After theCrusades,Europeaninterest in tradewith easternAsia declinedColumbus'sestimate of thedistance betweenCanary Islandsand Japan wasamazinglyaccurateEuropeanexplorers duringthe 16th centurybrought expansionof the world'seconomyPortugal wasallowed to claimBrazil becauseof the Treaty ofTordesillasFrom 1520-1550,the Spanishcarved out a NewWorld empire thatlasted 100 yearsThere has been agreat confusionconcerning detailsof voyages madeby Vespucci to theNew WorldDuring theexplorations, Leifand his men neverstayed in 1 locationlong enough to putup housing or huntfoodNative Americanswere alreadyimmune to mostdiseases broughtover by EuropeanexplorersMost people living inEurope in the 15thcentury knew theworld had 7continents andbelieved oceantravel was safeThe Spanishnoblemen who ledthe wave ofconquest inAmerica wereknown asconquistadorsNo documentsexist fromColumbus'svoyages ofdiscoveryA new type of seavessel, thePortuguesecaravel, wasdeveloped atPrince Henry'sschoolThe main thrust ofearly Spanishexploration in theNew World wasNorth AmericaVespuccisupposedly metColumbus andmay have helpedthat explorerprepare for 1 ofhis expeditionsThe land westof the Line ofDemarcationwas decreed bythe pope tobelong to SpainMost Europeanexplorers in Americaduring the 16th & 17thcenturies tried toincrease the natives'dependence uponEuropean goodsAfter theCrusades,Europeaninterest in tradewith easternAsia declinedColumbus'sestimate of thedistance betweenCanary Islandsand Japan wasamazinglyaccurateEuropeanexplorers duringthe 16th centurybrought expansionof the world'seconomyPortugal wasallowed to claimBrazil becauseof the Treaty ofTordesillasFrom 1520-1550,the Spanishcarved out a NewWorld empire thatlasted 100 yearsThere has been agreat confusionconcerning detailsof voyages madeby Vespucci to theNew WorldDuring theexplorations, Leifand his men neverstayed in 1 locationlong enough to putup housing or huntfoodNative Americanswere alreadyimmune to mostdiseases broughtover by EuropeanexplorersMost people living inEurope in the 15thcentury knew theworld had 7continents andbelieved oceantravel was safeThe Spanishnoblemen who ledthe wave ofconquest inAmerica wereknown asconquistadorsNo documentsexist fromColumbus'svoyages ofdiscoveryA new type of seavessel, thePortuguesecaravel, wasdeveloped atPrince Henry'sschoolThe main thrust ofearly Spanishexploration in theNew World wasNorth AmericaVespuccisupposedly metColumbus andmay have helpedthat explorerprepare for 1 ofhis expeditionsThe land westof the Line ofDemarcationwas decreed bythe pope tobelong to SpainMost Europeanexplorers in Americaduring the 16th & 17thcenturies tried toincrease the natives'dependence uponEuropean goods


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. After the Crusades, European interest in trade with eastern Asia declined
  2. Columbus's estimate of the distance between Canary Islands and Japan was amazingly accurate
  3. European explorers during the 16th century brought expansion of the world's economy
  4. Portugal was allowed to claim Brazil because of the Treaty of Tordesillas
  5. From 1520-1550, the Spanish carved out a New World empire that lasted 100 years
  6. There has been a great confusion concerning details of voyages made by Vespucci to the New World
  7. During the explorations, Leif and his men never stayed in 1 location long enough to put up housing or hunt food
  8. Native Americans were already immune to most diseases brought over by European explorers
  9. Most people living in Europe in the 15th century knew the world had 7 continents and believed ocean travel was safe
  10. The Spanish noblemen who led the wave of conquest in America were known as conquistadors
  11. No documents exist from Columbus's voyages of discovery
  12. A new type of sea vessel, the Portuguese caravel, was developed at Prince Henry's school
  13. The main thrust of early Spanish exploration in the New World was North America
  14. Vespucci supposedly met Columbus and may have helped that explorer prepare for 1 of his expeditions
  15. The land west of the Line of Demarcation was decreed by the pope to belong to Spain
  16. Most European explorers in America during the 16th & 17th centuries tried to increase the natives' dependence upon European goods