damagedobligation amoral orlegal duty todosomethingmud wetearth that hasbecome softand stickyphysics the scienceconcerned with thestudy of physicalobjects andsubstances, and ofnatural forces such aslight, heat, andmovementpaper material inthe form of thinsheets that isused for writingon, wrappingthings etcpatience the abilityto continue waitingor doingsomething for along time withoutbecoming angry oranxiousmode aparticular wayor style ofbehaving,living, or doingsomethingmedia all the differentways of entertainingand giving informationto the public andadvertising goods, forexample television,radio, and newspapersmeaning thething or ideathat a word,expression, orsign representslot a group ofpeople orthingsconsideredtogetherpassengersomeone who istravelling in avehicle, plane,boat etc, but is notdriving it orworking on itphilosophy the study ofthe nature and meaningof existence, truth, goodand evil etc; the attitudeor set of ideas thatguides the behaviour ofa person ororganizationpiano a large musicalinstrument that has along row of black andwhite keys. You playthe piano by sitting infront of it and pressingthe keyspainting apainted picturethat you put ona wall forpeople to seemembershipwhen someoneis a member ofa club, group,or organizationmidnight12 o'clockat nightliterature books,plays, poemsetc that peoplethink areimportant andgoodmagazine a largethin book with apaper cover thatcontains newsstories, articles,photographs etc,and is sold weekly ormonthlyoven a piece ofequipment thatfood is cookedinside, shaped likea metal box with adoor on the frontmeasurementthe length,height etc ofsomethingnewspaper a set oflarge folded sheets ofprinted papercontaining news,articles, pictures,advertisements, etcwhich is sold daily orweeklymanagement theactivity ofcontrolling andorganizing thework that acompany ororganization doesnation a country,consideredespecially in relationto its people and itssocial or economicstructuremenu a list of allthe kinds of foodthat are availablefor a meal,especially in arestaurantparty a socialevent when a lotof people meettogether to enjoythemselves byeating, drinking,dancing etcpayment anamount ofmoney thathas been ormust be paidman anadult malehumanoil the thickdark liquid fromunder theground fromwhich petrol isproducedpersonalitysomeone'scharacter,especially the waythey behavetowards otherpeoplemanagersomeone whosejob is to managepart or all of acompany or otherorganizationmorning the earlypart of the day,from when the sunrises until 12o'clock in themiddle of the daymonth one ofthe 12 namedperiods of timethat a year isdivided intoperson a humanbeing, especiallyconsidered assomeone withtheir ownparticularcharactermomanotherword formotherlove a strongfeeling of caringabout someone,especially amember of yourfamily or a closefriendpicture shapes,lines etc paintedor drawn on asurface, showingwhat someone orsomething lookslikeparent thefather ormother of aperson oranimalorange a roundfruit that has athick orangeskin and isdivided intoparts insidepenalty apunishment forbreaking a law,rule, or legalagreementmoment aparticularpoint intimeoutcome the finalresult of a meeting,discussion, war etc -used especially whenno one knows what itwill be until it actuallyhappensmath(informal)mathematicslist a set of names,numbers etc, usuallywritten one belowthe other, forexample so that youcan remember orcheck themoffice a buildingthat belongs to acompany or anorganization, withrooms wherepeople can workat desksmovie a filmmade to beshown at thecinema or ontelevisionopportunity achance to dosomething or anoccasion when itis easy for you todo somethingmatter thematerial thateverything in theuniverse is madeof, includingsolids, liquids, andgasesorganizationplanning andarrangingsomething so thatit is successful oreffectivepassion a verystrong beliefor feelingaboutsomethingmanufacturer acompany thatmakes largequantities ofgoodsmedicine asubstance usedfor treatingillness,especially aliquid you drinklength themeasurementof how longsomething isfrom one end tothe otherleadership theposition of beingthe leader of agroup,organization,country etcmarket a time whenpeople buy and sellgoods, food etc, or theplace, usually outsideor in a large building,where this happensmother afemaleparent of achild oranimalmind yourthoughts oryour ability tothink, feel, andimagine thingsperception theway you thinkaboutsomething andyour idea ofwhat it is likeorder the way thatthings or events arearranged in relationto each other, so thatone thing is first,another thing issecond etcmaintenance therepairs, paintingetc that arenecessary to keepsomething in goodconditionloss the fact of nolonger havingsomething, or ofhaving less of it thanyou used to have, orthe process by whichthis happenslibrary a roomor buildingcontainingbooks that canbe looked at orborrowedleader the personwho directs orcontrols a group,organization,country etcopinion yourideas orbeliefs about aparticularsubjectpercentage anamountexpressed as ifit is part of atotal which is100map a drawing of aparticular area, forexample a city orcountry, whichshows