I was asushi chefin college.2019 was myfirst time seeingenough snow tosnowboard orski.I oncelived in avan for amonth.I am planningon finishingmy skydivingcertificationthis summer.I'm distantlyrelated topopsensationCher.I have afoodpodcast!I rode Ariel'sUnderseaAdventureabout 5 times in1.5 days atDisneyland.I won acar onOprah.I once won acar in alottery afterbuying pasta.I played LouDiamond Philips ina charity pokertournament. Hebeat my pocketaces with a pair of3s.I won bronze ina mountain bikerace. Therewere 3 peoplewho finishedthe race.I shook BarackObama's hand(before he waspresident).I performed inthe Nutcrackerfor many yearsfighting againstthe group ofmice.I've attended2 presidentialinaugurations.I taughtSkrillexhow todrive a car.I visitedMontana'snational parks7 times lastyear.I once listenedto CarlosSantanapracticing inhis home.I am anaspiringgardener andceramicist.I was an extrain the terriblemovie "TheInternship" withVince Vaughn &Owen Wilson.I once saw thesunrise on topof Mt. Fuji.And it mademe cry.A lizard onceshot blood fromits eyes all overmy face(defensemechanism).My uncle and Iwon the TexaschampionshipBBQ cookoffTWICEI grew upperformingat Pier 39here in SF!I oncebought awig forDido.My name hasappeared inover 10Broadwayplaybills.I knowhow tojuggle.I wasnamed afterHarrisonFord.My wifewas a D-level realityTV star.I don'thave acomputerat home.I was onceable todunkbasketballsI moonlightedas a specialeffects personon a Bollywoodfilm.I havea pilotslicense.Without mycontacts I canbarely see afoot in front ofme!I only readbooks onpaper orhardcover.I was asushi chefin college.2019 was myfirst time seeingenough snow tosnowboard orski.I oncelived in avan for amonth.I am planningon finishingmy skydivingcertificationthis summer.I'm distantlyrelated topopsensationCher.I have afoodpodcast!I rode Ariel'sUnderseaAdventureabout 5 times in1.5 days atDisneyland.I won acar onOprah.I once won acar in alottery afterbuying pasta.I played LouDiamond Philips ina charity pokertournament. Hebeat my pocketaces with a pair of3s.I won bronze ina mountain bikerace. Therewere 3 peoplewho finishedthe race.I shook BarackObama's hand(before he waspresident).I performed inthe Nutcrackerfor many yearsfighting againstthe group ofmice.I've attended2 presidentialinaugurations.I taughtSkrillexhow todrive a car.I visitedMontana'snational parks7 times lastyear.I once listenedto CarlosSantanapracticing inhis home.I am anaspiringgardener andceramicist.I was an extrain the terriblemovie "TheInternship" withVince Vaughn &Owen Wilson.I once saw thesunrise on topof Mt. Fuji.And it mademe cry.A lizard onceshot blood fromits eyes all overmy face(defensemechanism).My uncle and Iwon the TexaschampionshipBBQ cookoffTWICEI grew upperformingat Pier 39here in SF!I oncebought awig forDido.My name hasappeared inover 10Broadwayplaybills.I knowhow tojuggle.I wasnamed afterHarrisonFord.My wifewas a D-level realityTV star.I don'thave acomputerat home.I was onceable todunkbasketballsI moonlightedas a specialeffects personon a Bollywoodfilm.I havea pilotslicense.Without mycontacts I canbarely see afoot in front ofme!I only readbooks onpaper orhardcover.

Product & Design Team FUN FACTS - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I was a sushi chef in college.
  2. 2019 was my first time seeing enough snow to snowboard or ski.
  3. I once lived in a van for a month.
  4. I am planning on finishing my skydiving certification this summer.
  5. I'm distantly related to pop sensation Cher.
  6. I have a food podcast!
  7. I rode Ariel's Undersea Adventure about 5 times in 1.5 days at Disneyland.
  8. I won a car on Oprah.
  9. I once won a car in a lottery after buying pasta.
  10. I played Lou Diamond Philips in a charity poker tournament. He beat my pocket aces with a pair of 3s.
  11. I won bronze in a mountain bike race. There were 3 people who finished the race.
  12. I shook Barack Obama's hand (before he was president).
  13. I performed in the Nutcracker for many years fighting against the group of mice.
  14. I've attended 2 presidential inaugurations.
  15. I taught Skrillex how to drive a car.
  16. I visited Montana's national parks 7 times last year.
  17. I once listened to Carlos Santana practicing in his home.
  18. I am an aspiring gardener and ceramicist.
  19. I was an extra in the terrible movie "The Internship" with Vince Vaughn & Owen Wilson.
  20. I once saw the sunrise on top of Mt. Fuji. And it made me cry.
  21. A lizard once shot blood from its eyes all over my face (defense mechanism).
  22. My uncle and I won the Texas championship BBQ cookoff TWICE
  23. I grew up performing at Pier 39 here in SF!
  24. I once bought a wig for Dido.
  25. My name has appeared in over 10 Broadway playbills.
  26. I know how to juggle.
  27. I was named after Harrison Ford.
  28. My wife was a D-level reality TV star.
  29. I don't have a computer at home.
  30. I was once able to dunk basketballs
  31. I moonlighted as a special effects person on a Bollywood film.
  32. I have a pilots license.
  33. Without my contacts I can barely see a foot in front of me!
  34. I only read books on paper or hardcover.