#1 Social workersshould defend andassist colleagueswho are unjustlycharged withunethical conduct#5 When social workersact on behalf of clientswho lack the capacity tomake informed decisionssocial workers shouldtake reasonable steps tosafeguard the interestsand rights of those clients2.05Consultation#6 Social workers whoare members of aninterdisciplinary teamshould participate in andcontribute to decisionsthat affect the well-beingof clients by drawing onthe perspectives valuesand experiences of thesocial work profession3.06ClientTransfer#4 The actions of socialworkers who are involvedin labor-managementdisputes job actions orlabor strikes should beguided by theprofession's valuesethical principles andethical standards4.08AcknowledgingCredit#11 Social workersshould develop anddisclose policies andprocedures for notifyingclients of any breach ofconfidential informationin a timely mannerDisclosure#10 Social workadministratorsshould advocatewithin and outsidetheir agencies foradequate resourcesto meet clients'needsCompetence1.01Commitmentto ClientsImportanceof HumanRelationships#9 Social workersshould use accurateand respectfullanguage in allcommunications toand about clients#13 Socialworkers shouldwork toward themaintenance andpromotion of highstandards ofpractice#2 Social workersdraw on theirknowledge valuesand skills to helppeople in need andto address socialproblems2.01Respect1.08Access toRecords6.02 PublicParticipation#12 Social workersshould be aware thatposting personalinformation onprofessional Web sites orother media might causeboundary confusioninappropriate dualrelationships or harm toclients#7 Social workers striveto ensure access toneeded informationservices and resourcesequality of opportunityand meaningfulparticipation in decisionmaking for all people1.15Interruptionof Services#8 Social workerstreat each person in acaring and respectfulfashion mindful ofindividual differencesand cultural andethnic diversity3.03PerformanceEvaluation#1 Social workersshould defend andassist colleagueswho are unjustlycharged withunethical conduct#5 When social workersact on behalf of clientswho lack the capacity tomake informed decisionssocial workers shouldtake reasonable steps tosafeguard the interestsand rights of those clients2.05Consultation#6 Social workers whoare members of aninterdisciplinary teamshould participate in andcontribute to decisionsthat affect the well-beingof clients by drawing onthe perspectives valuesand experiences of thesocial work profession3.06ClientTransfer#4 The actions of socialworkers who are involvedin labor-managementdisputes job actions orlabor strikes should beguided by theprofession's valuesethical principles andethical standards4.08AcknowledgingCredit#11 Social workersshould develop anddisclose policies andprocedures for notifyingclients of any breach ofconfidential informationin a timely mannerDisclosure#10 Social workadministratorsshould advocatewithin and outsidetheir agencies foradequate resourcesto meet clients'needsCompetence1.01Commitmentto ClientsImportanceof HumanRelationships#9 Social workersshould use accurateand respectfullanguage in allcommunications toand about clients#13 Socialworkers shouldwork toward themaintenance andpromotion of highstandards ofpractice#2 Social workersdraw on theirknowledge valuesand skills to helppeople in need andto address socialproblems2.01Respect1.08Access toRecords6.02 PublicParticipation#12 Social workersshould be aware thatposting personalinformation onprofessional Web sites orother media might causeboundary confusioninappropriate dualrelationships or harm toclients#7 Social workers striveto ensure access toneeded informationservices and resourcesequality of opportunityand meaningfulparticipation in decisionmaking for all people1.15Interruptionof Services#8 Social workerstreat each person in acaring and respectfulfashion mindful ofindividual differencesand cultural andethnic diversity3.03PerformanceEvaluation

Social Work Ethics Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. #1 Social workers should defend and assist colleagues who are unjustly charged with unethical conduct
  2. #5 When social workers act on behalf of clients who lack the capacity to make informed decisions social workers should take reasonable steps to safeguard the interests and rights of those clients
  3. 2.05 Consultation
  4. #6 Social workers who are members of an interdisciplinary team should participate in and contribute to decisions that affect the well-being of clients by drawing on the perspectives values and experiences of the social work profession
  5. 3.06 Client Transfer
  6. #4 The actions of social workers who are involved in labor-management disputes job actions or labor strikes should be guided by the profession's values ethical principles and ethical standards
  7. 4.08 Acknowledging Credit
  8. #11 Social workers should develop and disclose policies and procedures for notifying clients of any breach of confidential information in a timely manner
  9. Disclosure
  10. #10 Social work administrators should advocate within and outside their agencies for adequate resources to meet clients' needs
  11. Competence
  12. 1.01 Commitment to Clients
  13. Importance of Human Relationships
  14. #9 Social workers should use accurate and respectful language in all communications to and about clients
  15. #13 Social workers should work toward the maintenance and promotion of high standards of practice
  16. #2 Social workers draw on their knowledge values and skills to help people in need and to address social problems
  17. 2.01 Respect
  18. 1.08 Access to Records
  19. 6.02 Public Participation
  20. #12 Social workers should be aware that posting personal information on professional Web sites or other media might cause boundary confusion inappropriate dual relationships or harm to clients
  21. #7 Social workers strive to ensure access to needed information services and resources equality of opportunity and meaningful participation in decision making for all people
  22. 1.15 Interruption of Services
  23. #8 Social workers treat each person in a caring and respectful fashion mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic diversity
  24. 3.03 Performance Evaluation