19. Peoplewho interruptwhen you arespeaking.16. Sunlightcreeping inthrough thewindow in themorning.1. Slowwalkers23. Know-It-Alls andAttention-Hogs.8. Having torepeatyourselfmultipletimes.18.Tourists.13.Whiners.3. When acomputer orphone won’tload a pagefast enough.21. Loud noiseson planes – cryingbabies, angrypassengers,videos playedover speaker.5.Noisyeaters.2. Theword“moist.”20. Beingreferred to as“boy” or “girl”when you arelegally an adult.7. Couples whosit next to eachother (insteadof across fromeach other) in abooth.17. When someonesays “gross,” “ew,”“yuck,” or somethingelse along thoselines in reaction to afood you like.6. Peoplewho talkwhile theirmouth is full.25. Tapping,fidgeting,clicking pens,and bouncingknees.12. Whensomeone messeswith the car radioor AC withoutasking the driverfor permission.22. When peoplewatch videos orlisten to music onpublictransportationwithout usingheadphones.24.Gettinggum onyour shoe.9. Whenthe toiletseat is leftup.14.Slowdrivers.4. Peoplewho talkloudly onthe phone.10. Whensomeoneleaves thewaterrunning.11. When alight is left onin a room thatisn’t beingused.15.Rudedrivers.19. Peoplewho interruptwhen you arespeaking.16. Sunlightcreeping inthrough thewindow in themorning.1. Slowwalkers23. Know-It-Alls andAttention-Hogs.8. Having torepeatyourselfmultipletimes.18.Tourists.13.Whiners.3. When acomputer orphone won’tload a pagefast enough.21. Loud noiseson planes – cryingbabies, angrypassengers,videos playedover speaker.5.Noisyeaters.2. Theword“moist.”20. Beingreferred to as“boy” or “girl”when you arelegally an adult.7. Couples whosit next to eachother (insteadof across fromeach other) in abooth.17. When someonesays “gross,” “ew,”“yuck,” or somethingelse along thoselines in reaction to afood you like.6. Peoplewho talkwhile theirmouth is full.25. Tapping,fidgeting,clicking pens,and bouncingknees.12. Whensomeone messeswith the car radioor AC withoutasking the driverfor permission.22. When peoplewatch videos orlisten to music onpublictransportationwithout usingheadphones.24.Gettinggum onyour shoe.9. Whenthe toiletseat is leftup.14.Slowdrivers.4. Peoplewho talkloudly onthe phone.10. Whensomeoneleaves thewaterrunning.11. When alight is left onin a room thatisn’t beingused.15.Rudedrivers.

Pet Peeve Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 19. People who interrupt when you are speaking.
  2. 16. Sunlight creeping in through the window in the morning.
  3. 1. Slow walkers
  4. 23. Know-It-Alls and Attention-Hogs.
  5. 8. Having to repeat yourself multiple times.
  6. 18. Tourists.
  7. 13. Whiners.
  8. 3. When a computer or phone won’t load a page fast enough.
  9. 21. Loud noises on planes – crying babies, angry passengers, videos played over speaker.
  10. 5. Noisy eaters.
  11. 2. The word “moist.”
  12. 20. Being referred to as “boy” or “girl” when you are legally an adult.
  13. 7. Couples who sit next to each other (instead of across from each other) in a booth.
  14. 17. When someone says “gross,” “ew,” “yuck,” or something else along those lines in reaction to a food you like.
  15. 6. People who talk while their mouth is full.
  16. 25. Tapping, fidgeting, clicking pens, and bouncing knees.
  17. 12. When someone messes with the car radio or AC without asking the driver for permission.
  18. 22. When people watch videos or listen to music on public transportation without using headphones.
  19. 24. Getting gum on your shoe.
  20. 9. When the toilet seat is left up.
  21. 14. Slow drivers.
  22. 4. People who talk loudly on the phone.
  23. 10. When someone leaves the water running.
  24. 11. When a light is left on in a room that isn’t being used.
  25. 15. Rude drivers.