loves to cook has been on a cruise is left handed has pioneer ancestors can sew has never lived in Utah prefers fruity treats over chocolate is the baby in their family has been in a choir has taken dance lessons has brown eyes would rather read than shop favorite color is yellow has brown eyes has no daughters is a stay- at-home Mom serves in Primary does not like chocolate likes to garden likes to play board games has a Fall birthday (Sept or Oct) has read all of the Harry Potter books has been to Hawaii isn't afraid of snakes loves to cook has been on a cruise is left handed has pioneer ancestors can sew has never lived in Utah prefers fruity treats over chocolate is the baby in their family has been in a choir has taken dance lessons has brown eyes would rather read than shop favorite color is yellow has brown eyes has no daughters is a stay- at-home Mom serves in Primary does not like chocolate likes to garden likes to play board games has a Fall birthday (Sept or Oct) has read all of the Harry Potter books has been to Hawaii isn't afraid of snakes
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
loves to cook
has been on a cruise
is left handed
has pioneer ancestors
can sew
has never lived in Utah
prefers fruity treats over chocolate
is the baby in their family
has been in a choir
has taken dance lessons
has brown eyes
would rather read than shop
favorite color is yellow
has brown eyes
has no daughters
is a stay-at-home Mom
serves in Primary
does not like chocolate
likes to garden
likes to play board games
has a Fall birthday (Sept or Oct)
has read all of the Harry Potter books
has been to Hawaii
isn't afraid of snakes