Director begsstudents to“PLEASEJUSTPRACTICE!”Band director doesn'tlike the way the trianglesounds, proceeds tomake the student try 6different beaters beforedeclaring one "muchbetter." (naturally, it wasthe first one)In desperation,teacher asksstudents forhelp getting thenew projector towork.Alto takes a45 minutebathroombreak.Cymbalfalls offthe stand.Students sneakout of hotelroom to pick upa pizza theyordered fromUber.Mr. McBeathgets monoand spendsentire tour inhotel room.Avengers isadded to theprogram aweek beforethe concert.Student“accidentally”swears out loudafter making amistake.Someonesteals the keyto the churchwe played inon tour."Here are yourfreakingcheesecakes,NathanielMartin!"Percussionistsbreak a wineglass.CelloExplodesOboes smilesmugly as theyare asked todemonstratesomething for therest of the class.Director realizes noone is playing thecorrect parts, thusbeginning thetedious andpredictable "Who'son 1st" routine.35 extra boxes ofpizza areordered.#thanksApplauseScienceDepartment'sescaped snakefound in RMAduring ChoirFun Day.Studentawkwardly avoidseye contact withMrs. Mahfollowing Honorscoaching.You think you'realone and thenrealize there issomeone sleepingon the couch inthe orchestraroom.Students spendhalf the periodcleaning up adrink from theGrind that hasspilled all over thefloor.Director cuts off rightafter you havecounted 80+measures of restand you’re finallyabout to play yourfirst note.Student has yetanotheraccompanistcoaching duringdress rehearsalBel Canto dressis shortened byliberal use ofdouble sidedtape.Flute sectionstarts gigglingfor noapparentreason.A ShalomCandle is foundin late June inthe boys 2ndfloor bathroom.The RMA liftbreaks down onthe day weneed to moveall equipmentonto the stage.A lunch bag isfound in the choirroom containingwhat appears tohave been a tunafish sandwich andchips.Drum Line takesshirts off (again)while unloading thetruck and then can'tunderstand why noone wants to helpthem.The skys unleasha torrentialdownpour just asband beginshalftimeperformance.Thousands ofants found inthe basssection wherefood is leftIt's the beginningofclass...orchestra isplaying frisbee bythe Tesla in theparking lot.Student leaves togo to thebathroom asdirector stopsrehearsal to workwith just theirsection.Students enterthe roomasking "Arewe playingtoday?"Student admitsthey don't knowdifferencebetweenquarter andeighth note.Trumpet sectionmisses entrancebecause they arebusy high fivingeach other overgetting somethingright.Students consumean entire case ofRed Bull on thefinal night of tourin an effort to stayup all night.Choir hasmovieday...again.Clarinetmysteriouslybreaks apart.Pieces fall to thefloor at mosttender moment inthe piece.Viola ismissing...noonenotices.Bathroombreak lastsfor longerthan half theperiod.Mr. Hasketttells a storyaboutCrowy.Orchestra finallygets to have arehearsal withSOW. Soloists areall at GreatAmerica.Woodwinds areentertained asBrass sectionasked to buzzsomething on theirmouthpieces.Choir seniorstake 2 monthsto pick musicfor finalconcert.Violins spendentire periodcreating yetanother memeabout Mr.Bassill.Conductoraccidentallystabsthemself withbaton.ALL musicis missingat start ofconcert.Director finallymoves on to2nd piece onthe board with 3minutes left inclass.Mouse crawls outof studentbackpack duringrehearsal. Directorkeeps going.Someonerealizes afterseveral falsestarts that theyare playing thewrong piece.Tromboneplayerdrops amute.Studentdeclares theirmusic "stolen."Director finds itin their folder.Mrs. Mahmisseswarmupsbecause she istalking to Mrs.Kessler.Music Departmentexperiencesemotional wellnesswhen "EmotionalWellness Walk" iscanceled.Percussionistdrops a stick.Hours of time andenergy are devoted todecorating thewhiteboard at the frontof the room butstudents have "notime" to practice.Director rollseyes andmakes a snarkycomment onlythe front rowcan hear.Mr. O'Connorperforms drumsolo viaFacetime.A Madrigal Tenordoes not wash histights over theduration of 25Madrigal concerts.Oboe playerspills theirreed soakingwater all overfloor.Call is 6:30:Only