its mainfeatures, such as itsroads, rivers,mountains etclife theperiod oftime whensomeone isaliveperformance how wellor badly a person,company etc does aparticular job or activity;when someoneperforms a play or apiece of musicnumber a wordor sign thatrepresents anexact amountor quantitynegotiation officialdiscussions betweenthe representatives ofopposing groups whoare trying to reach anagreement, especiallyin business or politicsmarriage therelationshipbetween twopeople who aremarried, or thestate of beingmarriedmemorysomeone'sability torememberthings, places,experiences etcnature everything inthe physical world thatis not controlled byhumans, such as wildplants and animals,earth and rocks, andthe weatherpeople used asthe plural of'person' to referto men, women,and childrennamewhatsomeoneis calledother used to refer tothe second of twopeople or things,which is not the oneyou already have orthe one you havealready mentionedlocation aparticular place,especially inrelation to otherareas, buildingsetcminute a unitfor measuringtime. There are60 minutes inone hourline a long thinmark on a pieceof paper, theground, oranother surfacemixture acombination oftwo or moredifferent things,feelings, ortypes of peoplelight the energyfrom the Sun, aflame, a lampetc that allowsyou to seethingspermission if youhave permissionto do something,you are officiallyallowed to do itmethod a plannedway of doingsomething,especially one thata lot of peopleknow about andusemarketing theactivity of decidinghow to advertise aproduct, what priceto charge for it etc,or the type of job inwhich you do thispage one side of apiece of paper in abook, newspaper,document etc, orthe sheet of paperitselfmoney what you earnby working and canuse to buy things.Money can be in theform of notes andcoins or cheques, andcan be kept in a bankmall a largearea wherethere are alot of shopsphone(short for)atelephonenewsinformationaboutsomething thathas happenedrecentlymeal an occasionwhen you eatfood, for examplebreakfast ordinner, or the foodthat you eat onthat occasionownersomeonewhopossessessomethingmeat theflesh ofanimals andbirds eatenas foodnight the dark partof each 24-hourperiod when thesun cannot beseen and whenmost people sleepperspective a way ofthinking aboutsomething, especiallyone which isinfluenced by the typeof person you are orby your experiencesmusic a series ofsounds made byinstruments orvoices in a waythat is pleasant orexcitingphoto(short for) aphotographmessage aspoken or writtenpiece ofinformation thatyou send toanother person orleave for themmood theway you feelat aparticulartimepart a piece orfeature ofsomething suchas an object,area, event, orperiod of timemember aperson orcountry thatbelongs to agroup ororganizationlevel the amountor degree ofsomething,compared toanother amount ordegreeoperation theprocess of cuttinginto someone'sbody to repair orremove a part thatis damagedobligation amoral orlegal duty todosomethingmud wetearth that hasbecome softand stickyphysics the scienceconcerned with thestudy of physicalobjects andsubstances, and ofnatural forces such aslight, heat, andmovementpaper material inthe form of thinsheets that isused for writingon, wrappingthings etcpatience the abilityto continue waitingor doingsomething for along time withoutbecoming angry oranxiousmode aparticular wayor style ofbehaving,living, or doingsomethingmedia all the differentways of entertainingand giving informationto the public andadvertising goods, forexample television,radio, and newspapersmeaning thething or ideathat a word,expression, orsign representslot a group ofpeople orthingsconsideredtogetherpassengersomeone who istravelling in avehicle, plane,boat etc, but is notdriving it orworking on itphilosophy the study ofthe nature and meaningof existence, truth, goodand evil etc; the attitudeor set of ideas thatguides the behaviour ofa person ororganizationpiano a large musicalinstrument that has along row of black andwhite keys. You playthe piano by sitting infront of it and pressingthe keyspainting apainted picturethat you put ona wall forpeople to seemembershipwhen someoneis a member ofa club, group,or organizationmidnight12 o'clockat nightliterature books,plays, poemsetc that peoplethink areimportant andgoodmagazine a largethin book with apaper cover thatcontains newsstories, articles,photographs etc,and is sold weekly ormonthlyoven a piece ofequipment thatfood is cookedinside, shaped likea metal box with adoor on the frontmeasurementthe length,height etc ofsomethingnewspaper a set oflarge folded sheets ofprinted papercontaining news,articles, pictures,advertisements, etcwhich is sold daily orweeklymanagement theactivity ofcontrolling andorganizing thework that acompany ororganization doesnation a country,consideredespecially in relationto its people and itssocial or economicstructuremenu a list of allthe kinds of foodthat are availablefor a meal,especially in arestaurantparty a socialevent when a lotof people meettogether to enjoythemselves byeating, drinking,dancing etcpayment anamount ofmoney thathas been ormust