What did Hitlerdo once herealized theywere going tolose the battle?Which sidehad the mostsoldiers,tanks, andaircraft?True or False:The city ofBerlin was leftlargelyundamaged bythe battle.What groupof soldiersled the firstwave ofinvaders?What countrywere the AlliedForces trying tofree from theGermans with theInvasion ofNormandy?How did theBattle of theBulge get itsname?What did GeneralAnthony McAuliffereply when theGermanssurrounded him anddemand hesurrender?What countrycelebrates its FlagDay on May 2 tocommemorate thevictory of theBattle of Berlin?What wasthe weatherlike duringthe battle?True or False:The invasionwas nearlycancelled dueto bad weather.Who was theleader of theGerman forcesduring theInvasion ofNormandy?About howmany Americantroops fought inthe Battle of theBulge?What were thetwo maincountries thatfought at theBattle of Berlin?Whichside wonthe Battleof Berlin?From what twocountries weremost of thetroops whofought in thebattle?Who was thesupremecommanderof the SovietArmy?True or False:Most of theAmerican troopsfled as they wereoverrun by theGerman attack?Whoeventuallywon thebattle?On what twobeaches didthe Americantroops landat?When didthe battlebegin?How manyAllied troopslanded on thefirst day of theinvasion?Where wasthe Battle ofthe Bulgefought?What isanother namefor theInvasion ofNormandy?True or False: TheBattle of Berlinwas the last majorbattle in Europeduring World WarII.What did Hitlerdo once herealized theywere going tolose the battle?Which sidehad the mostsoldiers,tanks, andaircraft?True or False:The city ofBerlin was leftlargelyundamaged bythe battle.What groupof soldiersled the firstwave ofinvaders?What countrywere the AlliedForces trying tofree from theGermans with theInvasion ofNormandy?How did theBattle of theBulge get itsname?What did GeneralAnthony McAuliffereply when theGermanssurrounded him anddemand hesurrender?What countrycelebrates its FlagDay on May 2 tocommemorate thevictory of theBattle of Berlin?What wasthe weatherlike duringthe battle?True or False:The invasionwas nearlycancelled dueto bad weather.Who was theleader of theGerman forcesduring theInvasion ofNormandy?About howmany Americantroops fought inthe Battle of theBulge?What were thetwo maincountries thatfought at theBattle of Berlin?Whichside wonthe Battleof Berlin?From what twocountries weremost of thetroops whofought in thebattle?Who was thesupremecommanderof the SovietArmy?True or False:Most of theAmerican troopsfled as they wereoverrun by theGerman attack?Whoeventuallywon thebattle?On what twobeaches didthe Americantroops landat?When didthe battlebegin?How manyAllied troopslanded on thefirst day of theinvasion?Where wasthe Battle ofthe Bulgefought?What isanother namefor theInvasion ofNormandy?True or False: TheBattle of Berlinwas the last majorbattle in Europeduring World WarII.

battle of the bulge - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What did Hitler do once he realized they were going to lose the battle?
  2. Which side had the most soldiers, tanks, and aircraft?
  3. True or False: The city of Berlin was left largely undamaged by the battle.
  4. What group of soldiers led the first wave of invaders?
  5. What country were the Allied Forces trying to free from the Germans with the Invasion of Normandy?
  6. How did the Battle of the Bulge get its name?
  7. What did General Anthony McAuliffe reply when the Germans surrounded him and demand he surrender?
  8. What country celebrates its Flag Day on May 2 to commemorate the victory of the Battle of Berlin?
  9. What was the weather like during the battle?
  10. True or False: The invasion was nearly cancelled due to bad weather.
  11. Who was the leader of the German forces during the Invasion of Normandy?
  12. About how many American troops fought in the Battle of the Bulge?
  13. What were the two main countries that fought at the Battle of Berlin?
  14. Which side won the Battle of Berlin?
  15. From what two countries were most of the troops who fought in the battle?
  16. Who was the supreme commander of the Soviet Army?
  17. True or False: Most of the American troops fled as they were overrun by the German attack?
  18. Who eventually won the battle?
  19. On what two beaches did the American troops land at?
  20. When did the battle begin?
  21. How many Allied troops landed on the first day of the invasion?
  22. Where was the Battle of the Bulge fought?
  23. What is another name for the Invasion of Normandy?
  24. True or False: The Battle of Berlin was the last major battle in Europe during World War II.