I understand andcan communicatethe business casefor diversity andinclusion. YI am anally ormemberof a BRG..I empathisewith those whohave to concealaspects of theirlives..I makerecruitmentdecisionsbased solelyon merit..I take the timeto learn aboutmy team’sculturalbackgroundsand practices..ActionI promote anenvironmentwhere peopleare comfortableseekingsupport..I do not presumeto know what aperson withdisability cannothandle withouttheir input..I take correctivesteps when thereare inappropriateremarks/commentsin the workplace..I run aYammer/blogpage to ensuremy entire teamreceives thesame updates..I createopportunities forteam members toget to know eachother beyond theirjob roles..I understandthe differencebetweenvulnerabilityand weakness..When seekingfeedback, I doso from adiverse groupofstakeholders..I am not afraidto seek outinformation onD&I topicswhich I amunclear about..I support thecareeradvancementgoals of womenand men on myteam. YI practiceempathy whennegotiatingculturaldifferences.I mentorsomeonewho isdifferent fromme..I know thediversity goals andvision of BP andits connection tothe overallbusinessobjectives..I am aware thatthere are wordswhich areoffensive tomembers of theLGBT+community..I currentlysponsor/mentorcolleagues froma minoritygroup..I embrace myresponsibilitiesin creating asafe andharassment-free workplace.I openlyadmit it if Iamwrong..I am informedon and ready toshare mentalhealthresources withmy team..I deliberatelyseek opinionsfrom someonewho is likely tohold a differentview.I know theRules ofthe Road..I will alternatedifferent timezones whenarranging globalconference calls..I respect theuse of anindividual’spreferredpronoun..I know thatcommentsabout one’sappearancemay beinappropriate..I attendinclusion-relatedtrainings..I takeopportunitiesto educatemyself onLGBT+ topics..I take interestin familiarizingmyself withBP’s D&Ipolicies..I speaklast whenchairing ameeting.Iencouragemy team towork agile..I know themeaning ofintersectionalityand understandshow it affectsminority groups.Caregiving/ParentingI use genderneutral languageincommunications.I knowworkplacehostilities arenot alwaysintentional.I setexpectationsbased onone’scapabilities. YI am willing toexploreworkplaceaccommodationsfor those withdisabilities..I am aware thatcultural differencesmight have animpact oncommunication andworking styles..I seek feedbackon whether Iam being aninclusive leader.YI practicereversementorship..I make sure tohear fromquieter voiceson my teamduringmeetings.I apologise if I madeaninsensitive/offensiveremark..Hiring ofpersons withdisabilitiesshould not beviewed as anact of charity..I actively consultwith my team prior totheir return fromparental leave todiscuss workexpectations andtheir needs as a newparent. YI regularlycheck in withmy team andask for theirfeedback andsuggestions.I understandthat sexualorientation andgender identityare not thesame thing..I make effort to understand myteam’sresponsibilities/commitmentsoutside of work..I understandthat having adisability doesnot define anindividual..I study theoutcome of thePulse Survey toinform me ofmy areas ofdevelopment..I encouragemy team to beallies and/orinvolved withBRGs..I practicepositivereframing andencourageothers to do thesame..I hold myselfaccountablein promotinginclusion tomy team..I considermyself anadvocate forinclusion..I intervene ifworkplaceconversations arein a language thatnot all canunderstand..I ensure thatthere is diverserepresentationon mysuccessionplan..I enjoylearningfrom myteam..I’ve takenthe ImplicitAssociationTest..I use inclusivelanguage whencommunicatingwith my teamabout theirfamilies..I seekopportunities toexperienceculturallydiverseenvironments..I allowfailures andmistakes formy team..I understandthe meaningof ‘privilegedmajority’..I follow myteam on socialmedia tosupport andpraise theirachievements..I correctmicroaggressionsin the workplacewhen I witnessthem.I understand howbeing inclusiveimpacts my role and,how my role impactsthe success ofinclusion initiatives..I welcomeideas thatare differentfrom mine.I delegate tasksso that fairopportunitiesare given todifferent teammembers. YI give specificfeedback oninclusivity aspart ofperformancereviews.I encourage malecolleagues to bechampions ofwomen’sdevelopment andvice versa..I create anduse inclusiveground rulesduringmeetings.CulturalDiversityI am aware of myown hidden biasesand understandthe impact thesemight be havingon my team..I care aboutthe safetyand well-being of myteam. YI ensure myteam receivesnecessarytraining onculturalfluency..I encourage myteam towelcome andhelp new teammembers settlein..I