Find someonewho workswith theDrivingprogramFind someonewho has theirname badgeon themFind anOccupationalTherapist whoyou do notregularly workwithFind someonewho works inPatientAdmissionCaseManagementFindsomeonea socialworkerFindSomeonewho works atBaltimoreLocationFind someonewho works at oneof the satellitelocations(St. Joe/Warrensburg)Findsomeonewho works inAccountingFind a personwho hasrecently beenhired by AbilityKC within thelast 3 monthsFindSomeonewho works attheWorkshopFind Someonewho works attheTherapeuticPreschoolFind someonewho works ina differentlocation thenyouFindsomeonewho helpedplan todayFind someonewho workswith MarketingdepartmentFind a new co-worker youhave never metand introduceyourselfFind someonewho hasworked atAbility 25 plusyearsFind aprogrammanagerFind ourCEO--AmyCastilloHas recently(within 2months)taken aVacationFindsomeone whoworks withthe DayprogramFind someonewho has beenat Ability KC10 plus yearsFind someonewho is an RBTand can tellyou what itstands forFind a PhysicalTherapist whoyou do notregularly workwithFind Someonewho lives morethan 25 Milesaway fromBaltimoreLocationFind someonewho lives 10miles or lessfrom BaltimorelocationFind someonewho Namestarts with thesame letter asyoursFind a Speechand LanguagePathologist whoyou do notregularly workwithFindsomeonewho has anAbility KCShirt onFindsomeonewho works inHumanResourcesFind someonewho workswith theDrivingprogramFind someonewho has theirname badgeon themFind anOccupationalTherapist whoyou do notregularly workwithFind someonewho works inPatientAdmissionCaseManagementFindsomeonea socialworkerFindSomeonewho works atBaltimoreLocationFind someonewho works at oneof the satellitelocations(St. Joe/Warrensburg)Findsomeonewho works inAccountingFind a personwho hasrecently beenhired by AbilityKC within thelast 3 monthsFindSomeonewho works attheWorkshopFind Someonewho works attheTherapeuticPreschoolFind someonewho works ina differentlocation thenyouFindsomeonewho helpedplan todayFind someonewho workswith MarketingdepartmentFind a new co-worker youhave never metand introduceyourselfFind someonewho hasworked atAbility 25 plusyearsFind aprogrammanagerFind ourCEO--AmyCastilloHas recently(within 2months)taken aVacationFindsomeone whoworks withthe DayprogramFind someonewho has beenat Ability KC10 plus yearsFind someonewho is an RBTand can tellyou what itstands forFind a PhysicalTherapist whoyou do notregularly workwithFind Someonewho lives morethan 25 Milesaway fromBaltimoreLocationFind someonewho lives 10miles or lessfrom BaltimorelocationFind someonewho Namestarts with thesame letter asyoursFind a Speechand LanguagePathologist whoyou do notregularly workwithFindsomeonewho has anAbility KCShirt onFindsomeonewho works inHumanResources

Ability KC Speed Mingling Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who works with the Driving program
  2. Find someone who has their name badge on them
  3. Find an Occupational Therapist who you do not regularly work with
  4. Find someone who works in Patient Admission Case Management
  5. Find someone a social worker
  6. Find Someone who works at Baltimore Location
  7. Find someone who works at one of the satellite locations (St. Joe/ Warrensburg)
  8. Find someone who works in Accounting
  9. Find a person who has recently been hired by Ability KC within the last 3 months
  10. Find Someone who works at the Workshop
  11. Find Someone who works at the Therapeutic Preschool
  12. Find someone who works in a different location then you
  13. Find someone who helped plan today
  14. Find someone who works with Marketing department
  15. Find a new co-worker you have never met and introduce yourself
  16. Find someone who has worked at Ability 25 plus years
  17. Find a program manager
  18. Find our CEO--Amy Castillo
  19. Has recently (within 2 months) taken a Vacation
  20. Find someone who works with the Day program
  21. Find someone who has been at Ability KC 10 plus years
  22. Find someone who is an RBT and can tell you what it stands for
  23. Find a Physical Therapist who you do not regularly work with
  24. Find Someone who lives more than 25 Miles away from Baltimore Location
  25. Find someone who lives 10 miles or less from Baltimore location
  26. Find someone who Name starts with the same letter as yours
  27. Find a Speech and Language Pathologist who you do not regularly work with
  28. Find someone who has an Ability KC Shirt on
  29. Find someone who works in Human Resources