Make a clipsvideo aboutwhat youlearned inScience.Find a currentevent andcreatesomething withPuppet Pals.Use Flip Gridto explainsomethinglearned in PEor Music.Recordyourself goingthrough mathfacts of 6 and9.Type Spellingwords onGoogle Docs.Try differentfonts.Take a photoand use theediting tools.Create aPic Collageaboutyourself.Teach a mathconcept usingExplainEverythingMake 3 GoogleSlides aboutsomethinglearned inReadingWrite aboutyour day inGoogleDocs.Use the calculatorto do differentmade up mathproblems. Takescreen shots anddisplay with anyapp.UseChatterpix toexplain aSocial Studiesconcept.Read for 15minutes, go tocamera andvideo yourselfexplaining whatyou read.Create aGoogle Site.Screenshotyour work.Create anImovie onsomethinglearned inSocial Studies.Do anactivity onSeesaw.Make aquestionnaireabout 5thgrade onGoogle Forms.Create animovietrailer.Use Keynoteto explain aGrammarconcept.Draw a picturewith an app oron paper andtake a photoof it.ExploreNumbers.Screenshotanything youcreate.Record yourselfgoing throughmultiplicationfacts of 7 and 8Createsomethingin GreenScreen.Youchooseyouractivity.Make a clipsvideo aboutwhat youlearned inScience.Find a currentevent andcreatesomething withPuppet Pals.Use Flip Gridto explainsomethinglearned in PEor Music.Recordyourself goingthrough mathfacts of 6 and9.Type Spellingwords onGoogle Docs.Try differentfonts.Take a photoand use theediting tools.Create aPic Collageaboutyourself.Teach a mathconcept usingExplainEverythingMake 3 GoogleSlides aboutsomethinglearned inReadingWrite aboutyour day inGoogleDocs.Use the calculatorto do differentmade up mathproblems. Takescreen shots anddisplay with anyapp.UseChatterpix toexplain aSocial Studiesconcept.Read for 15minutes, go tocamera andvideo yourselfexplaining whatyou read.Create aGoogle Site.Screenshotyour work.Create anImovie onsomethinglearned inSocial Studies.Do anactivity onSeesaw.Make aquestionnaireabout 5thgrade onGoogle Forms.Create animovietrailer.Use Keynoteto explain aGrammarconcept.Draw a picturewith an app oron paper andtake a photoof it.ExploreNumbers.Screenshotanything youcreate.Record yourselfgoing throughmultiplicationfacts of 7 and 8Createsomethingin GreenScreen.Youchooseyouractivity.

McGregor Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Make a clips video about what you learned in Science.
  2. Find a current event and create something with Puppet Pals.
  3. Use Flip Grid to explain something learned in PE or Music.
  4. Record yourself going through math facts of 6 and 9.
  5. Type Spelling words on Google Docs. Try different fonts.
  6. Take a photo and use the editing tools.
  7. Create a Pic Collage about yourself.
  8. Teach a math concept using Explain Everything
  9. Make 3 Google Slides about something learned in Reading
  10. Write about your day in Google Docs.
  11. Use the calculator to do different made up math problems. Take screen shots and display with any app.
  12. Use Chatterpix to explain a Social Studies concept.
  13. Read for 15 minutes, go to camera and video yourself explaining what you read.
  14. Create a Google Site. Screenshot your work.
  15. Create an Imovie on something learned in Social Studies.
  16. Do an activity on Seesaw.
  17. Make a questionnaire about 5th grade on Google Forms.
  18. Create an imovie trailer.
  19. Use Keynote to explain a Grammar concept.
  20. Draw a picture with an app or on paper and take a photo of it.
  21. Explore Numbers. Screenshot anything you create.
  22. Record yourself going through multiplication facts of 7 and 8
  23. Create something in Green Screen.
  24. You choose your activity.