18.Tourists.42. Whensomeone says,“You wouldn’tbelieve what justhappened,” andthen they refuse totell you.5.Noisyeaters.25. Tapping,fidgeting,clicking pens,and bouncingknees.43. Whensomeone bashesyour favoritebook/movie/show,but they’ve neverevenread/watched it.7. Couples whosit next to eachother (insteadof across fromeach other) in abooth.38. When you’rein a publicbathroom butthere is no toiletpaper in the stall.47. When you have aroommate who isaddicted to the snoozebutton, or who doesn’twake up to their alarms,but you wake up…every…single…time.34. Being chased down thestairs – When you are walkingat a decent pace, but theperson behind you is lategetting somewhere, and theyare barreling down the stairsafter you. You start fastwalking and pray that theypass by you, because youdo8. Having torepeatyourselfmultipletimes.21. Loud noiseson planes – cryingbabies, angrypassengers,videos playedover speaker.16. Sunlightcreeping inthrough thewindow in themorning.1. Slowwalkers45. When you arewearing sunglassesor prescriptionglasses and thebridge of your nosebuilds up sweat andgrease.29. Dirtydishes inthe sink.40. When you’rewatching TV andsomeone turns onthe garbagedisposal, blender,vacuum, or anotherloud appliance.37. When yourdoor is closed,then someonewalks into theroom, but leavesthe door openwhen they exit.44. When youneed an outlet tocharge something,but there are noneavailable or noneexist.46. When someonewakes you up in themiddle of the night orungodly early in themorning and asks,“Oh, did I wake youup?”22. When peoplewatch videos orlisten to music onpublictransportationwithout usingheadphones.23. Know-It-Alls andAttention-Hogs.41. When nailpolish chips orsmudges rightafter you hadyour nails done.33. Whensomeone says“No offense,but…” andproceeds to saysomethingoffensive.13.Whiners.50. Whenpeople bite orpick their nailsand it makes aloud *click*noise.19. Peoplewho interruptwhen you arespeaking.30. Whenyou’re talking tosomeone andthey won’t stopstaring at theirphone screen.4. Peoplewho talkloudly onthe phone.9. Whenthe toiletseat is leftup.10. Whensomeoneleaves thewaterrunning.28. Whenpeople clinktheir teeth onforks when theytake a bite offood.39.Buzzingnoises.12. Whensomeone messeswith the car radioor AC withoutasking the driverfor permission.27. Sucking ata straw until itmakes thatgross vacuum,slurping sound.48. Slowelevators.11. When alight is left onin a room thatisn’t beingused.32. When peopletalk over a movieor show…then ask“Wait, whathappened? I’mconfused.”35. Whenpeople sneezeor coughwithoutcovering theirmouths.17. When someonesays “gross,” “ew,”“yuck,” or somethingelse along thoselines in reaction to afood you like.36. Whenmotorcyclists ortruck drivers revtheir enginesunnecessarily.49. When people standtoo close to you in line sothat they’re breathingdown your neck. Theyinch closer and closer tothe point that you feelclaustrophobic, evenwhen you typically aren’t.2. Theword“moist.”26.Smackinggum.6. Peoplewho talkwhile theirmouth is full.24.Gettinggum onyour shoe.3. When acomputer orphone won’tload a pagefast enough.14.Slowdrivers.31. Whensomeone saysto a girl “Mustbe that time ofthe month…”20. Beingreferred to as“boy” or “girl”when you arelegally an adult.15.Rudedrivers.18.Tourists.42. Whensomeone says,“You wouldn’tbelieve what justhappened,” andthen they refuse totell you.5.Noisyeaters.25. Tapping,fidgeting,clicking pens,and bouncingknees.43. Whensomeone bashesyour favoritebook/movie/show,but they’ve neverevenread/watched it.7. Couples whosit next to eachother (insteadof across fromeach other) in abooth.38. When you’rein a publicbathroom butthere is no toiletpaper in the stall.47. When you have aroommate who isaddicted to the snoozebutton, or who doesn’twake up to their alarms,but you wake up…every…single…time.34. Being chased down thestairs – When you are walkingat a decent pace, but theperson behind you is lategetting somewhere, and theyare barreling down the stairsafter you. You start fastwalking and pray that theypass by you, because youdo8. Having torepeatyourselfmultipletimes.21. Loud noiseson planes – cryingbabies, angrypassengers,videos playedover speaker.16. Sunlightcreeping inthrough thewindow in themorning.1. Slowwalkers45. When you arewearing sunglassesor prescriptionglasses and thebridge of your nosebuilds up sweat andgrease.29. Dirtydishes inthe sink.40. When you’rewatching TV andsomeone turns onthe garbagedisposal, blender,vacuum, or anotherloud appliance.37. When yourdoor is closed,then someonewalks into theroom, but leavesthe door openwhen they exit.44. When youneed an outlet tocharge something,but there are noneavailable or noneexist.46. When someonewakes you up in themiddle of the night orungodly early in themorning and asks,“Oh, did I wake youup?”22. When peoplewatch videos orlisten to music onpublictransportationwithout usingheadphones.23. Know-It-Alls andAttention-Hogs.41. When nailpolish chips orsmudges rightafter you hadyour nails done.33. Whensomeone says“No offense,but…” andproceeds to saysomethingoffensive.13.Whiners.50. Whenpeople bite orpick their nailsand it makes aloud *click*noise.19. Peoplewho interruptwhen you