Put gas in yourcar. Whileyou're there,clean out yourcar. Throwtrash away.Create a weeklyprep-list with tasksthat make you feelprepared for theweek ahead.Identify "pain points"in your day. Alleviatethese. (kids gettingshoes on --> puttingbasket for shoesnear front door)Walk throughthe house witha box fordonations. Canbe repeatedmonthly.Organize your inbox.Search the word"unsubscribe" andremove yourselffrom non-essentiallists.Clean out yourfridge. Checkexpiration datesand throwthings away.Take inventory ofthe mail coming toyour mailbox. Visitdirectmail.com toremove yourname from lists.Use the Remindersapp on your phone toset off alerts forroutines or habitsyou're trying to create.(ie. take vitamins, gofor a walk)Utilize the folders onOutlook to quicklyaccess emails on amoments notice. Createcategory folders fordepartments/ workteams/ etc.Simplify yourphone. Delete oldcontacts andunused apps.Refresh your lockscreen.Consider readingas a brain break.Make a list of 10books you'd like toread this year.Ruthlessly clean outyour closet.Goodbye clothesthat "will fit one day"or "don't fit quiteright but I paid toomuch for them."Walk your homewith a trash bag.Be ruthless.Papers. Receipts.Empty bottles. Go.Clean out yourdesk/ cupboard/drawer. Ditchclutter. Keeponly essentials.Rest. Schedule30 minutesalone thisweek. Takecare of yourself.Organize thenotes app on yourphone. Add listsfor reading,groceries, to-do,etc.Make a list ofall yourcommitments.Which ones canyou say "notnow" to?Declutter yourcomputer. Deleteunused files andorganize importantones. Empty thetrash. Refresh yourdesktop wallpaper.Put your numberon the Do Not Calllist. Visitdonotcall.gov orcall1.888.382.1222Make a list often go-tomeals. Tape itto your fridgefor simple mealplanning.Clean out yourmedicine cabinet.Trash anythingexpired & restockessentials.Grab a box fromyour storage (closet,basement, attic) andclear it out. Haven'tused it in a year?Say goodbye.Pack your lunch thenight before. Maybeeven prep for a fewdays. (Cold brew orovernight oats canalso jump start theday.)Say no more tojunk drawers.Clean yours out.Get rid of non-essentials and re-home the rest.Put gas in yourcar. Whileyou're there,clean out yourcar. Throwtrash away.Create a weeklyprep-list with tasksthat make you feelprepared for theweek ahead.Identify "pain points"in your day. Alleviatethese. (kids gettingshoes on --> puttingbasket for shoesnear front door)Walk throughthe house witha box fordonations. Canbe repeatedmonthly.Organize your inbox.Search the word"unsubscribe" andremove yourselffrom non-essentiallists.Clean out yourfridge. Checkexpiration datesand throwthings away.Take inventory ofthe mail coming toyour mailbox. Visitdirectmail.com toremove yourname from lists.Use the Remindersapp on your phone toset off alerts forroutines or habitsyou're trying to create.(ie. take vitamins, gofor a walk)Utilize the folders onOutlook to quicklyaccess emails on amoments notice. Createcategory folders fordepartments/ workteams/ etc.Simplify yourphone. Delete oldcontacts andunused apps.Refresh your lockscreen.Consider readingas a brain break.Make a list of 10books you'd like toread this year.Ruthlessly clean outyour closet.Goodbye clothesthat "will fit one day"or "don't fit quiteright but I paid toomuch for them."Walk your homewith a trash bag.Be ruthless.Papers. Receipts.Empty bottles. Go.Clean out yourdesk/ cupboard/drawer. Ditchclutter. Keeponly essentials.Rest. Schedule30 minutesalone thisweek. Takecare of yourself.Organize thenotes app on yourphone. Add listsfor reading,groceries, to-do,etc.Make a list ofall yourcommitments.Which ones canyou say "notnow" to?Declutter yourcomputer. Deleteunused files andorganize importantones. Empty thetrash. Refresh yourdesktop wallpaper.Put your numberon the Do Not Calllist. Visitdonotcall.gov orcall1.888.382.1222Make a list often go-tomeals. Tape itto your fridgefor simple mealplanning.Clean out yourmedicine cabinet.Trash anythingexpired & restockessentials.Grab a box fromyour storage (closet,basement, attic) andclear it out. Haven'tused it in a year?Say goodbye.Pack your lunch thenight before. Maybeeven prep for a fewdays. (Cold brew orovernight oats canalso jump start theday.)Say no more tojunk drawers.Clean yours out.Get rid of non-essentials and re-home the rest.

Simpli-"FLY" into the New Year - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Put gas in your car. While you're there, clean out your car. Throw trash away.
  2. Create a weekly prep-list with tasks that make you feel prepared for the week ahead.
  3. Identify "pain points" in your day. Alleviate these. (kids getting shoes on --> putting basket for shoes near front door)
  4. Walk through the house with a box for donations. Can be repeated monthly.
  5. Organize your inbox. Search the word "unsubscribe" and remove yourself from non-essential lists.
  6. Clean out your fridge. Check expiration dates and throw things away.
  7. Take inventory of the mail coming to your mailbox. Visit directmail.com to remove your name from lists.
  8. Use the Reminders app on your phone to set off alerts for routines or habits you're trying to create. (ie. take vitamins, go for a walk)
  9. Utilize the folders on Outlook to quickly access emails on a moments notice. Create category folders for departments/ work teams/ etc.
  10. Simplify your phone. Delete old contacts and unused apps. Refresh your lock screen.
  11. Consider reading as a brain break. Make a list of 10 books you'd like to read this year.
  12. Ruthlessly clean out your closet. Goodbye clothes that "will fit one day" or "don't fit quite right but I paid too much for them."
  13. Walk your home with a trash bag. Be ruthless. Papers. Receipts. Empty bottles. Go.
  14. Clean out your desk/ cupboard/ drawer. Ditch clutter. Keep only essentials.
  15. Rest. Schedule 30 minutes alone this week. Take care of yourself.
  16. Organize the notes app on your phone. Add lists for reading, groceries, to-do, etc.
  17. Make a list of all your commitments. Which ones can you say "not now" to?
  18. Declutter your computer. Delete unused files and organize important ones. Empty the trash. Refresh your desktop wallpaper.
  19. Put your number on the Do Not Call list. Visit donotcall.gov or call 1.888.382.1222
  20. Make a list of ten go-to meals. Tape it to your fridge for simple meal planning.
  21. Clean out your medicine cabinet. Trash anything expired & restock essentials.
  22. Grab a box from your storage (closet, basement, attic) and clear it out. Haven't used it in a year? Say goodbye.
  23. Pack your lunch the night before. Maybe even prep for a few days. (Cold brew or overnight oats can also jump start the day.)
  24. Say no more to junk drawers. Clean yours out. Get rid of non-essentials and re-home the rest.