Yanyan’sParents workat a privateAluminumfactoryCompletedPhD study inDecember of2015Yanyancompleted herundergraduatein Nanjing andwanted to be ateacherPeople born ina year of theTiger are brave,competitive,unpredictable,and confident.Yanyanlikes dogs,cats, fish,turtles, birdsLike to watchthe Office onNetflix (withsub-titles)LikeshikingYanyan'syoungersister ismarriedYanyan hasone youngersister(Xiaoyan)Received aninternationalresearch awardand invitedspeaker in SanDiego 2018born inthe yearof TigerReceived aninternationalresearch awardand invitedspeaker inOrlando 2019EnjoysreadingWent toZhejiangUniversityfor her PhDFirst came to USin 2013 to study atThomas JeffersonUniversity inPhiladelphiaLucky days:the 16th and27th of anyChinese lunarmonthEnjoyspaintingbynumberLike to go withAndrew toDowntownLoveland, theriver and thebike trailLucky numbers:1, 3, and 4 andnumberscontaining them(like 13 and 43)LikesSciencestudying brainneurodegenerationdisease (Gaucherdisease) which isassociated withParkinson diseaseGot to know eachother becauseAndrew alwaysasked Yanyan forher keys for thecell culture roomat CCHMCYanyan hastwograndmothersWent toChipotlefor theirfirst dateOne of herhobbies ismaking smallbraceletsShe iscurrently aPostdoctoralResearchFellowFirst datewas onJan 9th2015She is mostscared ofsnakes(someworms)Met atwork inChildren’shospitalShe has aniece anda nephewHer twograndfathershave passedawayYanyan’sParents workat a privateAluminumfactoryCompletedPhD study inDecember of2015Yanyancompleted herundergraduatein Nanjing andwanted to be ateacherPeople born ina year of theTiger are brave,competitive,unpredictable,and confident.Yanyanlikes dogs,cats, fish,turtles, birdsLike to watchthe Office onNetflix (withsub-titles)LikeshikingYanyan'syoungersister ismarriedYanyan hasone youngersister(Xiaoyan)Received aninternationalresearch awardand invitedspeaker in SanDiego 2018born inthe yearof TigerReceived aninternationalresearch awardand invitedspeaker inOrlando 2019EnjoysreadingWent toZhejiangUniversityfor her PhDFirst came to USin 2013 to study atThomas JeffersonUniversity inPhiladelphiaLucky days:the 16th and27th of anyChinese lunarmonthEnjoyspaintingbynumberLike to go withAndrew toDowntownLoveland, theriver and thebike trailLucky numbers:1, 3, and 4 andnumberscontaining them(like 13 and 43)LikesSciencestudying brainneurodegenerationdisease (Gaucherdisease) which isassociated withParkinson diseaseGot to know eachother becauseAndrew alwaysasked Yanyan forher keys for thecell culture roomat CCHMCYanyan hastwograndmothersWent toChipotlefor theirfirst dateOne of herhobbies ismaking smallbraceletsShe iscurrently aPostdoctoralResearchFellowFirst datewas onJan 9th2015She is mostscared ofsnakes(someworms)Met atwork inChildren’shospitalShe has aniece anda nephewHer twograndfathershave passedaway

Bridal Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Yanyan’s Parents work at a private Aluminum factory
  2. Completed PhD study in December of 2015
  3. Yanyan completed her undergraduate in Nanjing and wanted to be a teacher
  4. People born in a year of the Tiger are brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident.
  5. Yanyan likes dogs, cats, fish, turtles, birds
  6. Like to watch the Office on Netflix (with sub-titles)
  7. Likes hiking
  8. Yanyan's younger sister is married
  9. Yanyan has one younger sister (Xiaoyan)
  10. Received an international research award and invited speaker in San Diego 2018
  11. born in the year of Tiger
  12. Received an international research award and invited speaker in Orlando 2019
  13. Enjoys reading
  14. Went to Zhejiang University for her PhD
  15. First came to US in 2013 to study at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia
  16. Lucky days: the 16th and 27th of any Chinese lunar month
  17. Enjoys painting by number
  18. Like to go with Andrew to Downtown Loveland, the river and the bike trail
  19. Lucky numbers: 1, 3, and 4 and numbers containing them (like 13 and 43)
  20. Likes Science
  21. studying brain neurodegeneration disease (Gaucher disease) which is associated with Parkinson disease
  22. Got to know each other because Andrew always asked Yanyan for her keys for the cell culture room at CCHMC
  23. Yanyan has two grandmothers
  24. Went to Chipotle for their first date
  25. One of her hobbies is making small bracelets
  26. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  27. First date was on Jan 9th 2015
  28. She is most scared of snakes (some worms)
  29. Met at work in Children’s hospital
  30. She has a niece and a nephew
  31. Her two grandfathers have passed away