WMW participant remote sensing of vegetation early career (<15 yrs) have been to Japan before active on LinkedIn remote sensing geology GRSS member works in industry active on Twitter >5x at IGARSS attended an IGARSS workshop hyperspec remote sensing ocean remote sensing attended YP social mixer first IGARSS postdoc machine learning in remote sensing graduate student from your country presenting a poster urban remote sensing not a GRSS member radar remote sensing giving a talk >15 yrs in remote sensing remote sensing agriculture change detection remote sensing from another country WMW participant remote sensing of vegetation early career (<15 yrs) have been to Japan before active on LinkedIn remote sensing geology GRSS member works in industry active on Twitter >5x at IGARSS attended an IGARSS workshop hyperspec remote sensing ocean remote sensing attended YP social mixer first IGARSS postdoc machine learning in remote sensing graduate student from your country presenting a poster urban remote sensing not a GRSS member radar remote sensing giving a talk >15 yrs in remote sensing remote sensing agriculture change detection remote sensing from another country
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
WMW participant
remote sensing of vegetation
early career (<15 yrs)
have been to Japan before
active on LinkedIn
remote sensing geology
GRSS member
works in industry
active on Twitter
>5x at IGARSS
attended an IGARSS workshop
hyperspec remote sensing
ocean remote sensing
attended YP social mixer
first IGARSS
machine learning in remote sensing
graduate student
from your country
presenting a poster
urban remote sensing
not a GRSS member
radar remote sensing
giving a talk
>15 yrs in remote sensing
remote sensing agriculture
change detection remote sensing
from another country