understand andcan communicatethe business casefor diversity andinclusion. YI am anally ormemberof a BRG..I empathisewith those whohave to concealaspects of theirlives..I makerecruitmentdecisionsbased solelyon merit..I take the timeto learn aboutmy team’sculturalbackgroundsand practices..ActionI promote anenvironmentwhere peopleare comfortableseekingsupport..I do not presumeto know what aperson withdisability cannothandle withouttheir input..I take correctivesteps when thereare inappropriateremarks/commentsin the workplace..I run aYammer/blogpage to ensuremy entire teamreceives thesame updates..I createopportunities forteam members toget to know eachother beyond theirjob roles..I understandthe differencebetweenvulnerabilityand weakness..When seekingfeedback, I doso from adiverse groupofstakeholders..I am not afraidto seek outinformation onD&I topicswhich I amunclear about..I support thecareeradvancementgoals of womenand men on myteam. YI practiceempathy whennegotiatingculturaldifferences.I mentorsomeonewho isdifferent fromme..I know thediversity goals andvision of BP andits connection tothe overallbusinessobjectives..I am aware thatthere are wordswhich areoffensive tomembers of theLGBT+community..I currentlysponsor/mentorcolleagues froma minoritygroup..I embrace myresponsibilitiesin creating asafe andharassment-free workplace.I openlyadmit it if Iamwrong..I am informedon and ready toshare mentalhealthresources withmy team..I deliberatelyseek opinionsfrom someonewho is likely tohold a differentview.I know theRules ofthe Road..I will alternatedifferent timezones whenarranging globalconference calls..I respect theuse of anindividual’spreferredpronoun..I know thatcommentsabout one’sappearancemay beinappropriate..I attendinclusion-relatedtrainings..I takeopportunitiesto educatemyself onLGBT+ topics..I take interestin familiarizingmyself withBP’s D&Ipolicies..I speaklast whenchairing ameeting.Iencouragemy team towork agile..I know themeaning ofintersectionalityand understandshow it affectsminority groups.Caregiving/ParentingI use genderneutral languageincommunications.I knowworkplacehostilities arenot alwaysintentional.I setexpectationsbased onone’scapabilities. YI am willing toexploreworkplaceaccommodationsfor those withdisabilities..I am aware thatcultural differencesmight have animpact oncommunication andworking styles..I seek feedbackon whether Iam being aninclusive leader.YI practicereversementorship..I make sure tohear fromquieter voiceson my teamduringmeetings.I apologise if I madeaninsensitive/offensiveremark..Hiring ofpersons withdisabilitiesshould not beviewed as anact of charity..I actively consultwith my team prior totheir return fromparental leave todiscuss workexpectations andtheir needs as a newparent. YI regularlycheck in withmy team andask for theirfeedback andsuggestions.I understandthat sexualorientation andgender identityare not thesame thing..I make effort to understand myteam’sresponsibilities/commitmentsoutside of work..I understandthat having adisability doesnot define anindividual..I study theoutcome of thePulse Survey toinform me ofmy areas ofdevelopment..I encouragemy team to beallies and/orinvolved withBRGs..I practicepositivereframing andencourageothers to do thesame..I hold myselfaccountablein promotinginclusion tomy team..I considermyself anadvocate forinclusion..I intervene ifworkplaceconversations arein a language thatnot all canunderstand..I ensure thatthere is diverserepresentationon mysuccessionplan..I enjoylearningfrom myteam..I’ve takenthe ImplicitAssociationTest..I use inclusivelanguage whencommunicatingwith my teamabout theirfamilies..I seekopportunities toexperienceculturallydiverseenvironments..I allowfailures andmistakes formy team..I understandthe meaningof ‘privilegedmajority’..I follow myteam on socialmedia tosupport andpraise theirachievements..I correctmicroaggressionsin the workplacewhen I witnessthem.I understand howbeing inclusiveimpacts my role and,how my role impactsthe success ofinclusion initiatives..I welcomeideas thatare differentfrom mine.I delegate tasksso that fairopportunitiesare given todifferent teammembers. YI give specificfeedback oninclusivity aspart ofperformancereviews.I encourage malecolleagues to bechampions ofwomen’sdevelopment andvice versa..I create anduse inclusiveground rulesduringmeetings.CulturalDiversityI am aware of myown hidden biasesand understandthe impact thesemight be havingon my team..I care aboutthe safetyand well-being of myteam. YI ensure myteam receivesnecessarytraining onculturalfluency..I encourage myteam towelcome andhelp new teammembers settlein..

