Talk to acustomerabout ourFreedomClubsGet acustomer tofill out acredit cardapplicationBring in atreat for theoffice toboostmorale!Talk to acustomer aboutthe benefits ofVantageCheckingSignsomeoneup for E-StatementsGet acredit cardapplicationGetsomeone tosign up for E-statementsMake a productknowledge quizfor everyone totakeMake acustomerfollow-upcallSignsomeoneup for E-StatementsGive apresentation ata sales meetingon a topic ofyour choiceWear a badgefor a day thatpromotes aproduct youcan referTalk to acustomerabout a ReadyMoney ODProtectionAdopt a buddyin the branchand have areferral contestfor the dayGivesomeone asincerecomplimentCome up witha promo ideafor office andco-ordinate itTalk to a customerwho has a HELOC about ourHomeownersAdvantage CardAsk a customerif they areinterested in aFinancialCheckup withMattTalk to amerchantabout ourMerchantServicesHelp a co-worker byrole playingfor referralsGo aboveandbeyond fora customerGet a customerto open aChristmas orVacationFreedom ClubTalk to acustomerabout estateplanningMake a call to afreind or customerthat you knowmay be willing totalk to Matt aboutfinancial planningTalk to acustomerabout ourFreedomClubsGet acustomer tofill out acredit cardapplicationBring in atreat for theoffice toboostmorale!Talk to acustomer aboutthe benefits ofVantageCheckingSignsomeoneup for E-StatementsGet acredit cardapplicationGetsomeone tosign up for E-statementsMake a productknowledge quizfor everyone totakeMake acustomerfollow-upcallSignsomeoneup for E-StatementsGive apresentation ata sales meetingon a topic ofyour choiceWear a badgefor a day thatpromotes aproduct youcan referTalk to acustomerabout a ReadyMoney ODProtectionAdopt a buddyin the branchand have areferral contestfor the dayGivesomeone asincerecomplimentCome up witha promo ideafor office andco-ordinate itTalk to a customerwho has a HELOC about ourHomeownersAdvantage CardAsk a customerif they areinterested in aFinancialCheckup withMattTalk to amerchantabout ourMerchantServicesHelp a co-worker byrole playingfor referralsGo aboveandbeyond fora customerGet a customerto open aChristmas orVacationFreedom ClubTalk to acustomerabout estateplanningMake a call to afreind or customerthat you knowmay be willing totalk to Matt aboutfinancial planning


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Talk to a customer about our Freedom Clubs
  2. Get a customer to fill out a credit card application
  3. Bring in a treat for the office to boost morale!
  4. Talk to a customer about the benefits of Vantage Checking
  5. Sign someone up for E-Statements
  6. Get a credit card application
  7. Get someone to sign up for E-statements
  8. Make a product knowledge quiz for everyone to take
  9. Make a customer follow-up call
  10. Sign someone up for E-Statements
  11. Give a presentation at a sales meeting on a topic of your choice
  12. Wear a badge for a day that promotes a product you can refer
  13. Talk to a customer about a Ready Money OD Protection
  14. Adopt a buddy in the branch and have a referral contest for the day
  15. Give someone a sincere compliment
  16. Come up with a promo idea for office and co-ordinate it
  17. Talk to a customer who has a HE LOC about our Homeowners Advantage Card
  18. Ask a customer if they are interested in a Financial Checkup with Matt
  19. Talk to a merchant about our Merchant Services
  20. Help a co-worker by role playing for referrals
  21. Go above and beyond for a customer
  22. Get a customer to open a Christmas or Vacation Freedom Club
  23. Talk to a customer about estate planning
  24. Make a call to a freind or customer that you know may be willing to talk to Matt about financial planning