oneperson isthere by6:35.Mr. Haskett setsoffice on fire whencooking m&ms inthe microwave for24 minutesinstead of 24seconds.Directors spendhalf a day tryingto discoversource ofmysterioussmell...20 Froot by theFoot wrappers arefound inside abass drum whenthe head isremoved.Studentsuccessfullyfakes their waythrough entirerehearsal withno music.Saxophoneplayer wandersin or out of theroom for noapparentreason.Equipmenttruck breaksdown on wayto footballgame.13 ½ pencilsare foundhanging fromthe ceilingabove the basssectionOnly 1 of 500orchestrapencils remainby the MayConcertMr. Bassillmissesrehearsalbecause he islooking for lostmusic.A mouseclimbs out ofa MadrigalSinger’sbackpack.Entire class islate and walksin withmilkshakesfrom the Grind.Entire sectionmisses an entrancebecause they arebusy watching avideo on someone’sphone.SOWreceives theirmusic theday of theconcert.Entire choirendures lecturebecausesomeone brokethe HobermanSphere.Batteriesare deadon all ofthe tuners.Studentcarvesname intoinstrument...Student is onphone duringclass, allegedlytexting theirmom (which stillisn't ok)Mr. Hasketttellssopranosto SYB!"Suspiciously,"Mr. Haskett'schairbreaks...again.Director begsstudents to“PLEASEJUSTPRACTICE!”Band director doesn'tlike the way the trianglesounds, proceeds tomake the student try 6different beaters beforedeclaring one "muchbetter." (naturally, it wasthe first one)In desperation,teacher asksstudents forhelp getting thenew projector towork.Alto takes a45 minutebathroombreak.Cymbalfalls offthe stand.Students sneakout of hotelroom to pick upa pizza theyordered fromUber.Mr. McBeathgets monoand spendsentire tour inhotel room.Avengers isadded to theprogram aweek beforethe concert.Student“accidentally”swears out loudafter making amistake.Someonesteals the keyto the churchwe played inon tour."Here are yourfreakingcheesecakes,NathanielMartin!"Percussionistsbreak a wineglass.CelloExplodesOboes smilesmugly as theyare asked todemonstratesomething for therest of the class.Director realizes noone is playing thecorrect parts, thusbeginning thetedious andpredictable "Who'son 1st" routine.35 extra boxes ofpizza areordered.#thanksApplauseScienceDepartment'sescaped snakefound in RMAduring ChoirFun Day.Studentawkwardly avoidseye contact withMrs. Mahfollowing Honorscoaching.You think you'realone and thenrealize there issomeone sleepingon the couch inthe orchestraroom.Students spendhalf the periodcleaning up adrink from theGrind that hasspilled all over thefloor.Director cuts off rightafter you havecounted 80+measures of restand you’re finallyabout to play yourfirst note.Student has yetanotheraccompanistcoaching duringdress rehearsalBel Canto dressis shortened byliberal use ofdouble sidedtape.Flute sectionstarts gigglingfor noapparentreason.A ShalomCandle is foundin late June inthe boys 2ndfloor bathroom.The RMA liftbreaks down onthe day weneed to moveall equipmentonto the stage.A lunch bag isfound in the choirroom containingwhat appears tohave been a tunafish sandwich andchips.Drum Line takesshirts off (again)while unloading thetruck and then can'tunderstand why noone wants to helpthem.The skys unleasha torrentialdownpour just asband beginshalftimeperformance.Thousands ofants found inthe basssection wherefood is leftIt's the beginningofclass...orchestra isplaying frisbee bythe Tesla in theparking lot.Student leaves togo to thebathroom asdirector stopsrehearsal to workwith just theirsection.Students enterthe roomasking "Arewe playingtoday?"Student admitsthey don't knowdifferencebetweenquarter andeighth note.Trumpet sectionmisses entrancebecause they arebusy high fivingeach other overgetting somethingright.Students consumean entire case ofRed Bull on thefinal night of tourin an effort to stayup all night.Choir hasmovieday...again.Clarinetmysteriouslybreaks apart.Pieces fall to thefloor at mosttender moment inthe piece.Viola ismissing...noonenotices.Bathroombreak lastsfor longerthan half theperiod.Mr. Hasketttells a storyaboutCrowy.Orchestra finallygets to have arehearsal withSOW. Soloists areall at