be paidman anadult malehumanoil the thickdark liquid fromunder theground fromwhich petrol isproducedpersonalitysomeone'scharacter,especially the waythey behavetowards otherpeoplemanagersomeone whosejob is to managepart or all of acompany or otherorganizationmorning the earlypart of the day,from when the sunrises until 12o'clock in themiddle of the daymonth one ofthe 12 namedperiods of timethat a year isdivided intoperson a humanbeing, especiallyconsidered assomeone withtheir ownparticularcharactermomanotherword formotherlove a strongfeeling of caringabout someone,especially amember of yourfamily or a closefriendpicture shapes,lines etc paintedor drawn on asurface, showingwhat someone orsomething lookslikeparent thefather ormother of aperson oranimalorange a roundfruit that has athick orangeskin and isdivided intoparts insidepenalty apunishment forbreaking a law,rule, or legalagreementmoment aparticularpoint intimeoutcome the finalresult of a meeting,discussion, war etc -used especially whenno one knows what itwill be until it actuallyhappens

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. math (informal) mathematics
  2. list a set of names, numbers etc, usually written one below the other, for example so that you can remember or check them
  3. office a building that belongs to a company or an organization, with rooms where people can work at desks
  4. movie a film made to be shown at the cinema or on television
  5. opportunity a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something
  6. matter the material that everything in the universe is made of, including solids, liquids, and gases
  7. organization planning and arranging something so that it is successful or effective
  8. passion a very strong belief or feeling about something
  9. manufacturer a company that makes large quantities of goods
  10. medicine a substance used for treating illness, especially a liquid you drink
  11. length the measurement of how long something is from one end to the other
  12. leadership the position of being the leader of a group, organization, country etc
  13. market a time when people buy and sell goods, food etc, or the place, usually outside or in a large building, where this happens
  14. mother a female parent of a child or animal
  15. mind your thoughts or your ability to think, feel, and imagine things
  16. perception the way you think about something and your idea of what it is like
  17. order the way that things or events are arranged in relation to each other, so that one thing is first, another thing is second etc
  18. maintenance the repairs, painting etc that are necessary to keep something in good condition
  19. loss the fact of no longer having something, or of having less of it than you used to have, or the process by which this happens
  20. library a room or building containing books that can be looked at or borrowed
  21. leader the person who directs or controls a group, organization, country etc
  22. opinion your ideas or beliefs about a particular subject
  23. percentage an amount expressed as if it is part of a total which is 100
  24. map a drawing of a particular area, for example a city or country, which shows its main features, such as its roads, rivers, mountains etc
  25. life the period of time when someone is alive
  26. performance how well or badly a person, company etc does a particular job or activity; when someone performs a play or a piece of music
  27. number a word or sign that represents an exact amount or quantity
  28. negotiation official discussions between the representatives of opposing groups who are trying to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics
  29. marriage the relationship between two people who are married, or the state of being married
  30. memory someone's ability to remember things, places, experiences etc
  31. nature everything in the physical world that is not controlled by humans, such as wild plants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather
  32. people used as the plural of 'person' to refer to men, women, and children
  33. name what someone is called
  34. other used to refer to the second of two people or things, which is not the one you already have or the one you have already mentioned
  35. location a particular place, especially in relation to other areas, buildings etc
  36. minute a unit for measuring time. There are 60 minutes in one hour
  37. line a long thin mark on a piece of paper, the ground, or another surface
  38. mixture a combination of two or more different things, feelings, or types of people
  39. light the energy from the Sun, a flame, a lamp etc that allows you to see things
  40. permission if you have permission to do something, you are officially allowed to do it
  41. method a planned way of doing something, especially one that a lot of people know about and use
  42. marketing the activity of deciding how to advertise a product, what price to charge for it etc, or the type of job in which you do this
