About howlong did theattack onPearl Harborlast?What PrimeMinister ofJapan pushedfor Japan toattack theUnited States?What day wasPearl Harborattacked bytheJapanese?What UnitedStates aircraftcarrier wassunk at theBattle ofMidway?When theJapanese forceswithdrew tomainland Japan,what did theUnited Statesdecide to do?What isthe Islandof Midwaytoday?Who was theleader of theJapaneseforce?What gave theUnited Statesan edge inpreparing forthe battle?WhatwereKamikazeattacks?What facilities inHawaii did theJapanese notattack that allowedthe US Navy torecover quickly?What twonationsfought at theBattle ofMidway?Around howlong did theBattle ofMidway last?Who was theleader of theAmericanforce?What is thename of thememorial ofthe attack?What did theUnited Statesvictory at theBattle of Midwaydo for theAmericans in thewar?What was thereaction of theUnited Statesto the attack?What day ofthe week didtheJapaneseattack?What USgeneralaccepted thesurrender of theJapaneseforces?What daydid Japanattack PearlHarbor?When this shipwas sunk at PearlHarbor, over onethousand USsoldiers lost theirlives.Where isthe Islandof Midwaylocated?The picture ofmarines raising aflag that was usedfor the Marine CorpsMemorial was takenon what island?What countrywas the mainAxis power inthe Pacifictheater of WorldWar II?What importanttype of navalvessel was notdestroyed inthe attack?About howlong did theattack onPearl Harborlast?What PrimeMinister ofJapan pushedfor Japan toattack theUnited States?What day wasPearl Harborattacked bytheJapanese?What UnitedStates aircraftcarrier wassunk at theBattle ofMidway?When theJapanese forceswithdrew tomainland Japan,what did theUnited Statesdecide to do?What isthe Islandof Midwaytoday?Who was theleader of theJapaneseforce?What gave theUnited Statesan edge inpreparing forthe battle?WhatwereKamikazeattacks?What facilities inHawaii did theJapanese notattack that allowedthe US Navy torecover quickly?What twonationsfought at theBattle ofMidway?Around howlong did theBattle ofMidway last?Who was theleader of theAmericanforce?What is thename of thememorial ofthe attack?What did theUnited Statesvictory at theBattle of Midwaydo for theAmericans in thewar?What was thereaction of theUnited Statesto the attack?What day ofthe week didtheJapaneseattack?What USgeneralaccepted thesurrender of theJapaneseforces?What daydid Japanattack PearlHarbor?When this shipwas sunk at PearlHarbor, over onethousand USsoldiers lost theirlives.Where isthe Islandof Midwaylocated?The picture ofmarines raising aflag that was usedfor the Marine CorpsMemorial was takenon what island?What countrywas the mainAxis power inthe Pacifictheater of WorldWar II?What importanttype of navalvessel was notdestroyed inthe attack?

Pacific Bingo Questions - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. About how long did the attack on Pearl Harbor last?
  2. What Prime Minister of Japan pushed for Japan to attack the United States?
  3. What day was Pearl Harbor attacked by the Japanese?
  4. What United States aircraft carrier was sunk at the Battle of Midway?
  5. When the Japanese forces withdrew to mainland Japan, what did the United States decide to do?
  6. What is the Island of Midway today?
  7. Who was the leader of the Japanese force?
  8. What gave the United States an edge in preparing for the battle?
  9. What were Kamikaze attacks?
  10. What facilities in Hawaii did the Japanese not attack that allowed the US Navy to recover quickly?
  11. What two nations fought at the Battle of Midway?
  12. Around how long did the Battle of Midway last?
  13. Who was the leader of the American force?
  14. What is the name of the memorial of the attack?
  15. What did the United States victory at the Battle of Midway do for the Americans in the war?
  16. What was the reaction of the United States to the attack?
  17. What day of the week did the Japanese attack?
  18. What US general accepted the surrender of the Japanese forces?
  19. What day did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
  20. When this ship was sunk at Pearl Harbor, over one thousand US soldiers lost their lives.
  21. Where is the Island of Midway located?
  22. The picture of marines raising a flag that was used for the Marine Corps Memorial was taken on what island?
  23. What country was the main Axis power in the Pacific theater of World War II?
  24. What important type of naval vessel was not destroyed in the attack?