OrganizeyourmusicfolderPractice longtones on all 4strings. Checkyour bowing.Practicevibrato onall 4fingers.Make an originalmelody and writeit out for yourinstrument. Turn itin after break.Play all12 majorscales.Listen to all 4movements ofa BeethovenSymphony.Teach a familymember howto play a scaleon yourinstrument.Figure out how toplay your favoritesong on yourinstrument. Eitherby ear or findingthe sheet musiconline!Research newstring orchestrapieces me a listof favorites!Find some duets foryour instrumentonline. Recordyourself playing onepart, then play thesecond part withyourself.Record yourselfplayingphantom, andpractice thespots that canimprove.Invite anorchestrafriend overto practice!Play for afamilymemberor friendCheck yourhigh noteson yourinstrumentwith a tunerListen toMendelssohn'sPianoConcerto #1.Practiceplaying theE-flat majorscale.Listen toEgmontOverturePlay along with arecording of any ofour concert songs.You can findrecordings onjwpepper.comPracticewith ametronome.Post a videoof yourselfpracticing yourinstrument onsocial media.Play Barberof Seville for15 minutesor more.Clean therosin off yourstrings witha soft clothListen toHandel'sConcertoGrosso.Play yourinstrument for30 minutes ormore in onesitting.OrganizeyourmusicfolderPractice longtones on all 4strings. Checkyour bowing.Practicevibrato onall 4fingers.Make an originalmelody and writeit out for yourinstrument. Turn itin after break.Play all12 majorscales.Listen to all 4movements ofa BeethovenSymphony.Teach a familymember howto play a scaleon yourinstrument.Figure out how toplay your favoritesong on yourinstrument. Eitherby ear or findingthe sheet musiconline!Research newstring orchestrapieces me a listof favorites!Find some duets foryour instrumentonline. Recordyourself playing onepart, then play thesecond part withyourself.Record yourselfplayingphantom, andpractice thespots that canimprove.Invite anorchestrafriend overto practice!Play for afamilymemberor friendCheck yourhigh noteson yourinstrumentwith a tunerListen toMendelssohn'sPianoConcerto #1.Practiceplaying theE-flat majorscale.Listen toEgmontOverturePlay along with arecording of any ofour concert songs.You can findrecordings onjwpepper.comPracticewith ametronome.Post a videoof yourselfpracticing yourinstrument onsocial media.Play Barberof Seville for15 minutesor more.Clean therosin off yourstrings witha soft clothListen toHandel'sConcertoGrosso.Play yourinstrument for30 minutes ormore in onesitting.

Orchestra Spring Break Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Organize your music folder
  2. Practice long tones on all 4 strings. Check your bowing.
  3. Practice vibrato on all 4 fingers.
  4. Make an original melody and write it out for your instrument. Turn it in after break.
  5. Play all 12 major scales.
  6. Listen to all 4 movements of a Beethoven Symphony.
  7. Teach a family member how to play a scale on your instrument.
  8. Figure out how to play your favorite song on your instrument. Either by ear or finding the sheet music online!
  9. Research new string orchestra pieces on Email me a list of favorites!
  10. Find some duets for your instrument online. Record yourself playing one part, then play the second part with yourself.
  11. Record yourself playing phantom, and practice the spots that can improve.
  12. Invite an orchestra friend over to practice!
  13. Play for a family member or friend
  14. Check your high notes on your instrument with a tuner
  15. Listen to Mendelssohn's Piano Concerto #1.
  16. Practice playing the E-flat major scale.
  17. Listen to Egmont Overture
  18. Play along with a recording of any of our concert songs. You can find recordings on
  19. Practice with a metronome.
  20. Post a video of yourself practicing your instrument on social media.
  21. Play Barber of Seville for 15 minutes or more.
  22. Clean the rosin off your strings with a soft cloth
  23. Listen to Handel's Concerto Grosso.
  24. Play your instrument for 30 minutes or more in one sitting.