Diversity Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I understand and can communicate the business case for diversity and inclusion. Y
  2. I am an ally or member of a BRG..
  3. I empathise with those who have to conceal aspects of their lives..
  4. I make recruitment decisions based solely on merit..
  5. I take the time to learn about my team’s cultural backgrounds and practices..
  6. Action
  7. I promote an environment where people are comfortable seeking support..
  8. I do not presume to know what a person with disability cannot handle without their input..
  9. I take corrective steps when there are inappropriate remarks/comments in the workplace..
  10. I run a Yammer/blog page to ensure my entire team receives the same updates..
  11. I create opportunities for team members to get to know each other beyond their job roles..
  12. I understand the difference between vulnerability and weakness..
  13. When seeking feedback, I do so from a diverse group of stakeholders..
  14. I am not afraid to seek out information on D&I topics which I am unclear about..
  15. I support the career advancement goals of women and men on my team. Y
  16. I practice empathy when negotiating cultural differences.
  17. I mentor someone who is different from me..
  18. I know the diversity goals and vision of BP and its connection to the overall business objectives..
  19. I am aware that there are words which are offensive to members of the LGBT+ community..
  20. I currently sponsor/mentor colleagues from a minority group..
  21. I embrace my responsibilities in creating a safe and harassment-free workplace.
  22. I openly admit it if I am wrong..
  23. I am informed on and ready to share mental health resources with my team..
  24. I deliberately seek opinions from someone who is likely to hold a different view.
  25. I know the Rules of the Road..
  26. I will alternate different time zones when arranging global conference calls..
  27. I respect the use of an individual’s preferred pronoun..
  28. I know that comments about one’s appearance may be inappropriate..
  29. I attend inclusion-related trainings..
  30. I take opportunities to educate myself on LGBT+ topics..
  31. I take interest in familiarizing myself with BP’s D&I policies..
  32. I speak last when chairing a meeting.
  33. I encourage my team to work agile..
  34. I know the meaning of intersectionality and understands how it affects minority groups.
  35. Caregiving/Parenting
  36. I use gender neutral language in communications.
  37. I know workplace hostilities are not always intentional.
  38. I set expectations based on one’s capabilities. Y
  39. I am willing to explore workplace accommodations for those with disabilities..
  40. I am aware that cultural differences might have an impact on communication and working styles..
  41. I seek feedback on whether I am being an inclusive leader. Y
  42. I practice reverse mentorship..
  43. I make sure to hear from quieter voices on my team during meetings.
  44. I apologise if I made an insensitive/offensive remark..
  45. Hiring of persons with disabilities should not be viewed as an act of charity..
  46. I actively consult with my team prior to their return from parental leave to discuss work expectations and their needs as a new parent. Y
  47. I regularly check in with my team and ask for their feedback and suggestions.
  48. I understand that sexual orientation and gender identity are not the same thing..
  49. I make effort to understand my team’s responsibilities/commitments outside of work..
  50. I understand that having a disability does not define an individual..
  51. I study the outcome of the Pulse Survey to inform me of my areas of development..
  52. I encourage my team to be allies and/or involved with BRGs..
  53. I practice positive reframing and encourage others to do the same..
  54. I hold myself accountable in promoting inclusion to my team..
  55. I consider myself an advocate for inclusion..
  56. I intervene if workplace conversations are in a language that not all can understand..
  57. I ensure that there is diverse representation on my succession plan..
  58. I enjoy learning from my team..
  59. I’ve taken the Implicit Association Test..
  60. I use inclusive language when communicating with my team about their families..
  61. I seek opportunities to experience culturally diverse environments..
  62. I allow failures and mistakes for my team..
  63. I understand the meaning of ‘privileged majority’..
  64. I follow my team on social media to support and praise their achievements..
  65. I correct microaggressions in the workplace when I witness them.
  66. I understand how being inclusive impacts my role and, how my role impacts the success of inclusion initiatives..
  67. I welcome ideas that are different from mine.
  68. I delegate tasks so that fair opportunities are given to different team members. Y
  69. I give specific feedback on inclusivity as part of performance reviews.
  70. I encourage male colleagues to be champions of women’s development and vice versa..
  71. I create and use inclusive ground rules during meetings.
  72. Cultural Diversity
  73. I am aware of my own hidden biases and understand the impact these might be having on my team..
  74. I care about the safety and well-being of my team. Y
  75. I ensure my team receives necessary training on cultural fluency..
  76. I encourage my team to welcome and help new team members settle in..