Mid shot Close- up focus pull (change in focus) Diegetic Sound canted angle Over the shoulder shot Free! Static Super imposition Eyeline match Text overlay Low angle shallow focus Mid Close- up Deep focus Colour correction to show a flashback Aerial shot Long shot Change of focus Straight cut Tracking Extreme Close- up high angle Establishing Shot Mid- long shot Non- diegetic sound Zoom Point of view shot Panning Extreme Long Shot Shot reverse shot Graphic Match Cutting shots rhythmically Music Tilt Flashback Dissolve Mid shot Close- up focus pull (change in focus) Diegetic Sound canted angle Over the shoulder shot Free! Static Super imposition Eyeline match Text overlay Low angle shallow focus Mid Close- up Deep focus Colour correction to show a flashback Aerial shot Long shot Change of focus Straight cut Tracking Extreme Close- up high angle Establishing Shot Mid- long shot Non- diegetic sound Zoom Point of view shot Panning Extreme Long Shot Shot reverse shot Graphic Match Cutting shots rhythmically Music Tilt Flashback Dissolve
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Mid shot
focus pull (change in focus)
Diegetic Sound
canted angle
Over the shoulder shot
Super imposition
Eyeline match
Text overlay
Low angle
shallow focus
Mid Close-up
Deep focus
Colour correction to show a flashback
Aerial shot
Long shot
Change of focus
Straight cut
Extreme Close-up
high angle
Establishing Shot
Mid-long shot
Non-diegetic sound
Point of view shot
Extreme Long Shot
Shot reverse shot
Graphic Match
Cutting shots rhythmically