  43. page one side of a piece of paper in a book, newspaper, document etc, or the sheet of paper itself
  44. money what you earn by working and can use to buy things. Money can be in the form of notes and coins or cheques, and can be kept in a bank
  45. mall a large area where there are a lot of shops
  46. phone (short for) a telephone
  47. news information about something that has happened recently
  48. meal an occasion when you eat food, for example breakfast or dinner, or the food that you eat on that occasion
  49. owner someone who possesses something
  50. meat the flesh of animals and birds eaten as food
  51. night the dark part of each 24-hour period when the sun cannot be seen and when most people sleep
  52. perspective a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences
  53. music a series of sounds made by instruments or voices in a way that is pleasant or exciting
  54. photo (short for) a photograph
  55. message a spoken or written piece of information that you send to another person or leave for them
  56. mood the way you feel at a particular time
  57. part a piece or feature of something such as an object, area, event, or period of time
  58. member a person or country that belongs to a group or organization
  59. level the amount or degree of something, compared to another amount or degree
  60. operation the process of cutting into someone's body to repair or remove a part that is damaged
  61. obligation a moral or legal duty to do something
  62. mud wet earth that has become soft and sticky
  63. physics the science concerned with the study of physical objects and substances, and of natural forces such as light, heat, and movement
  64. paper material in the form of thin sheets that is used for writing on, wrapping things etc
  65. patience the ability to continue waiting or doing something for a long time without becoming angry or anxious
  66. mode a particular way or style of behaving, living, or doing something
  67. media all the different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public and advertising goods, for example television, radio, and newspapers
  68. meaning the thing or idea that a word, expression, or sign represents
  69. lot a group of people or things considered together
  70. passenger someone who is travelling in a vehicle, plane, boat etc, but is not driving it or working on it
  71. philosophy the study of the nature and meaning of existence, truth, good and evil etc; the attitude or set of ideas that guides the behaviour of a person or organization
  72. piano a large musical instrument that has a long row of black and white keys. You play the piano by sitting in front of it and pressing the keys
  73. painting a painted picture that you put on a wall for people to see
  74. membership when someone is a member of a club, group, or organization
  75. midnight 12 o'clock at night
  76. literature books, plays, poems etc that people think are important and good
  77. magazine a large thin book with a paper cover that contains news stories, articles, photographs etc, and is sold weekly or monthly
  78. oven a piece of equipment that food is cooked inside, shaped like a metal box with a door on the front
  79. measurement the length, height etc of something
  80. newspaper a set of large folded sheets of printed paper containing news, articles, pictures, advertisements, etc which is sold daily or weekly
  81. management the activity of controlling and organizing the work that a company or organization does
  82. nation a country, considered especially in relation to its people and its social or economic structure
  83. menu a list of all the kinds of food that are available for a meal, especially in a restaurant
  84. party a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc
  85. payment an amount of money that has been or must be paid
  86. man an adult male human
  87. oil the thick dark liquid from under the ground from which petrol is produced
  88. personality someone's character, especially the way they behave towards other people
  89. manager someone whose job is to manage part or all of a company or other organization
  90. morning the early part of the day, from when the sun rises until 12 o'clock in the middle of the day
  91. month one of the 12 named periods of time that a year is divided into
  92. person a human being, especially considered as someone with their own particular character
  93. mom another word for mother
  94. love a strong feeling of caring about someone, especially a member of your family or a close friend
  95. picture shapes, lines etc painted or drawn on a surface, showing what someone or something looks like
  96. parent the father or mother of a person or animal
  97. orange a round fruit that has a thick orange skin and is divided into parts inside
  98. penalty a punishment for breaking a law, rule, or legal agreement
  99. moment a particular point in time
  100. outcome the final result of a meeting, discussion, war etc - used especially when no one knows what it will be until it actually happens