I soldpancakesI play thecello(sometimes)I scubadived witha shark inBelize!Parent ofteenagetripletsi likesearching fordifferentsnacks anddrinks!I spent a yearwatching lowres youtubevideos to learnhow to makelatte art coffeeI have allergyto freshmango but notdried-slicedmangoSaw the 1910version of TheScream in Osloa week before itwas stolenMy friendscall me"juggernaut"I have funteachingsoccer tokidsI spent morethan 1 yearof my lifebackpackingI was cast as theNutcracker Princein our local balletfor threeconsecutive yearsI thankedmy cat onmy thesisprojectI've beenskydivingtwiceFavorite TVshow isSpongebobSquarepantsI used tohate dogs,and now Iam a doglover :)I've spentover $3000on comicbook relatedtattoos!When I refereedWomen's FlatTrack RollerDerby, my skatername was "JeanLuc Packgaurd"I have 2cats namedArtemisand OdinI wantedto be anastronautas a kidLovetravelingandcookingProudowner of2 catsAfter manyyears in gradschool turned inmy dissertationand graduatedon my birthday!I sawIndianaJones 4 withVint CertI was in a boyschorus that touredthe world as a kid,and sang acapella in collegeI ran withthe bullsinPamplonaI onceimpersonateda member ofABBA onstageMy favoriteguitarchord isCadd9I lovetaking careof indoorplantsI share abirthdaywith SeanPennMy familyname hastwomeaningsI once wona 5kmwalkingraceI once coveredan entire wallwith free AOLCDs anddouble-sidedfoam tapeMy LDAP is areference fromthe movie"Hot Tub TimeMachine"I can do ahandstandI apprenticedto a leathermask maker(briefly)I soldpancakesI play thecello(sometimes)I scubadived witha shark inBelize!Parent ofteenagetripletsi likesearching fordifferentsnacks anddrinks!I spent a yearwatching lowres youtubevideos to learnhow to makelatte art coffeeI have allergyto freshmango but notdried-slicedmangoSaw the 1910version of TheScream in Osloa week before itwas stolenMy friendscall me"juggernaut"I have funteachingsoccer tokidsI spent morethan 1 yearof my lifebackpackingI was cast as theNutcracker Princein our local balletfor threeconsecutive yearsI thankedmy cat onmy thesisprojectI've beenskydivingtwiceFavorite TVshow isSpongebobSquarepantsI used tohate dogs,and now Iam a doglover :)I've spentover $3000on comicbook relatedtattoos!When I refereedWomen's FlatTrack RollerDerby, my skatername was "JeanLuc Packgaurd"I have 2cats namedArtemisand OdinI wantedto be anastronautas a kidLovetravelingandcookingProudowner of2 catsAfter manyyears in gradschool turned inmy dissertationand graduatedon my birthday!I sawIndianaJones 4 withVint CertI was in a boyschorus that touredthe world as a kid,and sang acapella in collegeI ran withthe bullsinPamplonaI onceimpersonateda member ofABBA onstageMy favoriteguitarchord isCadd9I lovetaking careof indoorplantsI share abirthdaywith SeanPennMy familyname hastwomeaningsI once wona 5kmwalkingraceI once coveredan entire wallwith free AOLCDs anddouble-sidedfoam tapeMy LDAP is areference fromthe movie"Hot Tub TimeMachine"I can do ahandstandI apprenticedto a leathermask maker(briefly)

QU People Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I sold pancakes
  2. I play the cello (sometimes)
  3. I scuba dived with a shark in Belize!
  4. Parent of teenage triplets
  5. i like searching for different snacks and drinks!
  6. I spent a year watching low res youtube videos to learn how to make latte art coffee
  7. I have allergy to fresh mango but not dried-sliced mango
  8. Saw the 1910 version of The Scream in Oslo a week before it was stolen
  9. My friends call me "juggernaut"
  10. I have fun teaching soccer to kids
  11. I spent more than 1 year of my life backpacking
  12. I was cast as the Nutcracker Prince in our local ballet for three consecutive years
  13. I thanked my cat on my thesis project
  14. I've been skydiving twice
  15. Favorite TV show is Spongebob Squarepants
  16. I used to hate dogs, and now I am a dog lover :)
  17. I've spent over $3000 on comic book related tattoos!
  18. When I refereed Women's Flat Track Roller Derby, my skater name was "Jean Luc Packgaurd"
  19. I have 2 cats named Artemis and Odin
  20. I wanted to be an astronaut as a kid
  21. Love traveling and cooking
  22. Proud owner of 2 cats
  23. After many years in grad school turned in my dissertation and graduated on my birthday!
  24. I saw Indiana Jones 4 with Vint Cert
  25. I was in a boys chorus that toured the world as a kid, and sang a capella in college
  26. I ran with the bulls in Pamplona
  27. I once impersonated a member of ABBA on stage
  28. My favorite guitar chord is Cadd9
  29. I love taking care of indoor plants
  30. I share a birthday with Sean Penn
  31. My family name has two meanings
  32. I once won a 5km walking race
  33. I once covered an entire wall with free AOL CDs and double-sided foam tape
  34. My LDAP is a reference from the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine"
  35. I can do a handstand
  36. I apprenticed to a leather mask maker (briefly)