Research oneof the sportsicons in bookand writeabout themCreate ajeopardygame orkahoot basedon the bookEmail theauthor aboutwhy you like thebook and how itinspired youMake yourownchallengeupWrite aninspirationalpoem aboutone of thelessonsCreate aplaylistthat relatesto the bookResearch theauthor andwrite abiographyabout him injournalCreate ameme forthe bookCreate acollage ofinspirationalmessages on asheet of paperWrite a backcoversummaryfor this bookWhat wouldbe your lifelesson andwhy? Answerin journalCreate amovie posterfor the bookon googleslidesMake anadvertisementabout one ofthe lessonsRead a reviewof the book andthen write yourown. Supportyour opinionMake a booktrailer topromote thebook with apartnerWrite abouthow youconnected toone of thelessons in yourjournalResearch oneof the sportsicons in bookand writeabout themCreate ajeopardygame orkahoot basedon the bookEmail theauthor aboutwhy you like thebook and how itinspired youMake yourownchallengeupWrite aninspirationalpoem aboutone of thelessonsCreate aplaylistthat relatesto the bookResearch theauthor andwrite abiographyabout him injournalCreate ameme forthe bookCreate acollage ofinspirationalmessages on asheet of paperWrite a backcoversummaryfor this bookWhat wouldbe your lifelesson andwhy? Answerin journalCreate amovie posterfor the bookon googleslidesMake anadvertisementabout one ofthe lessonsRead a reviewof the book andthen write yourown. Supportyour opinionMake a booktrailer topromote thebook with apartnerWrite abouthow youconnected toone of thelessons in yourjournal

The Playbook: 52 lessons - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Research one of the sports icons in book and write about them
  2. Create a jeopardy game or kahoot based on the book
  3. Email the author about why you like the book and how it inspired you
  4. Make your own challenge up
  5. Write an inspirational poem about one of the lessons
  6. Create a playlist that relates to the book
  7. Research the author and write a biography about him in journal
  8. Create a meme for the book
  9. Create a collage of inspirational messages on a sheet of paper
  10. Write a back cover summary for this book
  11. What would be your life lesson and why? Answer in journal
  12. Create a movie poster for the book on google slides
  13. Make an advertisement about one of the lessons
  14. Read a review of the book and then write your own. Support your opinion
  15. Make a book trailer to promote the book with a partner
  16. Write about how you connected to one of the lessons in your journal