Lead via Solicitation RFP via Solicitation Info to Kill Account Detailed Booking Notes TripAdvisor Mention Signed Contract Info to Kill Account Lead via Solicitation Solicitation Email Response 20 Calls in a Day Inquiry Call 10 Calls in a Day Short- Listed Referral to Lodge Solicitation Email Response 10 Calls in a Day Site Visit Scheduled Solicitation Email Response 30 Calls in a Day Referral from Lodge Site Visit Contract Request 30 Calls in a day In-House Client Meeting Lead via Solicitation RFP via Solicitation Info to Kill Account Detailed Booking Notes TripAdvisor Mention Signed Contract Info to Kill Account Lead via Solicitation Solicitation Email Response 20 Calls in a Day Inquiry Call 10 Calls in a Day Short- Listed Referral to Lodge Solicitation Email Response 10 Calls in a Day Site Visit Scheduled Solicitation Email Response 30 Calls in a Day Referral from Lodge Site Visit Contract Request 30 Calls in a day In-House Client Meeting
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Lead via Solicitation
RFP via Solicitation
Info to Kill Account
Detailed Booking Notes
TripAdvisor Mention
Signed Contract
Info to Kill Account
Lead via Solicitation
Solicitation Email Response
20 Calls in a Day
Inquiry Call
10 Calls in a Day
Referral to Lodge
Solicitation Email Response
10 Calls in a Day
Site Visit
Solicitation Email Response
30 Calls in a Day
Referral from Lodge
Site Visit
Contract Request
30 Calls in a day
In-House Client Meeting