Lillian wasUNWAVERINGon her decision;she would notchange hermind.The girlABANDONEDthe doll next tothe dollhouse togo play with herpuppy.Mrs. Wood was sick;she got up and came toschool without changingher pajamas, brushingher hair or her teeth,and looked completelyDISHEVELED.Brandan isINCREDULOUS;it is snowing inJune and he isoutside in shorts!She BLUNDEREDwhen sheaccidentally toldthe birthday boyabout the surpriseparty.The hail PELTEDDestiny in the faceas she struggledacross the parkinglot in the icestorm.The SURLY boypurposefullybumped intoanother boy, gavehim a dirty look,and walked away.Chris wasAUDACIOUSbecause he wentskydiving andbungee jumpingfrom thousands offeet off the ground.These cookiesmight not beBENEFICIAL formy health, but themilk I have withthem will be.After all thestudents failed thetest, Mr. JandyREEVALUATEDhis teachingstrategy.I am HESITANTto go on therollercoastersince I got sickon the last one.After the concert, therewas PANDEMONIUM.People wereeverywhere- screaming,trying to see the rockstar, getting wascrazy!The pizzaORIGINATEDin Italy, but nowthe whole worldmakes and eatsthem.TiffanyFLOURISHEDwhen she grewfour inches inone year.There is anABUNDANTsupply ofgroceries. I couldcook dinner for anentire army.We will LIBERATE thefrogs tomorrow beforeclass, but the Mr.Burbach will probablybe pretty upset aboutthe ruined dissectionclass period.Matthew looked outhis bedroom windowand saw freshlyfallen snow. It wasearly, so no one hadwalked on it yet...itlooked PRISTINE!We willEXCLUDE boysfrom theclubhousesince it's an allgirls club.I PREDICT thatit will raintonight becausethe sky isgetting cloudy.The ball willPLUMMET tothe groundafter flyingthrough the air.I heard theDIALOGUE on theTV between the boyand girl. They werefighting oversomethingridiculous.The MASSIVEbuilding will bea great placefor a classreunion.BaileyCRINGEDwhen she heardnails scrapingacross achalkboard.The girl wasyellingBELLIGERENTLY.She was loud,rude, and violent.Lillian wasUNWAVERINGon her decision;she would notchange hermind.The girlABANDONEDthe doll next tothe dollhouse togo play with herpuppy.Mrs. Wood was sick;she got up and came toschool without changingher pajamas, brushingher hair or her teeth,and looked completelyDISHEVELED.Brandan isINCREDULOUS;it is snowing inJune and he isoutside in shorts!She BLUNDEREDwhen sheaccidentally toldthe birthday boyabout the surpriseparty.The hail PELTEDDestiny in the faceas she struggledacross the parkinglot in the icestorm.The SURLY boypurposefullybumped intoanother boy, gavehim a dirty look,and walked away.Chris wasAUDACIOUSbecause he wentskydiving andbungee jumpingfrom thousands offeet off the ground.These cookiesmight not beBENEFICIAL formy health, but themilk I have withthem will be.After all thestudents failed thetest, Mr. JandyREEVALUATEDhis teachingstrategy.I am HESITANTto go on therollercoastersince I got sickon the last one.After the concert, therewas PANDEMONIUM.People wereeverywhere- screaming,trying to see the rockstar, getting wascrazy!The pizzaORIGINATEDin Italy, but nowthe whole worldmakes and eatsthem.TiffanyFLOURISHEDwhen she grewfour inches inone year.There is anABUNDANTsupply ofgroceries. I couldcook dinner for anentire army.We will LIBERATE thefrogs tomorrow beforeclass, but the Mr.Burbach will probablybe pretty upset aboutthe ruined dissectionclass period.Matthew looked outhis bedroom windowand saw freshlyfallen snow. It wasearly, so no one hadwalked on it yet...itlooked PRISTINE!We willEXCLUDE boysfrom theclubhousesince it's an allgirls club.I PREDICT thatit will raintonight becausethe sky isgetting cloudy.The ball willPLUMMET tothe groundafter flyingthrough the air.I heard theDIALOGUE on theTV between the boyand girl. They werefighting oversomethingridiculous.The MASSIVEbuilding will bea great placefor a classreunion.BaileyCRINGEDwhen she heardnails scrapingacross achalkboard.The girl wasyellingBELLIGERENTLY.She was loud,rude, and violent.

Context Clues - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Lillian was UNWAVERING on her decision; she would not change her mind.
  2. The girl ABANDONED the doll next to the dollhouse to go play with her puppy.
  3. Mrs. Wood was sick; she got up and came to school without changing her pajamas, brushing her hair or her teeth, and looked completely DISHEVELED.
  4. Brandan is INCREDULOUS; it is snowing in June and he is outside in shorts!
  5. She BLUNDERED when she accidentally told the birthday boy about the surprise party.
  6. The hail PELTED Destiny in the face as she struggled across the parking lot in the ice storm.
  7. The SURLY boy purposefully bumped into another boy, gave him a dirty look, and walked away.
  8. Chris was AUDACIOUS because he went skydiving and bungee jumping from thousands of feet off the ground.
  9. These cookies might not be BENEFICIAL for my health, but the milk I have with them will be.
  10. After all the students failed the test, Mr. Jandy REEVALUATED his teaching strategy.
  11. I am HESITANT to go on the rollercoaster since I got sick on the last one.
  12. After the concert, there was PANDEMONIUM. People were everywhere- screaming, trying to see the rock star, getting was crazy!
  13. The pizza ORIGINATED in Italy, but now the whole world makes and eats them.
  14. Tiffany FLOURISHED when she grew four inches in one year.
  15. There is an ABUNDANT supply of groceries. I could cook dinner for an entire army.
  16. We will LIBERATE the frogs tomorrow before class, but the Mr. Burbach will probably be pretty upset about the ruined dissection class period.
  17. Matthew looked out his bedroom window and saw freshly fallen snow. It was early, so no one had walked on it looked PRISTINE!
  18. We will EXCLUDE boys from the clubhouse since it's an all girls club.
  19. I PREDICT that it will rain tonight because the sky is getting cloudy.
  20. The ball will PLUMMET to the ground after flying through the air.
  21. I heard the DIALOGUE on the TV between the boy and girl. They were fighting over something ridiculous.
  22. The MASSIVE building will be a great place for a class reunion.
  23. Bailey CRINGED when she heard nails scraping across a chalkboard.
  24. The girl was yelling BELLIGERENTLY. She was loud, rude, and violent.