male headof a familyor tribea bucketattacted to along pole use totransfer riverwater tostorage basinsa writingsystem madeup of acombination ofpictures andsoundsa pyramidshapedstructure witha temple atthe toptotamethebelieve ofone Goda member of anancient peopleliving in what isnow Israel andPalestinegreat stonetomb built foran Egyptianpharaoha reed plantthat grewwild alongthe Nilea line ofrulersfrom onefamilypeople whomove fromplace toplace as agroupthe firstpart of theHebrewBiblea personwho oftenkeepsrecordsextremescarcityof foodanagreementwith Goda placewherepeopleworshipthe departureof the Israeliteout of slaveryin Egypta fan shapedarea of siltnear where ariver flows intothe seaa two-wheeledhorse-drawnvehicle used inancient warfareand racing.agovernmentwhose ruler,a king orqueena messengersent by God toshare God'sword withpeoplea rule thatGod wantedthe Israelitesto followa waterfallor rapidsin a riverthe organizedgrowing offood on aregularschedulemale headof a familyor tribea bucketattacted to along pole use totransfer riverwater tostorage basinsa writingsystem madeup of acombination ofpictures andsoundsa pyramidshapedstructure witha temple atthe toptotamethebelieve ofone Goda member of anancient peopleliving in what isnow Israel andPalestinegreat stonetomb built foran Egyptianpharaoha reed plantthat grewwild alongthe Nilea line ofrulersfrom onefamilypeople whomove fromplace toplace as agroupthe firstpart of theHebrewBiblea personwho oftenkeepsrecordsextremescarcityof foodanagreementwith Goda placewherepeopleworshipthe departureof the Israeliteout of slaveryin Egypta fan shapedarea of siltnear where ariver flows intothe seaa two-wheeledhorse-drawnvehicle used inancient warfareand racing.agovernmentwhose ruler,a king orqueena messengersent by God toshare God'sword withpeoplea rule thatGod wantedthe Israelitesto followa waterfallor rapidsin a riverthe organizedgrowing offood on aregularschedule

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. male head of a family or tribe
  2. a bucket attacted to a long pole use to transfer river water to storage basins
  3. a writing system made up of a combination of pictures and sounds
  4. a pyramid shaped structure with a temple at the top
  5. to tame
  6. the believe of one God
  7. a member of an ancient people living in what is now Israel and Palestine
  8. great stone tomb built for an Egyptian pharaoh
  9. a reed plant that grew wild along the Nile
  10. a line of rulers from one family
  11. people who move from place to place as a group
  12. the first part of the Hebrew Bible
  13. a person who often keeps records
  14. extreme scarcity of food
  15. an agreement with God
  16. a place where people worship
  17. the departure of the Israelite out of slavery in Egypt
  18. a fan shaped area of silt near where a river flows into the sea
  19. a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in ancient warfare and racing.
  20. a government whose ruler, a king or queen
  21. a messenger sent by God to share God's word with people
  22. a rule that God wanted the Israelites to follow
  23. a waterfall or rapids in a river
  24. the organized growing of food on a regular schedule