An ancientEgyptian writingsystem in whichpictures wereused to representideas and soundsA huge stone slabinscribed withhieroglyphics, Greek,and a later form ofEgyptian that allowedhistorians to understandEgyptian writing.dynastya line of rulers passedfrom father to son papyrusA paper made from areed that grew alongthe Nile.pharaohA triangulararea of landformed fromdeposits at themouth of ariver.(n)the carefuluse ofmanagementor resourcespyramidtheocracya line ofrulerspassed fromfather to sonhieroglyphicsPLAYembalmto treat a deadbody to keep itfrom decaying sarcophaguseconomydynastyPLAYembalmto treat a dead body tokeep it from decaying sarcophagusa stone coffin that holdsa mummydeltagovernment inwhich thepolitical leaderis also thereligious leadercataracta largewaterfallto treat adead body tokeep it fromdecayingA ruler ofancientEgypt.papyrusRosettaStoneA solid shape witha polygon as abase andtriangular facesthat come to apoint (vertex orapex)embalmAn ancientEgyptian writingsystem in whichpictures wereused to representideas and soundsA huge stone slabinscribed withhieroglyphics, Greek,and a later form ofEgyptian that allowedhistorians to understandEgyptian writing.dynastya line of rulers passedfrom father to son papyrusA paper made from areed that grew alongthe Nile.pharaohA triangulararea of landformed fromdeposits at themouth of ariver.(n)the carefuluse ofmanagementor resourcespyramidtheocracya line ofrulerspassed fromfather to sonhieroglyphicsPLAYembalmto treat a deadbody to keep itfrom decaying sarcophaguseconomydynastyPLAYembalmto treat a dead body tokeep it from decaying sarcophagusa stone coffin that holdsa mummydeltagovernment inwhich thepolitical leaderis also thereligious leadercataracta largewaterfallto treat adead body tokeep it fromdecayingA ruler ofancientEgypt.papyrusRosettaStoneA solid shape witha polygon as abase andtriangular facesthat come to apoint (vertex orapex)embalm

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. An ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds
  2. A huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and a later form of Egyptian that allowed historians to understand Egyptian writing.
  3. dynasty a line of rulers passed from father to son papyrus A paper made from a reed that grew along the Nile.
  4. pharaoh
  5. A triangular area of land formed from deposits at the mouth of a river.
  6. (n)the careful use of management or resources
  7. pyramid
  8. theocracy
  9. a line of rulers passed from father to son
  10. hieroglyphics
  11. PLAY embalm to treat a dead body to keep it from decaying sarcophagus
  12. economy
  13. dynasty
  14. PLAY embalm to treat a dead body to keep it from decaying sarcophagus a stone coffin that holds a mummy
  15. delta
  16. government in which the political leader is also the religious leader
  17. cataract
  18. a large waterfall
  19. to treat a dead body to keep it from decaying
  20. A ruler of ancient Egypt.
  21. papyrus
  22. Rosetta Stone
  23. A solid shape with a polygon as a base and triangular faces that come to a point (vertex or apex)
  24. embalm