GreatAmerica.Woodwinds areentertained asBrass sectionasked to buzzsomething on theirmouthpieces.Choir seniorstake 2 monthsto pick musicfor finalconcert.Violins spendentire periodcreating yetanother memeabout Mr.Bassill.Conductoraccidentallystabsthemself withbaton.ALL musicis missingat start ofconcert.Director finallymoves on to2nd piece onthe board with 3minutes left inclass.Mouse crawls outof studentbackpack duringrehearsal. Directorkeeps going.Someonerealizes afterseveral falsestarts that theyare playing thewrong piece.Tromboneplayerdrops amute.Studentdeclares theirmusic "stolen."Director finds itin their folder.Mrs. Mahmisseswarmupsbecause she istalking to Mrs.Kessler.Music Departmentexperiencesemotional wellnesswhen "EmotionalWellness Walk" iscanceled.Percussionistdrops a stick.Hours of time andenergy are devoted todecorating thewhiteboard at the frontof the room butstudents have "notime" to practice.Director rollseyes andmakes a snarkycomment onlythe front rowcan hear.Mr. O'Connorperforms drumsolo viaFacetime.A Madrigal Tenordoes not wash histights over theduration of 25Madrigal concerts.Oboe playerspills theirreed soakingwater all overfloor.Call is 6:30:Only oneperson isthere by6:35.Mr. Haskett setsoffice on fire whencooking m&ms inthe microwave for24 minutesinstead of 24seconds.Directors spendhalf a day tryingto discoversource ofmysterioussmell...20 Froot by theFoot wrappers arefound inside abass drum whenthe head isremoved.Studentsuccessfullyfakes their waythrough entirerehearsal withno music.Saxophoneplayer wandersin or out of theroom for noapparentreason.Equipmenttruck breaksdown on wayto footballgame.13 ½ pencilsare foundhanging fromthe ceilingabove the basssectionOnly 1 of 500orchestrapencils remainby the MayConcertMr. Bassillmissesrehearsalbecause he islooking for lostmusic.A mouseclimbs out ofa MadrigalSinger’sbackpack.Entire class islate and walksin withmilkshakesfrom the Grind.Entire sectionmisses an entrancebecause they arebusy watching avideo on someone’sphone.SOWreceives theirmusic theday of theconcert.Entire choirendures lecturebecausesomeone brokethe HobermanSphere.Batteriesare deadon all ofthe tuners.Studentcarvesname intoinstrument...Student is onphone duringclass, allegedlytexting theirmom (which stillisn't ok)Mr. Hasketttellssopranosto SYB!"Suspiciously,"Mr. Haskett'schairbreaks...again.

LFHS Music Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Director begs students to “PLEASE JUST PRACTICE!”
  2. Band director doesn't like the way the triangle sounds, proceeds to make the student try 6 different beaters before declaring one "much better." (naturally, it was the first one)
  3. In desperation, teacher asks students for help getting the new projector to work.
  4. Alto takes a 45 minute bathroom break.
  5. Cymbal falls off the stand.
  6. Students sneak out of hotel room to pick up a pizza they ordered from Uber.
  7. Mr. McBeath gets mono and spends entire tour in hotel room.
  8. Avengers is added to the program a week before the concert.
  9. Student “accidentally” swears out loud after making a mistake.
  10. Someone steals the key to the church we played in on tour.
  11. "Here are your freaking cheesecakes, Nathaniel Martin!"
  12. Percussionists break a wine glass.
  13. Cello Explodes
  14. Oboes smile smugly as they are asked to demonstrate something for the rest of the class.
  15. Director realizes no one is playing the correct parts, thus beginning the tedious and predictable "Who's on 1st" routine.
  16. 35 extra boxes of pizza are ordered. #thanksApplause
  17. Science Department's escaped snake found in RMA during Choir Fun Day.
  18. Student awkwardly avoids eye contact with Mrs. Mah following Honors coaching.
  19. You think you're alone and then realize there is someone sleeping on the couch in the orchestra room.
  20. Students spend half the period cleaning up a drink from the Grind that has spilled all over the floor.
  21. Director cuts off right after you have counted 80+ measures of rest and you’re finally about to play your first note.
