Read up on the 1986Challenger shuttle disaster.Graph or diagram how thematerial of the o-rings involvedbehaves at differenttemperatures. I recommendpart 2 of What Do You CareWhat Other People Think?See me for a PDF of thisbook.“The day densitychanged…” How wouldyour world be different?Include 3 seeminglyunrelated things (a sock,wooden spoon, and bluestring, just for example).(Make a collage by handor with the assistance ofthe computer.)Identify anddescribe 7 or sostates of matter.Which states arerare on Earth?Why? (4 writtenparagraphs)Explain how densityplayed a role intechniques used toclean up the ExxonValdez or NewHorizon oil spill. (4written paragraphs)Demonstrate a simpleexperiment (or 2 ifneeded) that supportsthe Law ofConservation of MassAND the Law ofConservation ofEnergy.Bust a MYTH. Forexample, “Does vinegaror soda polish pennies?”“Does adding soap towater reduce the pain ofa belly flop?”(experimental data—pictures—and aconclusion) Our libraryhas a book for this!Where did matter comefrom? Find a readingselection thataddresses this questionand illustrate it. Includean excerpt from thereading in yourillustration.Asbestos hasparticular properties.How do theseproperties create thepros and cons ofusing asbestos? (4written paragraphs)Create a small poster (nobigger than 11 x 17) thatillustrates and labels thefour general properties ofmatter via 4 futuristicmaterials (such asaerogel). 10 FuturisticMaterials or FuturisticMaterials DisruptingProduct Design.Read up on the 1986Challenger shuttle disaster.Graph or diagram how thematerial of the o-rings involvedbehaves at differenttemperatures. I recommendpart 2 of What Do You CareWhat Other People Think?See me for a PDF of thisbook.“The day densitychanged…” How wouldyour world be different?Include 3 seeminglyunrelated things (a sock,wooden spoon, and bluestring, just for example).(Make a collage by handor with the assistance ofthe computer.)Identify anddescribe 7 or sostates of matter.Which states arerare on Earth?Why? (4 writtenparagraphs)Explain how densityplayed a role intechniques used toclean up the ExxonValdez or NewHorizon oil spill. (4written paragraphs)Demonstrate a simpleexperiment (or 2 ifneeded) that supportsthe Law ofConservation of MassAND the Law ofConservation ofEnergy.Bust a MYTH. Forexample, “Does vinegaror soda polish pennies?”“Does adding soap towater reduce the pain ofa belly flop?”(experimental data—pictures—and aconclusion) Our libraryhas a book for this!Where did matter comefrom? Find a readingselection thataddresses this questionand illustrate it. Includean excerpt from thereading in yourillustration.Asbestos hasparticular properties.How do theseproperties create thepros and cons ofusing asbestos? (4written paragraphs)Create a small poster (nobigger than 11 x 17) thatillustrates and labels thefour general properties ofmatter via 4 futuristicmaterials (such asaerogel). 10 FuturisticMaterials or FuturisticMaterials DisruptingProduct Design.

- Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read up on the 1986 Challenger shuttle disaster. Graph or diagram how the material of the o-rings involved behaves at different temperatures. I recommend part 2 of What Do You Care What Other People Think? See me for a PDF of this book.
  2. “The day density changed…” How would your world be different? Include 3 seemingly unrelated things (a sock, wooden spoon, and blue string, just for example). (Make a collage by hand or with the assistance of the computer.)
  3. Identify and describe 7 or so states of matter. Which states are rare on Earth? Why? (4 written paragraphs)
  4. Explain how density played a role in techniques used to clean up the Exxon Valdez or New Horizon oil spill. (4 written paragraphs)
  5. Demonstrate a simple experiment (or 2 if needed) that supports the Law of Conservation of Mass AND the Law of Conservation of Energy.
  6. Bust a MYTH. For example, “Does vinegar or soda polish pennies?” “Does adding soap to water reduce the pain of a belly flop?” (experimental data— pictures—and a conclusion) Our library has a book for this!
  7. Where did matter come from? Find a reading selection that addresses this question and illustrate it. Include an excerpt from the reading in your illustration.
  8. Asbestos has particular properties. How do these properties create the pros and cons of using asbestos? (4 written paragraphs)
  9. Create a small poster (no bigger than 11 x 17) that illustrates and labels the four general properties of matter via 4 futuristic materials (such as aerogel). 10 Futuristic Materials or Futuristic Materials Disrupting Product Design.