I owned aDomino'sPizzafranchise forten yearsI love the trackpackages ofthings I haveordered onlineI love to cook and makeup new recipes. When Iwas little I wouldpretend like a cookingshow host....'Yen CanCook' was my favoriteI have 8goats anda horseI met myhusband whiledeliveringfurniture to hishouseI have twomenacingdogs anda turtleTo blow offsteam, I liketo turkey &deer huntI onceknocked mybrother's toothout with abaseball batAs a hobby, Imake noveltycakes anddessertsDancedbackup forVanilla Ice andSalt and Pepaat a concertStood on theGreat Wall ofChina; Neverseen the movie"Titanic"I lived in Europe for 3years and was able tovisit Switzerland,Neuschwanstein Castle(the CInderella castle),the Czech republic, andPolandI am a SpaceCamp alumand havetwinsI am apublishedwriterI canclogI amaddictedtoPopsiclesI restored amid-centuryvan into the"MysteryMachine"I playedbasketballoverseasWent to sleepduring theACT and fellout of mychairI have the samebirthday as mygrandmother andher grandmother(my great greatgrandmother)I have climbed anactive volcano andzip-lined through acoffee plantationand over a canyonCancerSurvivorborn in VeroBeach, FLMy firstpaycheckwas from theNew YorkTimesMysiblingsare tripletsFavoritesnack is Salt& VinegarChipsI was in anIngle'sGrocery Storecommercialwhen I was 6Havewebbedtoes onboth feetI've taught in 4different statesthat includeMontana, Arizona,Tennessee andAlabamaI owned aDomino'sPizzafranchise forten yearsI love the trackpackages ofthings I haveordered onlineI love to cook and makeup new recipes. When Iwas little I wouldpretend like a cookingshow host....'Yen CanCook' was my favoriteI have 8goats anda horseI met myhusband whiledeliveringfurniture to hishouseI have twomenacingdogs anda turtleTo blow offsteam, I liketo turkey &deer huntI onceknocked mybrother's toothout with abaseball batAs a hobby, Imake noveltycakes anddessertsDancedbackup forVanilla Ice andSalt and Pepaat a concertStood on theGreat Wall ofChina; Neverseen the movie"Titanic"I lived in Europe for 3years and was able tovisit Switzerland,Neuschwanstein Castle(the CInderella castle),the Czech republic, andPolandI am a SpaceCamp alumand havetwinsI am apublishedwriterI canclogI amaddictedtoPopsiclesI restored amid-centuryvan into the"MysteryMachine"I playedbasketballoverseasWent to sleepduring theACT and fellout of mychairI have the samebirthday as mygrandmother andher grandmother(my great greatgrandmother)I have climbed anactive volcano andzip-lined through acoffee plantationand over a canyonCancerSurvivorborn in VeroBeach, FLMy firstpaycheckwas from theNew YorkTimesMysiblingsare tripletsFavoritesnack is Salt& VinegarChipsI was in anIngle'sGrocery Storecommercialwhen I was 6Havewebbedtoes onboth feetI've taught in 4different statesthat includeMontana, Arizona,Tennessee andAlabama

SMS Teacher Trivia Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I owned a Domino's Pizza franchise for ten years
  2. I love the track packages of things I have ordered online
  3. I love to cook and make up new recipes. When I was little I would pretend like a cooking show host....'Yen Can Cook' was my favorite
  4. I have 8 goats and a horse
  5. I met my husband while delivering furniture to his house
  6. I have two menacing dogs and a turtle
  7. To blow off steam, I like to turkey & deer hunt
  8. I once knocked my brother's tooth out with a baseball bat
  9. As a hobby, I make novelty cakes and desserts
  10. Danced backup for Vanilla Ice and Salt and Pepa at a concert
  11. Stood on the Great Wall of China; Never seen the movie "Titanic"
  12. I lived in Europe for 3 years and was able to visit Switzerland, Neuschwanstein Castle (the CInderella castle), the Czech republic, and Poland
  13. I am a Space Camp alum and have twins
  14. I am a published writer
  15. I can clog
  16. I am addicted to Popsicles
  17. I restored a mid-century van into the "Mystery Machine"
  18. I played basketball overseas
  19. Went to sleep during the ACT and fell out of my chair
  20. I have the same birthday as my grandmother and her grandmother (my great great grandmother)
  21. I have climbed an active volcano and zip-lined through a coffee plantation and over a canyon
  22. Cancer Survivor born in Vero Beach, FL
  23. My first paycheck was from the New York Times
  24. My siblings are triplets
  25. Favorite snack is Salt & Vinegar Chips
  26. I was in an Ingle's Grocery Store commercial when I was 6
  27. Have webbed toes on both feet
  28. I've taught in 4 different states that include Montana, Arizona, Tennessee and Alabama