Have been atNike 2 times1983-1985,1986-presentMy hair isactuallygrayMyemployeenumber is473XI like toread but Ijust fallasleep now1st sabbaticalwe drove theAlaska Hwy40 days/nightsin our camperMy first carwas mygrandmothersChevyCapriceAlwayslooking for aM&C betterthan PastiniPastoriaI hadbraces:)I lived inBend for 6months aftergettingmarried2 sisters,1 brotherI have workedin 6 buildings,3 of themmore thanonceMy first jobat Nike wasa SampleSewerJanet Mosshas beenmy boss 3timesI amNOT analcoholicLived inWilsonvillefor 11yearsMoved toSalem atage 6BBQ ribsmight bemy favoritefoodI am theyoungestof 4 kidsI collectedelephantsbut know Ireally likegiraffesI have worncorrectivelenses sinceI was 11Favoritecandy baris aMoundsMy son is theSpecial EdDept Head atTualatin HSHave had 4sabbaticals,5th iscoming soonFirst tripoverseaswas toKenya forNikeGraduatedfrom OSUDegree in HomeEconomics/Clothingand Textiles/Designemphasis hahaMichal Shullworked forme for abouta weekI have seenRogerFederer inhisunderwearHave livedin Tigard21.5 yearsI won a sewingcontest in HSand the prizewas the sewingmachine I stillhave todayWhen Istarted atNike stockwas ~16.00 ashareHave been atNike 2 times1983-1985,1986-presentMy hair isactuallygrayMyemployeenumber is473XI like toread but Ijust fallasleep now1st sabbaticalwe drove theAlaska Hwy40 days/nightsin our camperMy first carwas mygrandmothersChevyCapriceAlwayslooking for aM&C betterthan PastiniPastoriaI hadbraces:)I lived inBend for 6months aftergettingmarried2 sisters,1 brotherI have workedin 6 buildings,3 of themmore thanonceMy first jobat Nike wasa SampleSewerJanet Mosshas beenmy boss 3timesI amNOT analcoholicLived inWilsonvillefor 11yearsMoved toSalem atage 6BBQ ribsmight bemy favoritefoodI am theyoungestof 4 kidsI collectedelephantsbut know Ireally likegiraffesI have worncorrectivelenses sinceI was 11Favoritecandy baris aMoundsMy son is theSpecial EdDept Head atTualatin HSHave had 4sabbaticals,5th iscoming soonFirst tripoverseaswas toKenya forNikeGraduatedfrom OSUDegree in HomeEconomics/Clothingand Textiles/Designemphasis hahaMichal Shullworked forme for abouta weekI have seenRogerFederer inhisunderwearHave livedin Tigard21.5 yearsI won a sewingcontest in HSand the prizewas the sewingmachine I stillhave todayWhen Istarted atNike stockwas ~16.00 ashare

ALL ABOUT DANA..........and then some - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Have been at Nike 2 times 1983-1985, 1986-present
  2. My hair is actually gray
  3. My employee number is 473X
  4. I like to read but I just fall asleep now
  5. 1st sabbatical we drove the Alaska Hwy 40 days/nights in our camper
  6. My first car was my grandmothers Chevy Caprice
  7. Always looking for a M&C better than Pastini Pastoria
  8. I had braces :)
  9. I lived in Bend for 6 months after getting married
  10. 2 sisters, 1 brother
  11. I have worked in 6 buildings, 3 of them more than once
  12. My first job at Nike was a Sample Sewer
  13. Janet Moss has been my boss 3 times
  14. I am NOT an alcoholic
  15. Lived in Wilsonville for 11 years
  16. Moved to Salem at age 6
  17. BBQ ribs might be my favorite food
  18. I am the youngest of 4 kids
  19. I collected elephants but know I really like giraffes
  20. I have worn corrective lenses since I was 11
  21. Favorite candy bar is a Mounds
  22. My son is the Special Ed Dept Head at Tualatin HS
  23. Have had 4 sabbaticals, 5th is coming soon
  24. First trip overseas was to Kenya for Nike
  25. Graduated from OSU
  26. Degree in Home Economics/Clothing and Textiles/Design emphasis haha
  27. Michal Shull worked for me for about a week
  28. I have seen Roger Federer in his underwear
  29. Have lived in Tigard 21.5 years
  30. I won a sewing contest in HS and the prize was the sewing machine I still have today
  31. When I started at Nike stock was ~16.00 a share