A beautiful ladyholding a papercrane resideson the side ofthis hostelFancy a trip toTurkey, then visithere and theowners might justbe able to helpyou out.This hostelused to bea hospitalbuildingLarger-than-lifekoalas, emus, andechidnas mightwatch you sleep ifyou stay in aprivate room atthis hostelThis gorgeousartsy hostel wasoriginally calledthe Belfry Lodgeand wasestablished in1948Free!Step into the liftof this hosteland you mightfind yourself ashark’s snackLast year, thishostel turned10 and gaveaway 1000 freenights tocelebrate!This hostel isat the last surfbeach headingnorth up theeast coastAccording toBeds Boots andBackpacks, thishostel wasformerly abrothelSteve Irwin’sdeadly encounterwith a stingrayhappened off ofthe coast of thetown where thishostel isThe manager ofthis hostel never(okay, barely ever)wears longtrousers, even inAntarcticaThis hostel islocated in atown which isthe last line ofdefence fromthe cane toadsThis hostel hasthe words'MarkillesHotel' inscribedon the side of itThis hostelhas itsvery ownpeacockThis hostelhas theirown brandof cycle gearAll of theprivate roomsat this hostelhave their ownteddy bears inthe bedsIf Goliath everwanted to be in aband, he couldfind a suitableguitar in the townwhere this hostelresidesThey don’t comemuch furthersouth than thishostel brrrrrrr! Butthe hospitality isalways warm andfriendly.An unforgettableYHA staffsynchronisedswimming routineoccurred in thishostel whenConferencehappened hereIf you everwanted to be aDive Master,you could learnto do it at thishostel!Mack is thenewest slitheryaddition to thefamily at thishostelThis hostelhas a hugecrocodilebeside itspoolIf you’ve everfanciedstaying in ayurt, stay atthis hostelIn 2018 this hostelran the "Make Haywith YHA" initiativeto raise money forAussie Helpers,which helps farmersdoing it toughThe location ofthis hostel canbe found onthe bottom of ahorses hoofA formerschoolhouse, thishostel is locatedadjacent to 3enormous pinesOnly veganmanagersareemployedhereThis propertywas originally abase forambulancesand first-aidcoursesThis hostel had avery unruly guestin 2017 called“Debbie” whocaused quite a bitof damage!The operatorsof this hostelwere once zookeepers.This hostel hasa swimmingpool buriedunderneath itschessboardYou could bump intothe world’s secondheaviest (andendangered!) birdhere – and the roadinto town is namedafter oneYou and yoursweetie canhire a bicycle-built-for-two atthis hostelThis hostel islocated in the“Big WaveComplex”In the building’soriginal use, theoccupants werenever given thekeys to theirrooms!The manager ofthis hostel justfinishedfostering anorphan wombatThis hostel is located500 metres from aninternational airport,150 metres from thebeach, and 700meters from the stateborderThis tranquilhostel wasbequeathedto YHA in1967This hostel issituated inthe beefcapital ofAustraliaThis hostel runs areef conservationprogram with thelocal university forinternationalstudentsThis hostelused to be agentleman’sclubThe manager ofthis eco-certified hostelused to be themanager ofPort Elliot YHAThis hostel is in anart-deco-stylebuilding and hasamazing oceanviews from itsterraceThis hostel has amural featuringmoustachioedpineapples,bananas, and icecream conesThis hostel islocated in thetown that has thelargest koalapopulation on theEast Coast ofAustraliaThis hostelhas a sacredtree in itsgroundsThis hostel is theoldest guesthousein their town - theonly one tosurvive from the1920sThe manager ofthis hostel isthe brother ofanother hostel’sdeputymanager.This property’sneighbouringaccommodationprovider isVersaceA beautiful ladyholding a papercrane resideson the side ofthis hostelFancy a trip toTurkey, then visithere and theowners might justbe able to helpyou out.This hostelused to bea hospitalbuildingLarger-than-lifekoalas, emus, andechidnas mightwatch you sleep ifyou stay in aprivate room atthis hostelThis gorgeousartsy hostel wasoriginally calledthe Belfry Lodgeand wasestablished in1948Free!Step into the liftof this hosteland you mightfind yourself ashark’s snackLast year, thishostel turned10 and gaveaway 1000 freenights tocelebrate!This hostel isat the last surfbeach headingnorth up theeast coastAccording toBeds Boots andBackpacks, thishostel wasformerly abrothelSteve Irwin’sdeadly encounterwith a stingrayhappened off ofthe coast of thetown where thishostel isThe manager ofthis hostel never(okay, barely ever)wears longtrousers, even inAntarcticaThis hostel islocated in atown which isthe last line ofdefence fromthe cane toadsThis hostel hasthe words'MarkillesHotel' inscribedon the side of itThis hostelhas itsvery ownpeacockThis hostelhas theirown brandof cycle gearAll of theprivate roomsat this hostelhave their ownteddy bears inthe bedsIf Goliath everwanted to be in aband, he couldfind a suitableguitar in the townwhere this hostelresidesThey don’t comemuch furthersouth than thishostel brrrrrrr! Butthe hospitality isalways warm andfriendly.An unforgettableYHA staffsynchronisedswimming routineoccurred in thishostel whenConferencehappened hereIf you everwanted to be aDive Master,you could learnto do it at thishostel!Mack is thenewest slitheryaddition to thefamily at thishostelThis hostelhas a hugecrocodilebeside itspoolIf you’ve everfanciedstaying in ayurt, stay atthis hostelIn 2018 this hostelran the "Make Haywith YHA" initiativeto raise money forAussie Helpers,which helps farmersdoing it toughThe location ofthis hostel canbe found onthe bottom of ahorses hoofA formerschoolhouse, thishostel is locatedadjacent to 3enormous pinesOnly veganmanagersareemployedhereThis propertywas originally abase forambulancesand first-aidcoursesThis hostel had avery unruly guestin 