Switch or Referral an SSS Sign up a new FL/CV account Clean Desk Sticky note Enroll someone in Online Banking Speak about Epic with 3 people Wealth manage- ment referrals 10 Promo Prospect Letters compliment a coworker! Checking Account Referral Audit Items Complete Complete Job Duties 1 Week of Perfect Logs Enroll 3 in Estate- ments Send out 5 New Money Flyers Help a coworker with a project 90% or better Work Review Solve a customer issue Speak about Epic with 3 people 10 Epic letters 10 Credit Card letters 10 Credit Card Letters Perfect Legendary SVC Obs 5 New Money CD Flyers 5 days of Perfect Balancing 10 Promo Prospect Letters 10 Epic Letters Switch or Referral an SSS Sign up a new FL/CV account Clean Desk Sticky note Enroll someone in Online Banking Speak about Epic with 3 people Wealth manage- ment referrals 10 Promo Prospect Letters compliment a coworker! Checking Account Referral Audit Items Complete Complete Job Duties 1 Week of Perfect Logs Enroll 3 in Estate- ments Send out 5 New Money Flyers Help a coworker with a project 90% or better Work Review Solve a customer issue Speak about Epic with 3 people 10 Epic letters 10 Credit Card letters 10 Credit Card Letters Perfect Legendary SVC Obs 5 New Money CD Flyers 5 days of Perfect Balancing 10 Promo Prospect Letters 10 Epic Letters
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Switch or Referral an SSS
Sign up a new FL/CV account
Clean Desk Sticky note
Enroll someone in Online Banking
Speak about Epic with 3 people
Wealth manage-ment referrals
10 Promo Prospect Letters
compliment a coworker!
Checking Account Referral
Audit Items Complete
Complete Job Duties
1 Week of Perfect Logs
Enroll 3 in Estate-ments
Send out 5 New Money Flyers
Help a coworker with a project
90% or better Work Review
Solve a customer issue
Speak about Epic with 3 people
10 Epic letters
10 Credit Card letters
10 Credit Card Letters
Perfect Legendary SVC Obs
5 New Money CD Flyers
5 days of Perfect Balancing
10 Promo Prospect Letters
10 Epic Letters