I offered agrounded critiqueof a performance Iattended - theatre,film, music, or art.I offered anexemplifiedanswer to aquestion posedin class.I explained aconnection I perceivedbetween thetopics/readings andalternative media:YouTube, Twitter,Instagram, videogames, movies,television.I explained aspecificstrategy I useto write clearlyand effectively.Free! I tweeted anoriginal thesisbased on thetopic/reading, andgave it the#thesiscreateI posed an open-ended questionabout how thetopics/readingswere important inrealms beyondschool.I explainedhow a specificrhetorical lensapplies to thetopic/reading.I explained aconnection Iperceivedbetween thetopics/readingsand historicalevents.I posed an open-ended questionabout how thetopics/readingswere important forstudents.I explainedsomethingspecific Ilearned as apeer-groupleader.I expoundedupon anotherstudent’sresponse withexemplification.I explainedsomethingspecific Ilearned as apeer-groupparticipant.I posed anopen-endedquestionabout thetopic/reading.I explained aspecificstrategy I use toguide careful,critical reading.I explained aconnection Iperceivedbetween thetopics/readingsand a reading notdone in this unit.I explained aconnection Iperceivedbetween thetopics/readingsand currentevents.I offered agrounded critiqueof a performance Iattended - theatre,film, music, or art.I offered anexemplifiedanswer to aquestion posedin class.I explained aconnection I perceivedbetween thetopics/readings andalternative media:YouTube, Twitter,Instagram, videogames, movies,television.I explained aspecificstrategy I useto write clearlyand effectively.Free! I tweeted anoriginal thesisbased on thetopic/reading, andgave it the#thesiscreateI posed an open-ended questionabout how thetopics/readingswere important inrealms beyondschool.I explainedhow a specificrhetorical lensapplies to thetopic/reading.I explained aconnection Iperceivedbetween thetopics/readingsand historicalevents.I posed an open-ended questionabout how thetopics/readingswere important forstudents.I explainedsomethingspecific Ilearned as apeer-groupleader.I expoundedupon anotherstudent’sresponse withexemplification.I explainedsomethingspecific Ilearned as apeer-groupparticipant.I posed anopen-endedquestionabout thetopic/reading.I explained aspecificstrategy I use toguide careful,critical reading.I explained aconnection Iperceivedbetween thetopics/readingsand a reading notdone in this unit.I explained aconnection Iperceivedbetween thetopics/readingsand currentevents.

Participation Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I offered a grounded critique of a performance I attended - theatre, film, music, or art.
  2. I offered an exemplified answer to a question posed in class.
  3. I explained a connection I perceived between the topics/readings and alternative media: YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, video games, movies, television.
  4. I explained a specific strategy I use to write clearly and effectively.
  5. Free! I tweeted an original thesis based on the topic/reading, and gave it the #thesiscreate
  6. I posed an open-ended question about how the topics/readings were important in realms beyond school.
  7. I explained how a specific rhetorical lens applies to the topic/reading.
  8. I explained a connection I perceived between the topics/readings and historical events.
  9. I posed an open-ended question about how the topics/readings were important for students.
  10. I explained something specific I learned as a peer-group leader.
  11. I expounded upon another student’s response with exemplification.
  12. I explained something specific I learned as a peer-group participant.
  13. I posed an open-ended question about the topic/reading.
  14. I explained a specific strategy I use to guide careful, critical reading.
  15. I explained a connection I perceived between the topics/readings and a reading not done in this unit.
  16. I explained a connection I perceived between the topics/readings and current events.