Graphite isnaturallyfound inmanylocations.Carbon comesfrom the Latinword forcharcoal,carbo.Somesilicates arecarcinogens.Silicon iscommonly usedin machinetools todeoxidize steel.Carbon dioxide,carbon monoxide,and methane aresome carboncompounds thatare well known.Carbon fiber isvery strong andlightweight; usedin tennis rackets,airplanes, androckets.Silicon isinert,primarilyreacting withhalogens.Silicon carbide(SiC) is nearlyas hard as adiamond.All life formson Earth arecarbon-based.The concentrationof carbon dioxidein the atmosphereis currently 390ppm andincreasing.Organicchemistry ismainly devotedto the study ofcarboncompounds.Amorphouscarbon, graphite,and diamonds areall naturallyoccurring forms ofcarbon.Silicon isproduced todayby heatingcarbon andsand to hightemperatures.Carbon isnaturally found inthe stars(including the sun)from debris ofprevioussupernovas.Sodium silicateis used in theproduction ofSoaps and apreservative ineggs.Industrialdiamonds areused forcutting rocksand drilling.Carbon'smelting pointsand boilingpoints arevery high.Silicon wasdiscovered in1824 by aSwedishchemist.Carbon formsstronglybonded chainssealed off byhydrogen.Silicon(surprisingly!!!)makessilicones.Siliconhas 3stableisotopes.There arenearly 10million knowncarboncompounds.Silicon is the2nd mostabundantelement in theEarth's crust.Diamonds canbe destroyed byheating andthey convertinto carbondioxide.Exposure tosiliceousdust cancausesilicosis.Graphite isnaturallyfound inmanylocations.Carbon comesfrom the Latinword forcharcoal,carbo.Somesilicates arecarcinogens.Silicon iscommonly usedin machinetools todeoxidize steel.Carbon dioxide,carbon monoxide,and methane aresome carboncompounds thatare well known.Carbon fiber isvery strong andlightweight; usedin tennis rackets,airplanes, androckets.Silicon isinert,primarilyreacting withhalogens.Silicon carbide(SiC) is nearlyas hard as adiamond.All life formson Earth arecarbon-based.The concentrationof carbon dioxidein the atmosphereis currently 390ppm andincreasing.Organicchemistry ismainly devotedto the study ofcarboncompounds.Amorphouscarbon, graphite,and diamonds areall naturallyoccurring forms ofcarbon.Silicon isproduced todayby heatingcarbon andsand to hightemperatures.Carbon isnaturally found inthe stars(including the sun)from debris ofprevioussupernovas.Sodium silicateis used in theproduction ofSoaps and apreservative ineggs.Industrialdiamonds areused forcutting rocksand drilling.Carbon'smelting pointsand boilingpoints arevery high.Silicon wasdiscovered in1824 by aSwedishchemist.Carbon formsstronglybonded chainssealed off byhydrogen.Silicon(surprisingly!!!)makessilicones.Siliconhas 3stableisotopes.There arenearly 10million knowncarboncompounds.Silicon is the2nd mostabundantelement in theEarth's crust.Diamonds canbe destroyed byheating andthey convertinto carbondioxide.Exposure tosiliceousdust cancausesilicosis.

Carbon and Silicon Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Graphite is naturally found in many locations.
  2. Carbon comes from the Latin word for charcoal, carbo.
  3. Some silicates are carcinogens.
  4. Silicon is commonly used in machine tools to deoxidize steel.
  5. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane are some carbon compounds that are well known.
  6. Carbon fiber is very strong and lightweight; used in tennis rackets, airplanes, and rockets.
  7. Silicon is inert, primarily reacting with halogens.
  8. Silicon carbide (SiC) is nearly as hard as a diamond.
  9. All life forms on Earth are carbon-based.
  10. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is currently 390 ppm and increasing.
  11. Organic chemistry is mainly devoted to the study of carbon compounds.
  12. Amorphous carbon, graphite, and diamonds are all naturally occurring forms of carbon.
  13. Silicon is produced today by heating carbon and sand to high temperatures.
  14. Carbon is naturally found in the stars (including the sun) from debris of previous supernovas.
  15. Sodium silicate is used in the production of Soaps and a preservative in eggs.
  16. Industrial diamonds are used for cutting rocks and drilling.
  17. Carbon's melting points and boiling points are very high.
  18. Silicon was discovered in 1824 by a Swedish chemist.
  19. Carbon forms strongly bonded chains sealed off by hydrogen.
  20. Silicon (surprisingly!!!) makes silicones.
  21. Silicon has 3 stable isotopes.
  22. There are nearly 10 million known carbon compounds.
  23. Silicon is the 2nd most abundant element in the Earth's crust.
  24. Diamonds can be destroyed by heating and they convert into carbon dioxide.
  25. Exposure to siliceous dust can cause silicosis.