has seen an episode of the Bachelor/Bachelorette can't swim is a night owl has gone to Target in the last week wears contacts Is an education major has a tattoo owns a Mac has been to the Baltimore Aquarium is a lefty doesn't like Old Bay went ice skating this winter plays an instrument has gone to the gym this semester has never bought anything from Hollister is not from Maryland knows how to play poker has seen all the Harry Potter movies had braces has played flappy bird lives on campus doesn't like sushi has gotten Starbucks in the last week owns a Samsung Galaxy doesn't drive has seen an episode of the Bachelor/Bachelorette can't swim is a night owl has gone to Target in the last week wears contacts Is an education major has a tattoo owns a Mac has been to the Baltimore Aquarium is a lefty doesn't like Old Bay went ice skating this winter plays an instrument has gone to the gym this semester has never bought anything from Hollister is not from Maryland knows how to play poker has seen all the Harry Potter movies had braces has played flappy bird lives on campus doesn't like sushi has gotten Starbucks in the last week owns a Samsung Galaxy doesn't drive
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
has seen an episode of the Bachelor/Bachelorette
can't swim
is a night owl
has gone to Target in the last week
wears contacts
Is an education major
has a tattoo
owns a Mac
has been to the Baltimore Aquarium
is a lefty
doesn't like Old Bay
went ice skating this winter
plays an instrument
has gone to the gym this semester
has never bought anything from Hollister
is not from Maryland
knows how to play poker
has seen all the Harry Potter movies
had braces
has played flappy bird
lives on campus
doesn't like sushi
has gotten Starbucks in the last week
owns a Samsung Galaxy
doesn't drive