2017 called“Debbie” whocaused quite a bitof damage!The operatorsof this hostelwere once zookeepers.This hostel hasa swimmingpool buriedunderneath itschessboardYou could bump intothe world’s secondheaviest (andendangered!) birdhere – and the roadinto town is namedafter oneYou and yoursweetie canhire a bicycle-built-for-two atthis hostelThis hostel islocated in the“Big WaveComplex”In the building’soriginal use, theoccupants werenever given thekeys to theirrooms!The manager ofthis hostel justfinishedfostering anorphan wombatThis hostel is located500 metres from aninternational airport,150 metres from thebeach, and 700meters from the stateborderThis tranquilhostel wasbequeathedto YHA in1967This hostel issituated inthe beefcapital ofAustraliaThis hostel runs areef conservationprogram with thelocal university forinternationalstudentsThis hostelused to be agentleman’sclubThe manager ofthis eco-certified hostelused to be themanager ofPort Elliot YHAThis hostel is in anart-deco-stylebuilding and hasamazing oceanviews from itsterraceThis hostel has amural featuringmoustachioedpineapples,bananas, and icecream conesThis hostel islocated in thetown that has thelargest koalapopulation on theEast Coast ofAustraliaThis hostelhas a sacredtree in itsgroundsThis hostel is theoldest guesthousein their town - theonly one tosurvive from the1920sThe manager ofthis hostel isthe brother ofanother hostel’sdeputymanager.This property’sneighbouringaccommodationprovider isVersace

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A beautiful lady holding a paper crane resides on the side of this hostel
  2. Fancy a trip to Turkey, then visit here and the owners might just be able to help you out.
  3. This hostel used to be a hospital building
  4. Larger-than-life koalas, emus, and echidnas might watch you sleep if you stay in a private room at this hostel
  5. This gorgeous artsy hostel was originally called the Belfry Lodge and was established in 1948
  6. Free!
  7. Step into the lift of this hostel and you might find yourself a shark’s snack
  8. Last year, this hostel turned 10 and gave away 1000 free nights to celebrate!
  9. This hostel is at the last surf beach heading north up the east coast
  10. According to Beds Boots and Backpacks, this hostel was formerly a brothel
  11. Steve Irwin’s deadly encounter with a stingray happened off of the coast of the town where this hostel is
  12. The manager of this hostel never (okay, barely ever) wears long trousers, even in Antarctica
  13. This hostel is located in a town which is the last line of defence from the cane toads
  14. This hostel has the words 'Markilles Hotel' inscribed on the side of it
  15. This hostel has its very own peacock
  16. This hostel has their own brand of cycle gear
  17. All of the private rooms at this hostel have their own teddy bears in the beds
  18. If Goliath ever wanted to be in a band, he could find a suitable guitar in the town where this hostel resides
  19. They don’t come much further south than this hostel brrrrrrr! But the hospitality is always warm and friendly.
  20. An unforgettable YHA staff synchronised swimming routine occurred in this hostel when Conference happened here
  21. If you ever wanted to be a Dive Master, you could learn to do it at this hostel!
  22. Mack is the newest slithery addition to the family at this hostel
  23. This hostel has a huge crocodile beside its pool
  24. If you’ve ever fancied staying in a yurt, stay at this hostel
  25. In 2018 this hostel ran the "Make Hay with YHA" initiative to raise money for Aussie Helpers, which helps farmers doing it tough
  26. The location of this hostel can be found on the bottom of a horses hoof
  27. A former schoolhouse, this hostel is located adjacent to 3 enormous pines
  28. Only vegan managers are employed here
  29. This property was originally a base for ambulances and first-aid courses
  30. This hostel had a very unruly guest in 2017 called “Debbie” who caused quite a bit of damage!
  31. The operators of this hostel were once zoo keepers.
  32. This hostel has a swimming pool buried underneath its chessboard
  33. You could bump into the world’s second heaviest (and endangered!) bird here – and the road into town is named after one
  34. You and your sweetie can hire a bicycle-built-for-two at this hostel
  35. This hostel is located in the “Big Wave Complex”
  36. In the building’s original use, the occupants were never given the keys to their rooms!
  37. The manager of this hostel just finished fostering an orphan wombat
  38. This hostel is located 500 metres from an international airport, 150 metres from the beach, and 700 meters from the state border
  39. This tranquil hostel was bequeathed to YHA in 1967
  40. This hostel is situated in the beef capital of Australia
  41. This hostel runs a reef conservation program with the local university for international students
  42. This hostel used to be a gentleman’s club
  43. The manager of this eco-certified hostel used to be the manager of Port Elliot YHA
  44. This hostel is in an art-deco-style building and has amazing ocean views from its terrace
  45. This hostel has a mural featuring moustachioed pineapples, bananas, and ice cream cones
  46. This hostel is located in the town that has the largest koala population on the East Coast of Australia
  47. This hostel has a sacred tree in its grounds
  48. This hostel is the oldest guesthouse in their town - the only one to survive from the 1920s
  49. The manager of this hostel is the brother of another hostel’s deputy manager.
  50. This property’s neighbouring accommodation provider is Versace