Exchange to or from Small Cap Caller's name is Leonard Calls per hour is over 10 Caller is from Maine Share screen with FR Caller has same name as you (1st or last) Talk to a caller in Hawaii Confirm # is on the hour (EG10030100) Top 5 in Daily Call Report Say "Happy Birthday" to a caller Update address in CIF ACW is less than one minute Reallocation Caller's name is Chris 2nd generation Inherited IRA Purchase into Lg Cap Growth Warm transfer to non-prop Caller is from Florida Caller is from Pittsburg Roth Conversion Caller's name is Barbara Caller born in 1979 Make a caller laugh Talk about the weather with a caller Call about Letter of Intent Money Market Yeild Caller's name is Laura Reset someone in 3270 Fan Plan Operator Set Up Caller is from Milwaukee Redeem from Mid Cap Online trust/entity login Put a NIGO into Goodorder Caller's birth year is same as yours Update phone # in CIF Caller is form Texas Caller's name is Terry Call regarding Rights of Accumulation Caller born in 1980 Escheatment call Talk to a caller out of the country Dog barking in background Set up Sys Exch Paperwork for new 403b Overnight a check Exchange to or from International Allocation Caller makes a joke Caller is born in 1988 Warm transfer to brokerage #1 in Daily call report Caller's name is Heather Defer LE SWP Interested Party Form Caller's name is Tyler Exchange to or from Small Cap Caller's name is Leonard Calls per hour is over 10 Caller is from Maine Share screen with FR Caller has same name as you (1st or last) Talk to a caller in Hawaii Confirm # is on the hour (EG10030100) Top 5 in Daily Call Report Say "Happy Birthday" to a caller Update address in CIF ACW is less than one minute Reallocation Caller's name is Chris 2nd generation Inherited IRA Purchase into Lg Cap Growth Warm transfer to non-prop Caller is from Florida Caller is from Pittsburg Roth Conversion Caller's name is Barbara Caller born in 1979 Make a caller laugh Talk about the weather with a caller Call about Letter of Intent Money Market Yeild Caller's name is Laura Reset someone in 3270 Fan Plan Operator Set Up Caller is from Milwaukee Redeem from Mid Cap Online trust/entity login Put a NIGO into Goodorder Caller's birth year is same as yours Update phone # in CIF Caller is form Texas Caller's name is Terry Call regarding Rights of Accumulation Caller born in 1980 Escheatment call Talk to a caller out of the country Dog barking in background Set up Sys Exch Paperwork for new 403b Overnight a check Exchange to or from International Allocation Caller makes a joke Caller is born in 1988 Warm transfer to brokerage #1 in Daily call report Caller's name is Heather Defer LE SWP Interested Party Form Caller's name is Tyler
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Exchange to or from Small Cap
Caller's name is Leonard
Calls per hour is over 10
Caller is from Maine
Share screen with FR
Caller has same name as you (1st or last)
Talk to a caller in Hawaii
Confirm # is on the hour (EG10030100)
Top 5 in Daily Call Report
Say "Happy Birthday" to a caller
Update address in CIF
ACW is less than one minute
Caller's name is Chris
2nd generation Inherited IRA
Purchase into Lg Cap Growth
Warm transfer to non-prop
Caller is from Florida
Caller is from Pittsburg
Roth Conversion
Caller's name is Barbara
Caller born in 1979
Make a caller laugh
Talk about the weather with a caller
Call about Letter of Intent
Money Market Yeild
Caller's name is Laura
Reset someone in 3270
Fan Plan Operator Set Up
Caller is from Milwaukee
Redeem from Mid Cap
Online trust/entity login
Put a NIGO into Goodorder
Caller's birth year is same as yours
Update phone # in CIF
Caller is form Texas
Caller's name is Terry
Call regarding Rights of Accumulation
Caller born in 1980
Escheatment call
Talk to a caller out of the country
Dog barking in background
Set up Sys Exch
Paperwork for new 403b
Overnight a check
Exchange to or from International Allocation
Caller makes a joke
Caller is born in 1988
Warm transfer to brokerage
#1 in Daily call report
Caller's name is Heather
Defer LE SWP
Interested Party Form
Caller's name is Tyler