  22. Student has yet another accompanist coaching during dress rehearsal
  23. Bel Canto dress is shortened by liberal use of double sided tape.
  24. Flute section starts giggling for no apparent reason.
  25. A Shalom Candle is found in late June in the boys 2nd floor bathroom.
  26. The RMA lift breaks down on the day we need to move all equipment onto the stage.
  27. A lunch bag is found in the choir room containing what appears to have been a tuna fish sandwich and chips.
  28. Drum Line takes shirts off (again) while unloading the truck and then can't understand why no one wants to help them.
  29. The skys unleash a torrential downpour just as band begins halftime performance.
  30. Thousands of ants found in the bass section where food is left
  31. It's the beginning of class...orchestra is playing frisbee by the Tesla in the parking lot.
  32. Student leaves to go to the bathroom as director stops rehearsal to work with just their section.
  33. Students enter the room asking "Are we playing today?"
  34. Student admits they don't know difference between quarter and eighth note.
  35. Trumpet section misses entrance because they are busy high fiving each other over getting something right.
  36. Students consume an entire case of Red Bull on the final night of tour in an effort to stay up all night.
  37. Choir has movie day...again.
  38. Clarinet mysteriously breaks apart. Pieces fall to the floor at most tender moment in the piece.
  39. Viola is one notices.
  40. Bathroom break lasts for longer than half the period.
  41. Mr. Haskett tells a story about Crowy.
  42. Orchestra finally gets to have a rehearsal with SOW. Soloists are all at Great America.
  43. Woodwinds are entertained as Brass section asked to buzz something on their mouthpieces.
  44. Choir seniors take 2 months to pick music for final concert.
  45. Violins spend entire period creating yet another meme about Mr. Bassill.
  46. Conductor accidentally stabs themself with baton.
  47. ALL music is missing at start of concert.
  48. Director finally moves on to 2nd piece on the board with 3 minutes left in class.
  49. Mouse crawls out of student backpack during rehearsal. Director keeps going.
  50. Someone realizes after several false starts that they are playing the wrong piece.
  51. Trombone player drops a mute.
  52. Student declares their music "stolen." Director finds it in their folder.
  53. Mrs. Mah misses warmups because she is talking to Mrs. Kessler.
  54. Music Department experiences emotional wellness when "Emotional Wellness Walk" is canceled.
  55. Percussionist drops a stick.
  56. Hours of time and energy are devoted to decorating the whiteboard at the front of the room but students have "no time" to practice.
  57. Director rolls eyes and makes a snarky comment only the front row can hear.
  58. Mr. O'Connor performs drum solo via Facetime.
  59. A Madrigal Tenor does not wash his tights over the duration of 25 Madrigal concerts.
  60. Oboe player spills their reed soaking water all over floor.
  61. Call is 6:30: Only one person is there by 6:35.
  62. Mr. Haskett sets office on fire when cooking m&ms in the microwave for 24 minutes instead of 24 seconds.
  63. Directors spend half a day trying to discover source of mysterious smell...
  64. 20 Froot by the Foot wrappers are found inside a bass drum when the head is removed.
  65. Student successfully fakes their way through entire rehearsal with no music.
  66. Saxophone player wanders in or out of the room for no apparent reason.
  67. Equipment truck breaks down on way to football game.
  68. 13 ½ pencils are found hanging from the ceiling above the bass section
  69. Only 1 of 500 orchestra pencils remain by the May Concert
  70. Mr. Bassill misses rehearsal because he is looking for lost music.
  71. A mouse climbs out of a Madrigal Singer’s backpack.
  72. Entire class is late and walks in with milkshakes from the Grind.
  73. Entire section misses an entrance because they are busy watching a video on someone’s phone.
  74. SOW receives their music the day of the concert.
  75. Entire choir endures lecture because someone broke the Hoberman Sphere.
  76. Batteries are dead on all of the tuners.
  77. Student carves name into instrument...
  78. Student is on phone during class, allegedly texting their mom (which still isn't ok)
  79. Mr. Haskett tells sopranos to SYB!
  80. "Suspiciously," Mr. Haskett's chair breaks...again.