Share screen with FR Caller has same name as you (first or last) Caller is from Maryland Caller's name is Brad Online trust/entity log in Make a caller laugh Caller is from TX Reallocation Say "Happy Birthday" to a caller Talk about the weather with a caller Confirm # is on the hour (e.g0100) Roth conversion Defer LE SWP Caller is from Los Angeles Call about Money Market yield Helpline on call Warm Transfer to brokerage Caller is from Montana Escheatment call Caller born in 1975 Update phone number in CIF Caller's name is Frank Caller is born in 1985 Caller born in 1996 Call DST Talk to a caller that is out of the country Caller is DSP Caller makes a joke Talk to a caller in Hawaii Share screen with FR Caller has same name as you (first or last) Caller is from Maryland Caller's name is Brad Online trust/entity log in Make a caller laugh Caller is from TX Reallocation Say "Happy Birthday" to a caller Talk about the weather with a caller Confirm # is on the hour (e.g0100) Roth conversion Defer LE SWP Caller is from Los Angeles Call about Money Market yield Helpline on call Warm Transfer to brokerage Caller is from Montana Escheatment call Caller born in 1975 Update phone number in CIF Caller's name is Frank Caller is born in 1985 Caller born in 1996 Call DST Talk to a caller that is out of the country Caller is DSP Caller makes a joke Talk to a caller in Hawaii
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Share screen with FR
Caller has same name as you (first or last)
Caller is from Maryland
Caller's name is Brad
Online trust/entity log in
Make a caller laugh
Caller is from TX
Say "Happy Birthday" to a caller
Talk about the weather with a caller
Confirm # is on the hour (e.g0100)
Roth conversion
Defer LE SWP
Caller is from Los Angeles
Call about Money Market yield
Helpline on call
Warm Transfer to brokerage
Caller is from Montana
Escheatment call
Caller born in 1975
Update phone number in CIF
Caller's name is Frank
Caller is born in 1985
Caller born in 1996
Call DST
Talk to a caller that is out of the country
Caller is DSP
Caller makes a joke
Talk to a caller in Hawaii