a substancesimilar to chalkmade into white orcoloured sticks forwriting or drawinga curved pieceof metal, plasticor wire forhanging thingson, catchingfish with, etc.the flat part of aknife, tool ormachine, whichhas a sharpedge or edgesfor cuttingan instrumentwith multipleteeth on awheel attachedto a handlea permanentfold in a pieceof cloth, madeby sewing thetop or side ofthe foldhand-operatedshearingtools.a template usuallymade from metal, woodor plastic composed ofmany different curves. Itis used in manualdrafting and in fashiondesign to draw smoothcurves of varying radii.a small piece ofmaterial like asmall bag sewninto or onto apiece of clothingso that you cancarry things in ita long, loose ,temporarystitch used indressmaking ,Round assemblythat appliestension to thebobbin thread andholds the bobbinin the machineSmall spool orreel that iswound with thethread used onlockstitchmachines.Stitches thatcompose apattern ormonogram.creates anotch in apaperpattern.scissors, the bladesof which aresawtoothed insteadof straight. Theyleave a zigzagpattern instead of astraight edge.a versatile toolallowing you topunch holes ofvarious sizes intomaterial wheneveryou need thema pieceofclothinga small sewingtool used forcutting andremovingstitches.Processesperformed afterembroidery iscomplete.Includes trimmingloose threadsStitch thatresembles a chainlink formed withone thread fedfrom the bottomside of the fabric.a tool with which holescan be punctured in avariety of materials, orexisting holes can beenlarged. It is also usedfor sewing heavymaterials(a type of)wovenmaterial:in sewing is a garmentfinishing method, wherethe edge of a piece ofcloth is folded narrowlyand sewn to preventunravelling of the fabrica flexible ruler andused to measuredistance. It consistsof a ribbon of cloth,plastic, fibre glass,or metal strip ...is the area betweenthe fabric edge andthe stitching line ontwo (or more) piecesof material beingsewn together.a substancesimilar to chalkmade into white orcoloured sticks forwriting or drawinga curved pieceof metal, plasticor wire forhanging thingson, catchingfish with, etc.the flat part of aknife, tool ormachine, whichhas a sharpedge or edgesfor cuttingan instrumentwith multipleteeth on awheel attachedto a handlea permanentfold in a pieceof cloth, madeby sewing thetop or side ofthe foldhand-operatedshearingtools.a template usuallymade from metal, woodor plastic composed ofmany different curves. Itis used in manualdrafting and in fashiondesign to draw smoothcurves of varying radii.a small piece ofmaterial like asmall bag sewninto or onto apiece of clothingso that you cancarry things in ita long, loose ,temporarystitch used indressmaking ,Round assemblythat appliestension to thebobbin thread andholds the bobbinin the machineSmall spool orreel that iswound with thethread used onlockstitchmachines.Stitches thatcompose apattern ormonogram.creates anotch in apaperpattern.scissors, the bladesof which aresawtoothed insteadof straight. Theyleave a zigzagpattern instead of astraight edge.a versatile toolallowing you topunch holes ofvarious sizes intomaterial wheneveryou need thema pieceofclothinga small sewingtool used forcutting andremovingstitches.Processesperformed afterembroidery iscomplete.Includes trimmingloose threadsStitch thatresembles a chainlink formed withone thread fedfrom the bottomside of the fabric.a tool with which holescan be punctured in avariety of materials, orexisting holes can beenlarged. It is also usedfor sewing heavymaterials(a type of)wovenmaterial:in sewing is a garmentfinishing method, wherethe edge of a piece ofcloth is folded narrowlyand sewn to preventunravelling of the fabrica flexible ruler andused to measuredistance. It consistsof a ribbon of cloth,plastic, fibre glass,or metal strip ...is the area betweenthe fabric edge andthe stitching line ontwo (or more) piecesof material beingsewn together.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. a substance similar to chalk made into white or coloured sticks for writing or drawing
  2. a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish with, etc.
  3. the flat part of a knife, tool or machine, which has a sharp edge or edges for cutting
  4. an instrument with multiple teeth on a wheel attached to a handle
  5. a permanent fold in a piece of cloth, made by sewing the top or side of the fold
  6. hand-operated shearing tools.
  7. a template usually made from metal, wood or plastic composed of many different curves. It is used in manual drafting and in fashion design to draw smooth curves of varying radii.
  8. a small piece of material like a small bag sewn into or onto a piece of clothing so that you can carry things in it
  9. a long, loose , temporary stitch used in dressmaking ,
  10. Round assembly that applies tension to the bobbin thread and holds the bobbin in the machine
  11. Small spool or reel that is wound with the thread used on lockstitch machines.
  12. Stitches that compose a pattern or monogram.
  13. creates a notch in a paper pattern.
  14. scissors, the blades of which are sawtoothed instead of straight. They leave a zigzag pattern instead of a straight edge.
  15. a versatile tool allowing you to punch holes of various sizes into material whenever you need them
  16. a piece of clothing
  17. a small sewing tool used for cutting and removing stitches.
  18. Processes performed after embroidery is complete. Includes trimming loose threads
  19. Stitch that resembles a chain link formed with one thread fed from the bottom side of the fabric.
  20. a tool with which holes can be punctured in a variety of materials, or existing holes can be enlarged. It is also used for sewing heavy materials
  21. (a type of) woven material:
  22. in sewing is a garment finishing method, where the edge of a piece of cloth is folded narrowly and sewn to prevent unravelling of the fabric
  23. a flexible ruler and used to measure distance. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip ...
  24. is the area between the fabric edge and the stitching line on two (or more) pieces of material being sewn together.