drinks coffee is born in same state has broken a bone has been on TV loves to watch movies has same b-day month is the oldest child likes seafood likes to garden has met someone famous still has a landline phone has lived in 3 or more states is left handed has never gotten a speeding ticket prefers salty over sweet has 5 or more kids has a PhD has 3 or more pets is the only child has perfect vision loves to read books prefers sweet over salty wears contacts has a tattoo shares fav holiday plays a musical instrument has a scuba license speaks another language loves to travel drinks coffee is born in same state has broken a bone has been on TV loves to watch movies has same b-day month is the oldest child likes seafood likes to garden has met someone famous still has a landline phone has lived in 3 or more states is left handed has never gotten a speeding ticket prefers salty over sweet has 5 or more kids has a PhD has 3 or more pets is the only child has perfect vision loves to read books prefers sweet over salty wears contacts has a tattoo shares fav holiday plays a musical instrument has a scuba license speaks another language loves to travel
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
drinks coffee
is born in same state
has broken a bone
has been on TV
loves to watch movies
has same b-day month
is the oldest child
likes seafood
likes to garden
has met someone famous
still has a landline phone
has lived in 3 or more states
is left handed
has never gotten a speeding ticket
prefers salty over sweet
has 5 or more kids
has a PhD
has 3 or more pets
is the only child
has perfect vision
loves to read books
prefers sweet over salty
wears contacts
has a tattoo
shares fav holiday
plays a musical instrument
has a scuba license
speaks another language
loves to travel