In addition, to theharmful chemicals, thewater in disposableplastic water bottles ismore likely to haveharmful bacteria than inthe tap water in theUnited States.(p.6)Disposable plasticwater bottles are aproblem for ourenvironment and ourhealth, and they are ahuge waste or ourmoney.(p.7Less plankton andalgae means less foodfor the animals that eatplankton and algae,thereby hindering thenumber of thoseanimals(p.4)Every day, dead andsick marine animals arefound along beaches,because of the massiveuse of disposableplastic water bottles.(p.2)Choose reusable waterbottles, and reusethem. This will lead toless pollution, fewertoxins, and more moneyin our piggy banks.(p8)Luckily, there is asimple cure to thedisposable waterpandemic. All wehave to do is stopbuying them.(p.8)The more we drinkfrom disposableplastic bottles, themore we are allexposed to thesetoxins.(p.5)Disposable plasticwater bottles are notjust killing individualmarine animals.They are disruptingentire ocean chains.(p.3)In addition, to theharmful chemicals, thewater in disposableplastic water bottles ismore likely to haveharmful bacteria than inthe tap water in theUnited States.(p.6)Disposable plasticwater bottles are aproblem for ourenvironment and ourhealth, and they are ahuge waste or ourmoney.(p.7Less plankton andalgae means less foodfor the animals that eatplankton and algae,thereby hindering thenumber of thoseanimals(p.4)Every day, dead andsick marine animals arefound along beaches,because of the massiveuse of disposableplastic water bottles.(p.2)Choose reusable waterbottles, and reusethem. This will lead toless pollution, fewertoxins, and more moneyin our piggy banks.(p8)Luckily, there is asimple cure to thedisposable waterpandemic. All wehave to do is stopbuying them.(p.8)The more we drinkfrom disposableplastic bottles, themore we are allexposed to thesetoxins.(p.5)Disposable plasticwater bottles are notjust killing individualmarine animals.They are disruptingentire ocean chains.(p.3)

Organizational Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In addition, to the harmful chemicals, the water in disposable plastic water bottles is more likely to have harmful bacteria than in the tap water in the United States. (p.6)
  2. Disposable plastic water bottles are a problem for our environment and our health, and they are a huge waste or our money. (p.7
  3. Less plankton and algae means less food for the animals that eat plankton and algae, thereby hindering the number of those animals (p.4)
  4. Every day, dead and sick marine animals are found along beaches, because of the massive use of disposable plastic water bottles. (p.2)
  5. Choose reusable water bottles, and reuse them. This will lead to less pollution, fewer toxins, and more money in our piggy banks. (p8)
  6. Luckily, there is a simple cure to the disposable water pandemic. All we have to do is stop buying them. (p.8)
  7. The more we drink from disposable plastic bottles, the more we are all exposed to these toxins. (p.5)
  8. Disposable plastic water bottles are not just killing individual marine animals. They are disrupting entire ocean chains. (p.3)