Who is your hero?(a parent, acelebrity, aninfluential personin one's life)If you werean animal,what wouldyou be andwhy?What's yourfavoritecartooncharacter,and why?If they made amovie of your life,what would it beabout and whichactor would youwant to play you?What is onefood you'dnever wantto tasteagain?What is onegoal you'd liketo accomplishduring yourlifetime?When youwere little, whowas yourfavorite superhero and why?What's theweirdestthing you'veever eaten?If I could beanybodybesidesmyself, Iwould be...If someone made amovie of your lifewould it be a drama,a comedy, aromantic-comedy,action film, orscience fiction?What's yourfavorite thingto do in thesummer?What'sthe idealdream jobfor you?What areyourfavoritehobbies?If you were anice creamflavor, whichone would yoube and why?What are yourpet peeves orinterestingthings aboutyou that youdislike?If you couldhave anendless supplyof any food,what would youget?Name one ofyour favoritethings aboutsomeone inyour family.If you had todescribeyourself usingthree words,they would be...If you could visitany place in theworld, wherewould youchoose to goand why?In your opinion,which animal isthe best (ormost beautiful)and why?Are you amorningor nightperson?Tell me abouta unique orquirky habitof yours.What thought ormessage wouldyou want to putin a fortunecookie?If you had to giveup a favorite food,which would bethe most difficult togive up?Who is your hero?(a parent, acelebrity, aninfluential personin one's life)If you werean animal,what wouldyou be andwhy?What's yourfavoritecartooncharacter,and why?If they made amovie of your life,what would it beabout and whichactor would youwant to play you?What is onefood you'dnever wantto tasteagain?What is onegoal you'd liketo accomplishduring yourlifetime?When youwere little, whowas yourfavorite superhero and why?What's theweirdestthing you'veever eaten?If I could beanybodybesidesmyself, Iwould be...If someone made amovie of your lifewould it be a drama,a comedy, aromantic-comedy,action film, orscience fiction?What's yourfavorite thingto do in thesummer?What'sthe idealdream jobfor you?What areyourfavoritehobbies?If you were anice creamflavor, whichone would yoube and why?What are yourpet peeves orinterestingthings aboutyou that youdislike?If you couldhave anendless supplyof any food,what would youget?Name one ofyour favoritethings aboutsomeone inyour family.If you had todescribeyourself usingthree words,they would be...If you could visitany place in theworld, wherewould youchoose to goand why?In your opinion,which animal isthe best (ormost beautiful)and why?Are you amorningor nightperson?Tell me abouta unique orquirky habitof yours.What thought ormessage wouldyou want to putin a fortunecookie?If you had to giveup a favorite food,which would bethe most difficult togive up?

Getting To Know You - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Who is your hero? (a parent, a celebrity, an influential person in one's life)
  2. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
  3. What's your favorite cartoon character, and why?
  4. If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you?
  5. What is one food you'd never want to taste again?
  6. What is one goal you'd like to accomplish during your lifetime?
  7. When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why?
  8. What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
  9. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be...
  10. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
  11. What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
  12. What's the ideal dream job for you?
  13. What are your favorite hobbies?
  14. If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why?
  15. What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike?
  16. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
  17. Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family.
  18. If you had to describe yourself using three words, they would be...
  19. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why?
  20. In your opinion, which animal is the best (or most beautiful) and why?
  21. Are you a morning or night person?
  22. Tell me about a unique or quirky habit of yours.
  23. What thought or message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?
  24. If you had to give up a favorite food, which would be the most difficult to give up?