arespeaking.30. Whenyou’re talking tosomeone andthey won’t stopstaring at theirphone screen.4. Peoplewho talkloudly onthe phone.9. Whenthe toiletseat is leftup.10. Whensomeoneleaves thewaterrunning.28. Whenpeople clinktheir teeth onforks when theytake a bite offood.39.Buzzingnoises.12. Whensomeone messeswith the car radioor AC withoutasking the driverfor permission.27. Sucking ata straw until itmakes thatgross vacuum,slurping sound.48. Slowelevators.11. When alight is left onin a room thatisn’t beingused.32. When peopletalk over a movieor show…then ask“Wait, whathappened? I’mconfused.”35. Whenpeople sneezeor coughwithoutcovering theirmouths.17. When someonesays “gross,” “ew,”“yuck,” or somethingelse along thoselines in reaction to afood you like.36. Whenmotorcyclists ortruck drivers revtheir enginesunnecessarily.49. When people standtoo close to you in line sothat they’re breathingdown your neck. Theyinch closer and closer tothe point that you feelclaustrophobic, evenwhen you typically aren’t.2. Theword“moist.”26.Smackinggum.6. Peoplewho talkwhile theirmouth is full.24.Gettinggum onyour shoe.3. When acomputer orphone won’tload a pagefast enough.14.Slowdrivers.31. Whensomeone saysto a girl “Mustbe that time ofthe month…”20. Beingreferred to as“boy” or “girl”when you arelegally an adult.15.Rudedrivers.

Pet Peeve Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 18. Tourists.
  2. 42. When someone says, “You wouldn’t believe what just happened,” and then they refuse to tell you.
  3. 5. Noisy eaters.
  4. 25. Tapping, fidgeting, clicking pens, and bouncing knees.
  5. 43. When someone bashes your favorite book/movie/show, but they’ve never even read/watched it.
  6. 7. Couples who sit next to each other (instead of across from each other) in a booth.
  7. 38. When you’re in a public bathroom but there is no toilet paper in the stall.
  8. 47. When you have a roommate who is addicted to the snooze button, or who doesn’t wake up to their alarms, but you wake up…every…single…time.
  9. 34. Being chased down the stairs – When you are walking at a decent pace, but the person behind you is late getting somewhere, and they are barreling down the stairs after you. You start fast walking and pray that they pass by you, because you do
  10. 8. Having to repeat yourself multiple times.
  11. 21. Loud noises on planes – crying babies, angry passengers, videos played over speaker.
  12. 16. Sunlight creeping in through the window in the morning.
  13. 1. Slow walkers
  14. 45. When you are wearing sunglasses or prescription glasses and the bridge of your nose builds up sweat and grease.
  15. 29. Dirty dishes in the sink.
  16. 40. When you’re watching TV and someone turns on the garbage disposal, blender, vacuum, or another loud appliance.
  17. 37. When your door is closed, then someone walks into the room, but leaves the door open when they exit.
  18. 44. When you need an outlet to charge something, but there are none available or none exist.
  19. 46. When someone wakes you up in the middle of the night or ungodly early in the morning and asks, “Oh, did I wake you up?”
  20. 22. When people watch videos or listen to music on public transportation without using headphones.
  21. 23. Know-It-Alls and Attention-Hogs.
  22. 41. When nail polish chips or smudges right after you had your nails done.
  23. 33. When someone says “No offense, but…” and proceeds to say something offensive.
  24. 13. Whiners.
  25. 50. When people bite or pick their nails and it makes a loud *click* noise.
  26. 19. People who interrupt when you are speaking.
  27. 30. When you’re talking to someone and they won’t stop staring at their phone screen.
  28. 4. People who talk loudly on the phone.
  29. 9. When the toilet seat is left up.
  30. 10. When someone leaves the water running.
  31. 28. When people clink their teeth on forks when they take a bite of food.
  32. 39. Buzzing noises.
  33. 12. When someone messes with the car radio or AC without asking the driver for permission.
  34. 27. Sucking at a straw until it makes that gross vacuum, slurping sound.
  35. 48. Slow elevators.
  36. 11. When a light is left on in a room that isn’t being used.
  37. 32. When people talk over a movie or show…then ask “Wait, what happened? I’m confused.”
  38. 35. When people sneeze or cough without covering their mouths.
  39. 17. When someone says “gross,” “ew,” “yuck,” or something else along those lines in reaction to a food you like.
  40. 36. When motorcyclists or truck drivers rev their engines unnecessarily.
  41. 49. When people stand too close to you in line so that they’re breathing down your neck. They inch closer and closer to the point that you feel claustrophobic, even when you typically aren’t.
  42. 2. The word “moist.”
  43. 26. Smacking gum.
  44. 6. People who talk while their mouth is full.
  45. 24. Getting gum on your shoe.
  46. 3. When a computer or phone won’t load a page fast enough.
  47. 14. Slow drivers.
  48. 31. When someone says to a girl “Must be that time of the month…”
  49. 20. Being referred to as “boy” or “girl” when you are legally an adult.
  50. 15. Rude drivers.